blob: 75813248ff6d417cf729fc07a871764f1fb7d77d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_status_code.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
struct EmbeddedWorkerMsg_StartWorker_Params;
namespace IPC {
class Message;
namespace content {
class EmbeddedWorkerRegistry;
class ServiceWorkerContextCore;
struct ServiceWorkerFetchRequest;
// This gives an interface to control one EmbeddedWorker instance, which
// may be 'in-waiting' or running in one of the child processes added by
// AddProcessReference().
class CONTENT_EXPORT EmbeddedWorkerInstance {
typedef base::Callback<void(ServiceWorkerStatusCode)> StatusCallback;
enum Status {
class Listener {
virtual ~Listener() {}
virtual void OnStarted() {}
virtual void OnStopped() {}
virtual void OnPausedAfterDownload() {}
virtual void OnReportException(const base::string16& error_message,
int line_number,
int column_number,
const GURL& source_url) {}
virtual void OnReportConsoleMessage(int source_identifier,
int message_level,
const base::string16& message,
int line_number,
const GURL& source_url) {}
// These should return false if the message is not handled by this
// listener. (TODO(kinuko): consider using IPC::Listener interface)
// TODO(kinuko): Deprecate OnReplyReceived.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) = 0;
// Starts the worker. It is invalid to call this when the worker is not in
// STOPPED status. |callback| is invoked when the worker's process is created
// if necessary and the IPC to evaluate the worker's script is sent.
// Observer::OnStarted() is run when the worker is actually started.
void Start(int64 service_worker_version_id,
const GURL& scope,
const GURL& script_url,
bool pause_after_download,
const StatusCallback& callback);
// Stops the worker. It is invalid to call this when the worker is
// not in STARTING or RUNNING status.
// This returns false if stopping a worker fails immediately, e.g. when
// IPC couldn't be sent to the worker.
ServiceWorkerStatusCode Stop();
// Sends |message| to the embedded worker running in the child process.
// It is invalid to call this while the worker is not in RUNNING status.
ServiceWorkerStatusCode SendMessage(const IPC::Message& message);
void ResumeAfterDownload();
int embedded_worker_id() const { return embedded_worker_id_; }
Status status() const { return status_; }
int process_id() const { return process_id_; }
int thread_id() const { return thread_id_; }
int worker_devtools_agent_route_id() const {
return worker_devtools_agent_route_id_;
void AddListener(Listener* listener);
void RemoveListener(Listener* listener);
typedef ObserverList<Listener> ListenerList;
friend class EmbeddedWorkerRegistry;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(EmbeddedWorkerInstanceTest, StartAndStop);
// Constructor is called via EmbeddedWorkerRegistry::CreateWorker().
// This instance holds a ref of |registry|.
EmbeddedWorkerInstance(base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
int embedded_worker_id);
// Called back from ServiceWorkerProcessManager after Start() passes control
// to the UI thread to acquire a reference to the process.
static void RunProcessAllocated(
base::WeakPtr<EmbeddedWorkerInstance> instance,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
scoped_ptr<EmbeddedWorkerMsg_StartWorker_Params> params,
const EmbeddedWorkerInstance::StatusCallback& callback,
ServiceWorkerStatusCode status,
int process_id);
void ProcessAllocated(scoped_ptr<EmbeddedWorkerMsg_StartWorker_Params> params,
const StatusCallback& callback,
int process_id,
ServiceWorkerStatusCode status);
// Called back after ProcessAllocated() passes control to the UI thread to
// register to WorkerDevToolsManager.
void SendStartWorker(scoped_ptr<EmbeddedWorkerMsg_StartWorker_Params> params,
const StatusCallback& callback,
int worker_devtools_agent_route_id,
bool wait_for_debugger);
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance has ack'ed that
// it is ready for inspection.
void OnReadyForInspection();
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance has ack'ed that
// it finished loading the script and has started a worker thread.
void OnScriptLoaded(int thread_id);
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance has ack'ed that
// it failed to load the script.
void OnScriptLoadFailed();
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance has ack'ed that
// it finished evaluating the script.
void OnScriptEvaluated(bool success);
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance has ack'ed that
// its WorkerGlobalScope is actually started and parsed.
// This will change the internal status from STARTING to RUNNING.
void OnStarted();
void OnPausedAfterDownload();
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance has ack'ed that
// its WorkerGlobalScope is actually stopped in the child process.
// This will change the internal status from STARTING or RUNNING to
void OnStopped();
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance sends message
// to the browser (i.e. EmbeddedWorker observers).
// Returns false if the message is not handled.
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance reports the exception.
void OnReportException(const base::string16& error_message,
int line_number,
int column_number,
const GURL& source_url);
// Called back from Registry when the worker instance reports to the console.
void OnReportConsoleMessage(int source_identifier,
int message_level,
const base::string16& message,
int line_number,
const GURL& source_url);
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context_;
scoped_refptr<EmbeddedWorkerRegistry> registry_;
const int embedded_worker_id_;
Status status_;
// Current running information. -1 indicates the worker is not running.
int process_id_;
int thread_id_;
int worker_devtools_agent_route_id_;
StatusCallback start_callback_;
ListenerList listener_list_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<EmbeddedWorkerInstance> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content