blob: 8fb2ab7a264995b6ca36e1dfcd2d4676d076260f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield.h"
#include "ui/views/view_targeter_delegate.h"
namespace views {
class ImageView;
class TextfieldController;
namespace autofill {
// A class which holds a textfield and draws extra stuff on top, like
// invalid content indications.
class DecoratedTextfield : public views::Textfield,
public views::ViewTargeterDelegate {
static const char kViewClassName[];
DecoratedTextfield(const base::string16& default_value,
const base::string16& placeholder,
views::TextfieldController* controller);
~DecoratedTextfield() override;
// Sets whether to indicate the textfield has invalid content.
void SetInvalid(bool invalid);
bool invalid() const { return invalid_; }
// See docs for |editable_|.
void SetEditable(bool editable);
bool editable() const { return editable_; }
// Sets the icon to display inside the textfield at the end of the text.
void SetIcon(const gfx::Image& icon);
// Sets a tooltip for this field. This will override the icon set with
// SetIcon(), if any, and will be overridden by future calls to SetIcon().
void SetTooltipIcon(const base::string16& text);
// views::Textfield implementation.
base::string16 GetPlaceholderText() const override;
// views::View implementation.
const char* GetClassName() const override;
gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() const override;
void Layout() override;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(DecoratedTextfieldTest, HeightMatchesButton);
// views::ViewTargeterDelegate:
views::View* TargetForRect(views::View* root, const gfx::Rect& rect) override;
// Updates the background after its color may have changed.
void UpdateBackground();
// Updates the border after its color or insets may have changed.
void UpdateBorder();
// Called to update the layout after SetIcon or SetTooltipIcon was called.
void IconChanged();
// The view that holds the icon at the end of the textfield.
scoped_ptr<views::ImageView> icon_view_;
// Whether the text contents are "invalid" (i.e. should special markers be
// shown to indicate invalidness).
bool invalid_;
// Whether the user can edit the field. When not editable, many of the
// pieces of the textfield disappear (border, background, icon, placeholder
// text) and it can't receive focus.
bool editable_;
} // namespace autofill