blob: ade942dac9439f2dcf3dcf4b49f63ef3ab1e09e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_config.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_retry_info.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
namespace net {
class ProxyServer;
class URLRequest;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
// Contains information about a given proxy server. |proxy_servers| contains
// the configured data reduction proxy servers. |is_fallback|, |is_alternative|
// and |is_ssl| note whether the given proxy is a fallback, an alternative,
// or a proxy for ssl; these are not mutually exclusive.
struct DataReductionProxyTypeInfo {
std::pair<GURL, GURL> proxy_servers;
bool is_fallback;
bool is_alternative;
bool is_ssl;
// Provides initialization parameters. Proxy origins, and the probe url are
// are taken from flags if available and from preprocessor constants otherwise.
// The DataReductionProxySettings class and others use this class to determine
// the necessary DNS names to configure use of the data reduction proxy.
class DataReductionProxyParams {
// Flags used during construction that specify if the data reduction proxy
// is allowed to be used, if the fallback proxy is allowed to be used, if
// an alternative set of proxies is allowed to be used, if the promotion is
// allowed to be shown, and if this instance is part of a holdback experiment.
static const unsigned int kAllowed = (1 << 0);
static const unsigned int kFallbackAllowed = (1 << 1);
static const unsigned int kAlternativeAllowed = (1 << 2);
static const unsigned int kAlternativeFallbackAllowed = (1 << 3);
static const unsigned int kAllowAllProxyConfigurations = kAllowed |
kFallbackAllowed | kAlternativeAllowed | kAlternativeFallbackAllowed;
static const unsigned int kPromoAllowed = (1 << 4);
static const unsigned int kHoldback = (1 << 5);
typedef std::vector<GURL> DataReductionProxyList;
// Returns true if this client is part of field trial to use an alternative
// configuration for the data reduction proxy.
static bool IsIncludedInAlternativeFieldTrial();
// Returns true if this client is part of the field trial that should display
// a promotion for the data reduction proxy.
static bool IsIncludedInPromoFieldTrial();
// Returns true if this client is part of a field trial that uses preconnect
// hinting.
static bool IsIncludedInPreconnectHintingFieldTrial();
// Returns true if this client is part of a field trial that bypasses the
// proxy if the request resource type is on the critical path (e.g. HTML).
static bool IsIncludedInCriticalPathBypassFieldTrial();
// Returns true if this client is part of a field trial that runs a holdback
// experiment. A holdback experiment is one in which a fraction of browser
// instances will not be configured to use the data reduction proxy even if
// users have enabled it to be used. The UI will not indicate that a holdback
// is in effect.
static bool IsIncludedInHoldbackFieldTrial();
// Returns true if this client is part of a field trial that removes the
// |MISSING_VIA_HEADER_OTHER| proxy bypass case. This experiment changes proxy
// bypass logic to not trigger a proxy bypass when a response with a non-4xx
// response code is expected to have a data reduction proxy via header, but
// the data reduction proxy via header is missing.
static bool IsIncludedInRemoveMissingViaHeaderOtherBypassFieldTrial();
// Constructs configuration parameters. If |kAllowed|, then the standard
// data reduction proxy configuration is allowed to be used. If
// |kfallbackAllowed| a fallback proxy can be used if the primary proxy is
// bypassed or disabled. If |kAlternativeAllowed| then an alternative proxy
// configuration is allowed to be used. This alternative configuration would
// replace the primary and fallback proxy configurations if enabled. Finally
// if |kPromoAllowed|, the client may show a promotion for the data reduction
// proxy.
// A standard configuration has a primary proxy, and a fallback proxy for
// HTTP traffic. The alternative configuration has a different primary and
// fallback proxy for HTTP traffic, and an SSL proxy.
explicit DataReductionProxyParams(int flags);
// Creates a copy of the configuration parameters.
scoped_ptr<DataReductionProxyParams> Clone();
virtual ~DataReductionProxyParams();
// Returns true if a data reduction proxy was used for the given |request|.
// If true, |proxy_info.proxy_servers.first| will contain the name of the
// proxy that was used. |proxy_info.proxy_servers.second| will contain the
// name of the data reduction proxy server that would be used if
// |proxy_info.proxy_server.first| is bypassed, if one exists. In addition,
// |proxy_info| will note if the proxy used was a fallback, an alternative,
// or a proxy for ssl; these are not mutually exclusive. |proxy_info| can be
// NULL if the caller isn't interested in its values.
virtual bool WasDataReductionProxyUsed(
const net::URLRequest* request,
DataReductionProxyTypeInfo* proxy_info) const;
// Returns true if the specified |host_port_pair| matches a data reduction
// proxy. If true, |proxy_info.proxy_servers.first| will contain the name of
// the proxy that matches. |proxy_info.proxy_servers.second| will contain the
// name of the data reduction proxy server that would be used if
// |proxy_info.proxy_server.first| is bypassed, if one exists. In addition,
// |proxy_info| will note if the proxy was a fallback, an alternative, or a
// proxy for ssl; these are not mutually exclusive. |proxy_info| can be NULL
// if the caller isn't interested in its values. Virtual for testing.
virtual bool IsDataReductionProxy(
const net::HostPortPair& host_port_pair,
DataReductionProxyTypeInfo* proxy_info) const;
// Returns true if this request would be bypassed by the data request proxy
// based on applying the |data_reduction_proxy_config| param rules to the
// request URL.
bool IsBypassedByDataReductionProxyLocalRules(
const net::URLRequest& request,
const net::ProxyConfig& data_reduction_proxy_config) const;
// Checks if all configured data reduction proxies are in the retry map.
