blob: 7ce70d3d7b28a0a52891089965c4781922c47fc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/base_bubble_controller.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/info_bubble_view.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Browser;
class DevtoolsNotificationBridge;
class ExtensionPopupContainer;
namespace content {
class NotificationRegistrar;
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionViewHost;
// This controller manages a single browser action popup that can appear once a
// user has clicked on a browser action button. It instantiates the extension
// popup view showing the content and resizes the window to accomodate any size
// changes as they occur.
// There can only be one browser action popup open at a time, so a static
// variable holds a reference to the current popup.
@interface ExtensionPopupController : BaseBubbleController {
// The native extension view retrieved from the extension host. Weak.
NSView* extensionView_;
// The current frame of the extension view. Cached to prevent setting the
// frame if the size hasn't changed.
NSRect extensionFrame_;
// The extension host object.
scoped_ptr<extensions::ExtensionViewHost> host_;
scoped_ptr<content::NotificationRegistrar> registrar_;
scoped_ptr<DevtoolsNotificationBridge> notificationBridge_;
scoped_ptr<ExtensionPopupContainer> container_;
std::string extensionId_;
// Whether the popup has a devtools window attached to it.
BOOL beingInspected_;
// There's an extra windowDidResignKey: notification right after a
// ConstrainedWindow closes that should be ignored.
BOOL ignoreWindowDidResignKey_;
// The size once the ExtensionView has loaded.
NSSize pendingSize_;
// Returns the ExtensionViewHost object associated with this popup.
- (extensions::ExtensionViewHost*)extensionViewHost;
// Starts the process of showing the given popup URL. Instantiates an
// ExtensionPopupController with the parent window retrieved from |browser|, a
// host for the popup created by the extension process manager specific to the
// browser profile and the remaining arguments |anchoredAt| and |arrowLocation|.
// |anchoredAt| is expected to be in the window's coordinates at the bottom
// center of the browser action button.
// The actual display of the popup is delayed until the page contents finish
// loading in order to minimize UI flashing and resizing.
// Passing YES to |devMode| will launch the webkit inspector for the popup,
// and prevent the popup from closing when focus is lost. It will be closed
// after the inspector is closed, or another popup is opened.
+ (ExtensionPopupController*)showURL:(GURL)url
// Returns the controller used to display the popup being shown. If no popup is
// currently open, then nil is returned. Static because only one extension popup
// window can be open at a time.
+ (ExtensionPopupController*)popup;
// Whether the popup is in the process of closing (via Core Animation).
- (BOOL)isClosing;
// Show the dev tools attached to the popup.
- (void)showDevTools;
// Set whether the popup is being inspected or not. If it is being inspected
// it will not be hidden when it loses focus.
- (void)setBeingInspected:(BOOL)beingInspected;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) std::string extensionId;
@interface ExtensionPopupController(TestingAPI)
// Returns a weak pointer to the current popup's view.
- (NSView*)view;
// Returns the minimum allowed size for an extension popup.
+ (NSSize)minPopupSize;
// Returns the maximum allowed size for an extension popup.
+ (NSSize)maxPopupSize;