blob: d3850d87489e6cc9de5cf74f301ac873eabe59de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "content/common/gpu/media/vt.h"
#include "media/filters/h264_parser.h"
#include "media/video/video_decode_accelerator.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_context_cgl.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace content {
// VideoToolbox.framework implementation of the VideoDecodeAccelerator
// interface for Mac OS X (currently limited to 10.9+).
class VTVideoDecodeAccelerator
: public media::VideoDecodeAccelerator,
public base::NonThreadSafe {
explicit VTVideoDecodeAccelerator(
CGLContextObj cgl_context,
const base::Callback<bool(void)>& make_context_current);
~VTVideoDecodeAccelerator() override;
// VideoDecodeAccelerator implementation.
bool Initialize(media::VideoCodecProfile profile, Client* client) override;
void Decode(const media::BitstreamBuffer& bitstream) override;
void AssignPictureBuffers(
const std::vector<media::PictureBuffer>& pictures) override;
void ReusePictureBuffer(int32_t picture_id) override;
void Flush() override;
void Reset() override;
void Destroy() override;
bool CanDecodeOnIOThread() override;
// Called by OutputThunk() when VideoToolbox finishes decoding a frame.
void Output(
int32_t bitstream_id,
OSStatus status,
CVImageBufferRef image_buffer);
struct DecodedFrame {
DecodedFrame(int32_t bitstream_id, CVImageBufferRef image_buffer);
int32_t bitstream_id;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CVImageBufferRef> image_buffer;
// Actions are the possible types of pending operations, which are queued
// by Flush(), Reset(), and Destroy().
enum Action {
// PendingActions contain the |bitstream_id| of a frame that, once decoded and
// sent, a particular |action| should be completed at.
struct PendingAction {
PendingAction(Action action, int32_t bitstream_id);
Action action;
int32_t bitstream_id;
// Methods for interacting with VideoToolbox. Run on |decoder_thread_|.
bool ConfigureDecoder(
const std::vector<const uint8_t*>& nalu_data_ptrs,
const std::vector<size_t>& nalu_data_sizes);
void DecodeTask(const media::BitstreamBuffer&);
void FlushTask();
void DropBitstream(int32_t bitstream_id);
// Methods for interacting with |client_|. Run on |gpu_task_runner_|.
void OutputTask(DecodedFrame frame);
void SizeChangedTask(gfx::Size coded_size);
void NotifyError(Error error);
// Send decoded frames up to and including |up_to_bitstream_id|, and return
// the last sent |bitstream_id|.
int32_t SendPictures(int32_t up_to_bitstream_id);
// Since VideoToolbox has no reset feature (only flush), and the VDA API
// allows Decode() and Flush() calls during a reset operation, it's possible
// to have multiple pending actions at once. We handle the fully general case
// of an arbitrary sequence of pending actions (in reality, there should
// probably be at most one reset and one flush at a time).
void QueueAction(Action action);
// Process queued decoded frames, usually by sending them (unless there
// is a pending ACTION_RESET or ACTION_DESTROY, in which case they are
// dropped), completing queued actions along the way.
void ProcessDecodedFrames();
// Complete a particular action, by eg. calling NotifyFlushDone().
// Warning: Deletes |this| if |action| is ACTION_DESTROY.
void CompleteAction(Action action);
// Complete all actions pending for a particular |bitstream_id|.
// Warning: Do not call if there is a pending ACTION_DESTROY.
void CompleteActions(int32_t bitstream_id);
// GPU thread state.
CGLContextObj cgl_context_;
base::Callback<bool(void)> make_context_current_;
media::VideoDecodeAccelerator::Client* client_;
bool has_error_; // client_->NotifyError() called.
gfx::Size texture_size_;
std::queue<PendingAction> pending_actions_;
std::queue<int32_t> pending_bitstream_ids_;
// Texture IDs of pictures.
// TODO(sandersd): A single map of structs holding picture data.
std::map<int32_t, uint32_t> texture_ids_;
// Pictures ready to be rendered to.
std::queue<int32_t> available_picture_ids_;
// Decoded frames ready to render.
std::queue<DecodedFrame> decoded_frames_;
// Image buffers kept alive while they are bound to pictures.
std::map<int32_t, base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CVImageBufferRef>> picture_bindings_;
// Decoder thread state.
VTDecompressionOutputCallbackRecord callback_;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CMFormatDescriptionRef> format_;
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<VTDecompressionSessionRef> session_;
media::H264Parser parser_;
gfx::Size coded_size_;
// Shared state (set up and torn down on GPU thread).
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> gpu_task_runner_;
// This WeakPtrFactory does not need to be last as its pointers are bound to
// the same thread it is destructed on (the GPU thread).
base::WeakPtrFactory<VTVideoDecodeAccelerator> weak_this_factory_;
// Declared last to ensure that all decoder thread tasks complete before any
// state is destructed.
base::Thread decoder_thread_;
} // namespace content