blob: dcaf86c74c497c39a847b71d1ea39fe036030f49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.mojo.bindings;
import org.chromium.mojo.bindings.Struct.DataHeader;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Header information for a message.
public class MessageHeader {
private static final int SIMPLE_MESSAGE_SIZE = 16;
private static final int SIMPLE_MESSAGE_NUM_FIELDS = 2;
private static final DataHeader SIMPLE_MESSAGE_STRUCT_INFO =
private static final int MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_SIZE = 24;
private static final int MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_NUM_FIELDS = 3;
private static final DataHeader MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_STRUCT_INFO =
private static final int TYPE_OFFSET = 8;
private static final int FLAGS_OFFSET = 12;
private static final int REQUEST_ID_OFFSET = 16;
* Flag for a header of a simple message.
public static final int NO_FLAG = 0;
* Flag for a header of a message that expected a response.
public static final int MESSAGE_EXPECTS_RESPONSE_FLAG = 1 << 0;
* Flag for a header of a message that is a response.
public static final int MESSAGE_IS_RESPONSE_FLAG = 1 << 1;
private final DataHeader mDataHeader;
private final int mType;
private final int mFlags;
private long mRequestId;
* Constructor for the header of a message which does not have a response.
public MessageHeader(int type) {
mType = type;
mFlags = 0;
mRequestId = 0;
* Constructor for the header of a message which have a response or being itself a response.
public MessageHeader(int type, int flags, long requestId) {
assert mustHaveRequestId(flags);
mType = type;
mFlags = flags;
mRequestId = requestId;
* Constructor, parsing the header from a message. Should only be used by {@link Message}
* itself.
MessageHeader(Message message) {
Decoder decoder = new Decoder(message);
mDataHeader = decoder.readDataHeader();
mType = decoder.readInt(TYPE_OFFSET);
mFlags = decoder.readInt(FLAGS_OFFSET);
if (mustHaveRequestId(mFlags)) {
if (mDataHeader.size < MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_SIZE) {
throw new DeserializationException("Incorrect message size, expecting at least "
+ " for a message with a request identifier, but got: " + mDataHeader.size);
mRequestId = decoder.readLong(REQUEST_ID_OFFSET);
} else {
mRequestId = 0;
* Returns the size in bytes of the serialization of the header.
public int getSize() {
return mDataHeader.size;
* Returns the type of the message.
public int getType() {
return mType;
* Returns the flags associated to the message.
public int getFlags() {
return mFlags;
* Returns if the message has the given flag.
public boolean hasFlag(int flag) {
return (mFlags & flag) == flag;
* Returns if the message has a request id.
public boolean hasRequestId() {
return mustHaveRequestId(mFlags);
* Return the request id for the message. Must only be called if the message has a request id.
public long getRequestId() {
assert hasRequestId();
return mRequestId;
* Encode the header.
public void encode(Encoder encoder) {
encoder.encode(getType(), TYPE_OFFSET);
encoder.encode(getFlags(), FLAGS_OFFSET);
if (hasRequestId()) {
encoder.encode(getRequestId(), REQUEST_ID_OFFSET);
* Returns true if the header has the expected flags. Only considers flags this class knows
* about in order to allow this class to work with future version of the header format.
public boolean validateHeader(int expectedFlags) {
return knownFlags == expectedFlags;
* Returns true if the header has the expected type and flags. Only consider flags this class
* knows about in order to allow this class to work with future version of the header format.
public boolean validateHeader(int expectedType, int expectedFlags) {
return getType() == expectedType && validateHeader(expectedFlags);
* @see Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((mDataHeader == null) ? 0 : mDataHeader.hashCode());
result = prime * result + mFlags;
result = prime * result + (int) (mRequestId ^ (mRequestId >>> 32));
result = prime * result + mType;
return result;
* @see Object#equals(Object)
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object == this)
return true;
if (object == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != object.getClass())
return false;
MessageHeader other = (MessageHeader) object;
return (BindingsHelper.equals(mDataHeader, other.mDataHeader)
&& mFlags == other.mFlags
&& mRequestId == other.mRequestId
&& mType == other.mType);
* Set the request id on the message contained in the given buffer.
void setRequestId(ByteBuffer buffer, long requestId) {
assert mustHaveRequestId(buffer.getInt(FLAGS_OFFSET));
buffer.putLong(REQUEST_ID_OFFSET, requestId);
mRequestId = requestId;
* Returns whether a message with the given flags must have a request Id.
private static boolean mustHaveRequestId(int flags) {
* Validate that the given {@link DataHeader} can be the data header of a message header.
private static void validateDataHeader(DataHeader dataHeader) {
if (dataHeader.numFields < SIMPLE_MESSAGE_NUM_FIELDS) {
throw new DeserializationException(
"Incorrect number of fields, expecting at least " + SIMPLE_MESSAGE_NUM_FIELDS
+ ", but got: " + dataHeader.numFields);
if (dataHeader.size < SIMPLE_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
throw new DeserializationException(
"Incorrect message size, expecting at least " + SIMPLE_MESSAGE_SIZE
+ ", but got: " + dataHeader.size);
if (dataHeader.numFields == SIMPLE_MESSAGE_NUM_FIELDS
&& dataHeader.size != SIMPLE_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
throw new DeserializationException(
"Incorrect message size for a message with " + SIMPLE_MESSAGE_NUM_FIELDS
+ " fields, expecting " + SIMPLE_MESSAGE_SIZE + ", but got: "
+ dataHeader.size);
if (dataHeader.numFields == MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_NUM_FIELDS
&& dataHeader.size != MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_SIZE) {
throw new DeserializationException(
"Incorrect message size for a message with "
+ MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_NUM_FIELDS + " fields, expecting "
+ MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_SIZE + ", but got: " + dataHeader.size);