// Returns true if the request is bypassed by all configured data reduction
// proxies that apply to the request scheme. If all possible data reduction
// proxies are bypassed, returns the minimum retry delay of the bypassed data
// reduction proxies in min_retry_delay (if not NULL). If there are no
// bypassed data reduction proxies for the request scheme, returns false and
// does not assign min_retry_delay.
bool AreDataReductionProxiesBypassed(const net::URLRequest& request,
base::TimeDelta* min_retry_delay) const;
// Checks if all configured data reduction proxies are in the retry map.
// Returns true if the request is bypassed by all configured data reduction
// proxies that apply to the request scheme. If all possible data reduction
// proxies are bypassed, returns the minimum retry delay of the bypassed data
// reduction proxies in min_retry_delay (if not NULL). If there are no
// bypassed data reduction proxies for the request scheme, returns false and
// does not assign min_retry_delay.
bool AreProxiesBypassed(const net::ProxyRetryInfoMap& retry_map,
const net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules& proxy_rules,
bool is_https,
base::TimeDelta* min_retry_delay) const;
// Returns true if the proxy is on the retry map and the retry delay is not
// expired. If proxy is bypassed, retry_delay (if not NULL) returns the delay
// of proxy_server. If proxy is not bypassed, retry_delay is not assigned.
bool IsProxyBypassed(const net::ProxyRetryInfoMap& retry_map,
const net::ProxyServer& proxy_server,
base::TimeDelta* retry_delay) const;
// Returns the data reduction proxy primary origin.
const GURL& origin() const {
return origin_;
// Returns the data reduction proxy fallback origin.
const GURL& fallback_origin() const {
return fallback_origin_;
// Returns the data reduction proxy ssl origin that is used with the
// alternative proxy configuration.
const GURL& ssl_origin() const {
return ssl_origin_;
// Returns the alternative data reduction proxy primary origin.
const GURL& alt_origin() const {
return alt_origin_;
// Returns the alternative data reduction proxy fallback origin.
const GURL& alt_fallback_origin() const {
return alt_fallback_origin_;
// Returns the URL to probe to decide if the primary origin should be used.
const GURL& probe_url() const {
return probe_url_;
// Returns the URL to fetch to warm the data reduction proxy connection.
const GURL& warmup_url() const {
return warmup_url_;
// Returns true if the data reduction proxy configuration may be used.
bool allowed() const {
return allowed_;
// Returns true if the fallback proxy may be used.
bool fallback_allowed() const {
return fallback_allowed_;
// Returns true if the alternative data reduction proxy configuration may be
// used.
bool alternative_allowed() const {
return alt_allowed_;
// Returns true if the alternative fallback data reduction proxy
// configuration may be used.
bool alternative_fallback_allowed() const {
return alt_fallback_allowed_;
// Returns true if the data reduction proxy promo may be shown.
// This is idependent of whether the data reduction proxy is allowed.
// TODO(bengr): maybe tie to whether proxy is allowed.
bool promo_allowed() const {
return promo_allowed_;
// Returns true if the data reduction proxy should not actually use the
// proxy if enabled.
bool holdback() const {
return holdback_;
// Given |allowed_|, |fallback_allowed_|, and |alt_allowed_|, returns the
// list of data reduction proxies that may be used.
DataReductionProxyList GetAllowedProxies() const;
// Returns true if any proxy origins are set on the command line.
bool is_configured_on_command_line() const {
return configured_on_command_line_;
// Test constructor that optionally won't call Init();
DataReductionProxyParams(int flags,
bool should_call_init);
DataReductionProxyParams(const DataReductionProxyParams& params);
// Initialize the values of the proxies, and probe URL, from command
// line flags and preprocessor constants, and check that there are
// corresponding definitions for the allowed configurations.
bool Init(bool allowed,
bool fallback_allowed,
bool alt_allowed,
bool alt_fallback_allowed);
// Initialize the values of the proxies, and probe URL from command
// line flags and preprocessor constants.
void InitWithoutChecks();
// Returns the corresponding string from preprocessor constants if defined,
// and an empty string otherwise.
virtual std::string GetDefaultDevOrigin() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultDevFallbackOrigin() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultOrigin() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultFallbackOrigin() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultSSLOrigin() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultAltOrigin() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultAltFallbackOrigin() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultProbeURL() const;
virtual std::string GetDefaultWarmupURL() const;
// Checks if the primary and fallback data reduction proxies are in the retry
// map. Returns true if the request is bypassed by both data reduction
// proxies and returns the shortest bypass delay in delay_seconds (if not
// NULL). If the fallback proxy is not valid, returns true if primary proxy
// was bypassed and returns its bypass delay.
bool ArePrimaryAndFallbackBypassed(const net::ProxyRetryInfoMap& retry_map,
const GURL& primary,
const GURL& fallback,
base::TimeDelta* min_retry_delay) const;
DataReductionProxyParams& operator=(const DataReductionProxyParams& params);
GURL origin_;
GURL fallback_origin_;
GURL ssl_origin_;
GURL alt_origin_;
GURL alt_fallback_origin_;
GURL probe_url_;
GURL warmup_url_;
bool allowed_;
bool fallback_allowed_;
bool alt_allowed_;
bool alt_fallback_allowed_;
bool promo_allowed_;
bool holdback_;
bool configured_on_command_line_;
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy