blob: 66476597d7f768735b58d3d8959ea9ee79207149 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebMediaConstraints.h"
#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/app/webrtc/mediastreaminterface.h"
namespace webrtc {
class AudioFrame;
class AudioProcessing;
class MediaConstraintsInterface;
class TypingDetection;
namespace content {
class RTCMediaConstraints;
using webrtc::AudioProcessing;
using webrtc::MediaConstraintsInterface;
// A helper class to parse audio constraints from a blink::WebMediaConstraints
// object.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaAudioConstraints {
// Constraint keys used by audio processing.
static const char kEchoCancellation[];
static const char kGoogEchoCancellation[];
static const char kGoogExperimentalEchoCancellation[];
static const char kGoogAutoGainControl[];
static const char kGoogExperimentalAutoGainControl[];
static const char kGoogNoiseSuppression[];
static const char kGoogExperimentalNoiseSuppression[];
static const char kGoogHighpassFilter[];
static const char kGoogTypingNoiseDetection[];
static const char kGoogAudioMirroring[];
// Merge |constraints| with |kDefaultAudioConstraints|. For any key which
// exists in both, the value from |constraints| is maintained, including its
// mandatory/optional status. New values from |kDefaultAudioConstraints| will
// be added with optional status.
static void ApplyFixedAudioConstraints(RTCMediaConstraints* constraints);
// |effects| is the bitmasks telling whether certain platform
// hardware audio effects are enabled, like hardware echo cancellation. If
// some hardware effect is enabled, the corresponding software audio
// processing will be disabled.
MediaAudioConstraints(const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints,
int effects);
virtual ~MediaAudioConstraints();
// Checks if any audio constraints are set that requires audio processing to
// be applied.
bool NeedsAudioProcessing();
// Gets the property of the constraint named by |key| in |constraints_|.
// Returns the constraint's value if the key is found; Otherwise returns the
// default value of the constraint.
// Note, for constraint of |kEchoCancellation| or |kGoogEchoCancellation|,
// clients should use GetEchoCancellationProperty().
bool GetProperty(const std::string& key);
// Gets the property of echo cancellation defined in |constraints_|. The
// returned value depends on a combination of |effects_|, |kEchoCancellation|
// and |kGoogEchoCancellation| in |constraints_|.
bool GetEchoCancellationProperty();
// Returns true if all the mandatory constraints in |constraints_| are valid;
// Otherwise return false.
bool IsValid();
// Gets the default value of constraint named by |key| in |constraints|.
bool GetDefaultValueForConstraint(
const blink::WebMediaConstraints& constraints, const std::string& key);
const blink::WebMediaConstraints constraints_;
const int effects_;
bool default_audio_processing_constraint_value_;
// A helper class to log echo information in general and Echo Cancellation
// quality in particular.
class CONTENT_EXPORT EchoInformation {
virtual ~EchoInformation();
// Updates delay statistics with a new |delay|.
void UpdateAecDelayStats(int delay);
// Updates UMA histograms with an interval of |kTimeBetweenLogsInSeconds|.
void LogAecDelayStats();
// Counters for determining how often the estimated delay in the AEC is out of
// bounds.
int echo_poor_delay_counts_;
int echo_total_delay_counts_;
base::TimeTicks last_log_time_;
// Enables the echo cancellation in |audio_processing|.
void EnableEchoCancellation(AudioProcessing* audio_processing);
// Enables the noise suppression in |audio_processing|.
void EnableNoiseSuppression(AudioProcessing* audio_processing);
// Enables the high pass filter in |audio_processing|.
void EnableHighPassFilter(AudioProcessing* audio_processing);
// Enables the typing detection in |audio_processing|.
void EnableTypingDetection(AudioProcessing* audio_processing,
webrtc::TypingDetection* typing_detector);
// Starts the echo cancellation dump in |audio_processing|.
void StartEchoCancellationDump(AudioProcessing* audio_processing,
base::File aec_dump_file);
// Stops the echo cancellation dump in |audio_processing|.
// This method has no impact if echo cancellation dump has not been started on
// |audio_processing|.
void StopEchoCancellationDump(AudioProcessing* audio_processing);
void EnableAutomaticGainControl(AudioProcessing* audio_processing);
void GetAecStats(AudioProcessing* audio_processing,
webrtc::AudioProcessorInterface::AudioProcessorStats* stats);
} // namespace content