blob: 4210f27453dff955f1e3e0668ceac0db15f1a1d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/accelerometer/accelerometer_observer.h"
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/display/display_controller.h"
#include "ash/display/display_manager.h"
#include "ash/shell_observer.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/display.h"
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager_client.h"
#endif // OS_CHROMEOS
namespace base {
class TickClock;
namespace ui {
class EventHandler;
namespace ash {
class MaximizeModeControllerTest;
class ScopedDisableInternalMouseAndKeyboard;
class MaximizeModeWindowManager;
class MaximizeModeWindowManagerTest;
namespace test {
class MultiUserWindowManagerChromeOSTest;
// MaximizeModeController listens to accelerometer events and automatically
// enters and exits maximize mode when the lid is opened beyond the triggering
// angle and rotates the display to match the device when in maximize mode.
class ASH_EXPORT MaximizeModeController
: public AccelerometerObserver,
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
public chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer,
#endif // OS_CHROMEOS
public ShellObserver,
public DisplayController::Observer {
// Observer that reports changes to the state of MaximizeModeController's
// rotation lock.
class Observer {
// Invoked whenever |rotation_locked_| is changed.
virtual void OnRotationLockChanged(bool rotation_locked) {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
~MaximizeModeController() override;
bool ignore_display_configuration_updates() const {
return ignore_display_configuration_updates_;
// True if |rotation_lock_| has been set, and OnAccelerometerUpdated will not
// change the display rotation.
bool rotation_locked() {
return rotation_locked_;
// If |rotation_locked| future calls to OnAccelerometerUpdated will not
// change the display rotation.
void SetRotationLocked(bool rotation_locked);
// Add/Remove observers.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// True if it is possible to enter maximize mode in the current
// configuration. If this returns false, it should never be the case that
// maximize mode becomes enabled.
bool CanEnterMaximizeMode();
// TODO(jonross): Merge this with EnterMaximizeMode. Currently these are
// separate for several reasons: there is no internal display when running
// unittests; the event blocker prevents keyboard input when running ChromeOS
// on linux.
// Turn the always maximize mode window manager on or off.
void EnableMaximizeModeWindowManager(bool enable);
// Test if the MaximizeModeWindowManager is enabled or not.
bool IsMaximizeModeWindowManagerEnabled() const;
// Add a special window to the MaximizeModeWindowManager for tracking. This is
// only required for special windows which are handled by other window
// managers like the |MultiUserWindowManager|.
// If the maximize mode is not enabled no action will be performed.
void AddWindow(aura::Window* window);
// TODO(jonross): move this into the destructor. Currently separated as
// ShellOberver notifies of maximize mode ending, and the observers end up
// attempting to access MaximizeModeController via the Shell. If done in
// destructor the controller is null, and the observers segfault.
// Shuts down down the MaximizeModeWindowManager and notifies all observers.
void Shutdown();
// AccelerometerObserver:
void OnAccelerometerUpdated(const ui::AccelerometerUpdate& update) override;
// ShellObserver:
void OnAppTerminating() override;
void OnMaximizeModeStarted() override;
void OnMaximizeModeEnded() override;
// DisplayController::Observer:
void OnDisplayConfigurationChanged() override;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// PowerManagerClient::Observer:
virtual void LidEventReceived(bool open,
const base::TimeTicks& time) override;
virtual void SuspendImminent() override;
virtual void SuspendDone(const base::TimeDelta& sleep_duration) override;
#endif // OS_CHROMEOS
friend class MaximizeModeControllerTest;
friend class MaximizeModeWindowManagerTest;
friend class test::MultiUserWindowManagerChromeOSTest;
// Set the TickClock. This is only to be used by tests that need to
// artificially and deterministically control the current time.
void SetTickClockForTest(scoped_ptr<base::TickClock> tick_clock);
// Detect hinge rotation from |base| and |lid| accelerometers and
// automatically start / stop maximize mode.
void HandleHingeRotation(const gfx::Vector3dF& base,
const gfx::Vector3dF& lid);
// Detect screen rotation from |lid| accelerometer and automatically rotate
// screen.
void HandleScreenRotation(const gfx::Vector3dF& lid);
// Sets the display rotation and suppresses display notifications.
void SetDisplayRotation(DisplayManager* display_manager,
gfx::Display::Rotation rotation);
// Returns true if the lid was recently opened.
bool WasLidOpenedRecently() const;
// Enables MaximizeModeWindowManager, and determines the current state of
// rotation lock.
void EnterMaximizeMode();
// Removes MaximizeModeWindowManager and resets the display rotation if there
// is no rotation lock.
void LeaveMaximizeMode();
// Record UMA stats tracking touchview usage.
void RecordTouchViewStateTransition();
// Checks DisplayManager for registered rotation lock, and rotation,
// preferences. These are then applied.
void LoadDisplayRotationProperties();
// The maximized window manager (if enabled).
scoped_ptr<MaximizeModeWindowManager> maximize_mode_window_manager_;
// A helper class which when instantiated will block native events from the
// internal keyboard and touchpad.
scoped_ptr<ScopedDisableInternalMouseAndKeyboard> event_blocker_;
// When true calls to OnAccelerometerUpdated will not rotate the display.
bool rotation_locked_;
// Whether we have ever seen accelerometer data.
bool have_seen_accelerometer_data_;
// True when changes being applied cause OnDisplayConfigurationChanged() to be
// called, and for which these changes should be ignored.
bool ignore_display_configuration_updates_;
// True when the hinge angle has been detected past 180 degrees.
bool lid_open_past_180_;
// True when Shutdown has been called. When shutting down the non maximize
// mode state should be restored, however user preferences should not be
// altered.
bool shutting_down_;
// The rotation of the display set by the user. This rotation will be
// restored upon exiting maximize mode.
gfx::Display::Rotation user_rotation_;
// The current rotation set by MaximizeModeController for the internal
// display. Compared in OnDisplayConfigurationChanged to determine user
// display setting changes.
gfx::Display::Rotation current_rotation_;
// Rotation Lock observers.
ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// Tracks time spent in (and out of) touchview mode.
base::Time last_touchview_transition_time_;
base::TimeDelta total_touchview_time_;
base::TimeDelta total_non_touchview_time_;
// Tracks the last time we received a lid open event. This is used to suppress
// erroneous accelerometer readings as the lid is opened but the accelerometer
// reports readings that make the lid to appear near fully open.
base::TimeTicks last_lid_open_time_;
// Source for the current time in base::TimeTicks.
scoped_ptr<base::TickClock> tick_clock_;
// Tracks when the lid is closed. Used to prevent entering maximize mode.
bool lid_is_closed_;
} // namespace ash