blob: f08a99f481781f3a73039865bd424c994f977c98 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
gypi_values = exec_script(
[ rebase_path("../../chrome_browser_ui.gypi") ],
[ "../../chrome_browser_ui.gypi" ])
static_library("ui") {
output_name = "browser_ui"
sources = []
defines = []
libs = []
configs += [
# Since browser and browser_ui actually depend on each other,
# we must omit the dependency from browser_ui to browser.
# However, this means browser_ui and browser should more or less
# have the same dependencies. Once browser_ui is untangled from
# browser, then we can clean up these dependencies.
public_deps = [
deps = [
# NOTE: New dependencies should generally be added in the OS!="ios"
# dependencies block below, rather than here.
if (!is_ios) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_non_ios_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [
#'defines': [
# '<@(nacl_defines)',
#'direct_dependent_settings': {
# 'defines': [
# '<@(nacl_defines)',
# ],
# },
} else {
# iOS.
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_ios_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [ "//net" ]
if (!is_android && !is_ios) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_non_mobile_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [ "//device/bluetooth" ]
if (enable_basic_printing || enable_print_preview) {
deps += [ "//printing" ]
if (enable_one_click_signin) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
if (enable_task_manager) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_task_manager_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (!toolkit_views || is_mac) {
sources -= [ "views/" ]
if (!enable_nacl) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_nacl_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [
#"//native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/service_runtime.gyp:sel", TODO(GYP)
if (enable_configuration_policy) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_policy_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [ "//components/policy" ]
if (enable_plugins) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_plugin_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [ "//ppapi:ppapi_ipc" ]
if (safe_browsing_mode == 1) {
defines += [ "FULL_SAFE_BROWSING" ]
deps += [
if (is_chromeos) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_chromeos_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [
} else {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_non_chromeos_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (use_cups) {
configs += [ "//printing:cups" ]
if (use_ash) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_ash_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [
if (!is_chromeos) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_ash_non_chromeos,
".", "//chrome")
} else { # Not ash.
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_non_ash_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (use_athena) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_athena_sources,
".", "//chrome")
} else { # Not athena.
if (!is_android) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
if (use_ash) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
if (toolkit_views) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_views_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [ "//components/constrained_window" ]
if (!is_chromeos) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
if (!is_mac) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
deps += [
if (use_ash) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_ash_views_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (use_aura && !use_ozone && is_desktop_linux) {
deps += [
# gtk2 is the only component that can interact with gtk2 in our new
# world.
if (is_win || is_mac || is_desktop_linux) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_desktop_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (use_aura) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_aura_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [
# aura uses some of ash resources.
if (!is_chromeos) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_aura_non_chromeos,
".", "//chrome")
if (ui_compositor_image_transport) {
deps += [ "//ui/gl" ]
if (use_nss_certs) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_nss_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (!enable_themes) {
sources -= [ "webui/" ]
if (enable_print_preview) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_print_preview_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (is_linux || is_android) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_android_linux_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (is_android) {
deps += [
#'../components/components.gyp:web_contents_delegate_android', TODO(GYP)
deps -= [
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_android_sources,
".", "//chrome")
defines += [ "CHROME_BUILD_ID=" + android_chrome_build_id ]
} else { # Non-Android.
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_non_android_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (is_mac) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_mac_sources,
".", "//chrome")
sources -= [
# Mac has its own way of drawing tabs.
deps += [
#'../third_party/apple_sample_code/apple_sample_code.gyp:apple_sample_code', TODO(GYP)
#'../third_party/molokocacao/molokocacao.gyp:molokocacao', TODO(GYP)
#'../third_party/mozilla/mozilla.gyp:mozilla', TODO(GYP)
include_dirs = [ "$target_gen_dir" ]
libs += [ "Quartz.framework" ]
configs += [
} else { # non-Mac.
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_non_mac_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (is_win) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_win_sources,
".", "//chrome")
public_deps += [
deps += [
#'metro_utils', TODO(GYP)
#'../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update', TODO(GYP)
} else { # 'OS!="win"
if (toolkit_views) {
public_deps += [
if (is_desktop_linux) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_desktop_linux_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (is_linux) { # Both desktop Linux and ChromeOS.
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_linux_sources,
".", "//chrome")
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:udev" ]
if (use_aura) {
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:fontconfig" ]
deps += [ "//dbus" ]
if (use_x11) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_x11_sources,
".", "//chrome")
configs += [ "//build/config/linux:x11" ]
deps += [ "//ui/events/devices" ]
if (is_chromeos) {
sources -= [ "views/tabs/" ]
if (enable_app_list) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_app_list_sources,
".", "//chrome")
deps += [ "//ui/app_list" ]
} else {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_non_app_list_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (enable_autofill_dialog) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
if (!is_android && !is_ios) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
deps += [
if (enable_extensions) {
deps += [
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_extensions_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (enable_google_now && !is_android) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
if (enable_webrtc) {
sources += rebase_path(gypi_values.chrome_browser_ui_webrtc_sources,
".", "//chrome")
if (enable_service_discovery) {
sources += rebase_path(
".", "//chrome")
if (enable_spellcheck) {
deps += [ "//third_party/hunspell" ]
if (is_mac) {
nib_gypi_values = exec_script(
[ rebase_path("../../chrome_nibs.gypi") ],
[ "../../chrome_nibs.gypi" ])
action("generate_localizer") {
script = "//chrome/tools/build/mac/generate_localizer"
sources = [ ]
table_path = "$target_gen_dir/ui_localizer_table.h"
outputs = [ table_path ]
args = [ rebase_path(table_path, root_build_dir) ] +
# In GYP this is part of test_support_common.
source_set("test_support") {
testonly = true
sources = [
if (toolkit_views) {
sources += [
public_deps = [
deps = [