blob: f31d3ccbdc3f2aa7ce4800da5c4245893f1ef361 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/navigation_url_loader_impl.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
struct RedirectInfo;
namespace content {
class FrameTreeNode;
class NavigationResourceHandler;
class ResourceContext;
class ResourceHandler;
class ResourceRequestBody;
class StreamHandle;
struct ResourceResponse;
// The IO-thread counterpart to the NavigationURLLoaderImpl. It lives on the IO
// thread and is owned by the UI-thread NavigationURLLoaderImpl.
// NavigationURLLoaderImplCore interacts with the ResourceDispatcherHost stack
// and forwards signals back to the loader on the UI thread.
class NavigationURLLoaderImplCore {
// Creates a new NavigationURLLoaderImplCore that forwards signals back to
// |loader| on the UI thread.
explicit NavigationURLLoaderImplCore(
const base::WeakPtr<NavigationURLLoaderImpl>& loader);
// Starts the request.
void Start(ResourceContext* resource_context,
int64 frame_tree_node_id,
const CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
scoped_ptr<NavigationRequestInfo> request_info,
ResourceRequestBody* request_body);
// Follows the current pending redirect.
void FollowRedirect();
void set_resource_handler(NavigationResourceHandler* resource_handler) {
resource_handler_ = resource_handler;
// Notifies |loader_| on the UI thread that the request was redirected.
void NotifyRequestRedirected(const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
ResourceResponse* response);
// Notifies |loader_| on the UI thread that the response started.
void NotifyResponseStarted(ResourceResponse* response,
scoped_ptr<StreamHandle> body);
// Notifies |loader_| on the UI thread that the request failed.
void NotifyRequestFailed(int net_error);
base::WeakPtr<NavigationURLLoaderImpl> loader_;
NavigationResourceHandler* resource_handler_;
} // namespace content