blob: 5e40cbdc56851c568c78051c774834668dcf850d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
#include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread_bundle.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#if defined(USE_AURA)
#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_helper.h"
namespace aura {
namespace test {
class AuraTestHelper;
namespace ui {
class ScopedOleInitializer;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class MockRenderProcessHost;
class MockRenderProcessHostFactory;
class NavigationController;
class RenderProcessHostFactory;
class RenderViewHostDelegate;
class TestRenderFrameHostFactory;
class TestRenderViewHostFactory;
class WebContents;
// An interface and utility for driving tests of RenderFrameHost.
class RenderFrameHostTester {
// Retrieves the RenderFrameHostTester that drives the specified
// RenderFrameHost. The RenderFrameHost must have been created while
// RenderFrameHost testing was enabled; use a
// RenderViewHostTestEnabler instance (see below) to do this.
static RenderFrameHostTester* For(RenderFrameHost* host);
// If the given NavigationController has a pending main frame, returns it,
// otherwise NULL. This is an alternative to
// WebContentsTester::GetPendingMainFrame() when your WebContents was not
// created via a TestWebContents.
static RenderFrameHost* GetPendingForController(
NavigationController* controller);
// This removes the need to expose
// RenderFrameHostImpl::is_swapped_out() outside of content.
// This is safe to call on any RenderFrameHost, not just ones
// constructed while a RenderViewHostTestEnabler is in play.
static bool IsRenderFrameHostSwappedOut(RenderFrameHost* rfh);
virtual ~RenderFrameHostTester() {}
// Gives tests access to RenderFrameHostImpl::OnCreateChild. The returned
// RenderFrameHost is owned by the parent RenderFrameHost.
virtual RenderFrameHost* AppendChild(const std::string& frame_name) = 0;
// Calls OnDidCommitProvisionalLoad on the RenderFrameHost with the given
// information. Sets the rest of the parameters in the message to the
// "typical" values. This is a helper function for simulating the most common
// types of loads.
virtual void SendNavigate(int page_id, const GURL& url) = 0;
virtual void SendFailedNavigate(int page_id, const GURL& url) = 0;
// Calls OnDidCommitProvisionalLoad on the RenderFrameHost with the given
// information, including a custom PageTransition. Sets the rest of the
// parameters in the message to the "typical" values. This is a helper
// function for simulating the most common types of loads.
virtual void SendNavigateWithTransition(int page_id,
const GURL& url,
ui::PageTransition transition) = 0;
// If set, future loads will have |mime_type| set as the mime type.
// If not set, the mime type will default to "text/html".
virtual void SetContentsMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) = 0;
// Calls OnBeforeUnloadACK on this RenderFrameHost with the given parameter.
virtual void SendBeforeUnloadACK(bool proceed) = 0;
// Simulates the SwapOut_ACK that fires if you commit a cross-site
// navigation without making any network requests.
virtual void SimulateSwapOutACK() = 0;
// An interface and utility for driving tests of RenderViewHost.
class RenderViewHostTester {
// Retrieves the RenderViewHostTester that drives the specified
// RenderViewHost. The RenderViewHost must have been created while
// RenderViewHost testing was enabled; use a
// RenderViewHostTestEnabler instance (see below) to do this.
static RenderViewHostTester* For(RenderViewHost* host);
// Calls the RenderViewHosts' private OnMessageReceived function with the
// given message.
static bool TestOnMessageReceived(RenderViewHost* rvh,
const IPC::Message& msg);
// Returns whether the underlying web-page has any touch-event handlers.
static bool HasTouchEventHandler(RenderViewHost* rvh);
virtual ~RenderViewHostTester() {}
// Gives tests access to RenderViewHostImpl::CreateRenderView.
virtual bool CreateRenderView(const base::string16& frame_name,
int opener_route_id,
int proxy_routing_id,
int32 max_page_id,
bool created_with_opener) = 0;
// Makes the WasHidden/WasShown calls to the RenderWidget that
// tell it it has been hidden or restored from having been hidden.
virtual void SimulateWasHidden() = 0;
virtual void SimulateWasShown() = 0;
// You can instantiate only one class like this at a time. During its
// lifetime, RenderViewHost and RenderFrameHost objects created may be used via
// RenderViewHostTester and RenderFrameHostTester respectively.
class RenderViewHostTestEnabler {
friend class RenderViewHostTestHarness;
scoped_ptr<MockRenderProcessHostFactory> rph_factory_;
scoped_ptr<TestRenderViewHostFactory> rvh_factory_;
scoped_ptr<TestRenderFrameHostFactory> rfh_factory_;
// RenderViewHostTestHarness ---------------------------------------------------
class RenderViewHostTestHarness : public testing::Test {
~RenderViewHostTestHarness() override;
NavigationController& controller();
// The contents under test.
WebContents* web_contents();
// RVH/RFH getters are shorthand for oft-used bits of web_contents().
// rvh() is equivalent to either of:
// web_contents()->GetMainFrame()->GetRenderViewHost()
// web_contents()->GetRenderViewHost()
RenderViewHost* rvh();
// pending_rvh() is equivalent to:
// WebContentsTester::For(web_contents())->GetPendingRenderViewHost()
RenderViewHost* pending_rvh();
// active_rvh() is equivalent to pending_rvh() ? pending_rvh() : rvh()
RenderViewHost* active_rvh();
// main_rfh() is equivalent to web_contents()->GetMainFrame()
RenderFrameHost* main_rfh();
// pending_main_rfh() is equivalent to:
// WebContentsTester::For(web_contents())->GetPendingMainFrame()
RenderFrameHost* pending_main_rfh();
BrowserContext* browser_context();
MockRenderProcessHost* process();
// Frees the current WebContents for tests that want to test destruction.
void DeleteContents();
// Sets the current WebContents for tests that want to alter it. Takes
// ownership of the WebContents passed.
void SetContents(WebContents* contents);
// Creates a new test-enabled WebContents. Ownership passes to the
// caller.
WebContents* CreateTestWebContents();
// Cover for |contents()->NavigateAndCommit(url)|. See
// WebContentsTester::NavigateAndCommit for details.
void NavigateAndCommit(const GURL& url);
// Simulates a reload of the current page.
void Reload();
void FailedReload();
// testing::Test
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// Derived classes should override this method to use a custom BrowserContext.
// It is invoked by SetUp after threads were started.
// RenderViewHostTestHarness will take ownership of the returned
// BrowserContext.
virtual BrowserContext* CreateBrowserContext();
// Configures which TestBrowserThreads inside |thread_bundle| are backed by
// real threads. Must be called before SetUp().
void SetThreadBundleOptions(int options) {
DCHECK(thread_bundle_.get() == NULL);
thread_bundle_options_ = options;
TestBrowserThreadBundle* thread_bundle() { return thread_bundle_.get(); }
#if defined(USE_AURA)
aura::Window* root_window() { return aura_test_helper_->root_window(); }
// Replaces the RPH being used.
void SetRenderProcessHostFactory(RenderProcessHostFactory* factory);
scoped_ptr<BrowserContext> browser_context_;
scoped_ptr<WebContents> contents_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
scoped_ptr<ui::ScopedOleInitializer> ole_initializer_;
#if defined(USE_AURA)
scoped_ptr<aura::test::AuraTestHelper> aura_test_helper_;
RenderViewHostTestEnabler rvh_test_enabler_;
int thread_bundle_options_;
scoped_ptr<TestBrowserThreadBundle> thread_bundle_;
} // namespace content