blob: 15ee2431ea23261deed269b691901019f2068855 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implementation of AudioInputStream for Mac OS X using the special AUHAL
// input Audio Unit present in OS 10.4 and later.
// The AUHAL input Audio Unit is for low-latency audio I/O.
// Overview of operation:
// - An object of AUAudioInputStream is created by the AudioManager
// factory: audio_man->MakeAudioInputStream().
// - Next some thread will call Open(), at that point the underlying
// AUHAL output Audio Unit is created and configured.
// - Then some thread will call Start(sink).
// Then the Audio Unit is started which creates its own thread which
// periodically will provide the sink with more data as buffers are being
// produced/recorded.
// - At some point some thread will call Stop(), which we handle by directly
// stopping the AUHAL output Audio Unit.
// - The same thread that called stop will call Close() where we cleanup
// and notify the audio manager, which likely will destroy this object.
// Implementation notes:
// - It is recommended to first acquire the native sample rate of the default
// input device and then use the same rate when creating this object.
// Use AUAudioInputStream::HardwareSampleRate() to retrieve the sample rate.
// - Calling Close() also leads to self destruction.
// - The latency consists of two parts:
// 1) Hardware latency, which includes Audio Unit latency, audio device
// latency;
// 2) The delay between the actual recording instant and the time when the
// data packet is provided as a callback.
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "media/audio/agc_audio_stream.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/audio_block_fifo.h"
namespace media {
class AudioBus;
class AudioManagerMac;
class DataBuffer;
class AUAudioInputStream : public AgcAudioStream<AudioInputStream> {
// The ctor takes all the usual parameters, plus |manager| which is the
// the audio manager who is creating this object.
AUAudioInputStream(AudioManagerMac* manager,
const AudioParameters& input_params,
AudioDeviceID audio_device_id);
// The dtor is typically called by the AudioManager only and it is usually
// triggered by calling AudioInputStream::Close().
~AUAudioInputStream() override;
// Implementation of AudioInputStream.
bool Open() override;
void Start(AudioInputCallback* callback) override;
void Stop() override;
void Close() override;
double GetMaxVolume() override;
void SetVolume(double volume) override;
double GetVolume() override;
bool IsMuted() override;
// Returns the current hardware sample rate for the default input device.
MEDIA_EXPORT static int HardwareSampleRate();
bool started() const { return started_; }
AudioUnit audio_unit() const { return audio_unit_; }
AudioBufferList* audio_buffer_list() { return &audio_buffer_list_; }
AudioDeviceID device_id() const { return input_device_id_; }
size_t requested_buffer_size() const { return number_of_frames_; }
// AudioOutputUnit callback.
static OSStatus InputProc(void* user_data,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags* flags,
const AudioTimeStamp* time_stamp,
UInt32 bus_number,
UInt32 number_of_frames,
AudioBufferList* io_data);
// Pushes recorded data to consumer of the input audio stream.
OSStatus Provide(UInt32 number_of_frames, AudioBufferList* io_data,
const AudioTimeStamp* time_stamp);
// Gets the fixed capture hardware latency and store it during initialization.
// Returns 0 if not available.
double GetHardwareLatency();
// Gets the current capture delay value.
double GetCaptureLatency(const AudioTimeStamp* input_time_stamp);
// Gets the number of channels for a stream of audio data.
int GetNumberOfChannelsFromStream();
// Issues the OnError() callback to the |sink_|.
void HandleError(OSStatus err);
// Helper function to check if the volume control is avialable on specific
// channel.
bool IsVolumeSettableOnChannel(int channel);
// Our creator, the audio manager needs to be notified when we close.
AudioManagerMac* manager_;
// Contains the desired number of audio frames in each callback.
const size_t number_of_frames_;
// Pointer to the object that will receive the recorded audio samples.
AudioInputCallback* sink_;
// Structure that holds the desired output format of the stream.
// Note that, this format can differ from the device(=input) format.
AudioStreamBasicDescription format_;
// The special Audio Unit called AUHAL, which allows us to pass audio data
// directly from a microphone, through the HAL, and to our application.
// The AUHAL also enables selection of non default devices.
AudioUnit audio_unit_;
// The UID refers to the current input audio device.
AudioDeviceID input_device_id_;
// Provides a mechanism for encapsulating one or more buffers of audio data.
AudioBufferList audio_buffer_list_;
// Temporary storage for recorded data. The InputProc() renders into this
// array as soon as a frame of the desired buffer size has been recorded.
scoped_ptr<uint8[]> audio_data_buffer_;
// True after successfull Start(), false after successful Stop().
bool started_;
// Fixed capture hardware latency in frames.
double hardware_latency_frames_;
// The number of channels in each frame of audio data, which is used
// when querying the volume of each channel.
int number_of_channels_in_frame_;
// FIFO used to accumulates recorded data.
media::AudioBlockFifo fifo_;
// Used to defer Start() to workaround
base::CancelableClosure deferred_start_cb_;
} // namespace media