blob: 5e5625373a51454004876fbbc88d6bae6e6ee484 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.web_contents_delegate_android;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.JNINamespace;
* Java peer of the native class of the same name.
public class WebContentsDelegateAndroid {
// Equivalent of WebCore::WebConsoleMessage::LevelTip.
public static final int LOG_LEVEL_TIP = 0;
// Equivalent of WebCore::WebConsoleMessage::LevelLog.
public static final int LOG_LEVEL_LOG = 1;
// Equivalent of WebCore::WebConsoleMessage::LevelWarning.
public static final int LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 2;
// Equivalent of WebCore::WebConsoleMessage::LevelError.
public static final int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 3;
// Flags passed to the WebContentsDelegateAndroid.navigationStateChanged to tell it
// what has changed. Should match the values in invalidate_type.h.
// Equivalent of InvalidateTypes::INVALIDATE_TYPE_URL.
public static final int INVALIDATE_TYPE_URL = 1 << 0;
// Equivalent of InvalidateTypes::INVALIDATE_TYPE_TAB.
public static final int INVALIDATE_TYPE_TAB = 1 << 1;
// Equivalent of InvalidateTypes::INVALIDATE_TYPE_LOAD.
public static final int INVALIDATE_TYPE_LOAD = 1 << 2;
// Equivalent of InvalidateTypes::INVALIDATE_TYPE_TITLE.
public static final int INVALIDATE_TYPE_TITLE = 1 << 3;
// The most recent load progress callback received from WebContents, as a percentage.
// Initialize to 100 to indicate that we're not in a loading state.
private int mMostRecentProgress = 100;
public int getMostRecentProgress() {
return mMostRecentProgress;
* @param disposition The new tab disposition as per the constants in
* org.chromium.ui.WindowOpenDisposition (See
* window_open_disposition_list.h for the enumeration definitions).
* @param isRendererInitiated Whether or not the renderer initiated this action.
public void openNewTab(String url, String extraHeaders, byte[] postData, int disposition,
boolean isRendererInitiated) {
public void activateContents() {
public void closeContents() {
public void onLoadStarted() {
public void onLoadStopped() {
public void navigationStateChanged(int flags) {
public void visibleSSLStateChanged() {
private final void notifyLoadProgressChanged(double progress) {
mMostRecentProgress = (int) (100.0 * progress);
* @param progress The load progress [0, 100] for the current web contents.
public void onLoadProgressChanged(int progress) {
* Signaled when the renderer has been deemed to be unresponsive.
public void rendererUnresponsive() {
* Signaled when the render has been deemed to be responsive.
public void rendererResponsive() {
public void didNavigateToPendingEntry() {
public void webContentsCreated(long sourceWebContents, long openerRenderFrameId,
String frameName, String targetUrl, long newWebContents) {
public boolean shouldCreateWebContents(String targetUrl) {
return true;
public boolean onGoToEntryOffset(int offset) {
return true;
public void onUpdateUrl(String url) {
public boolean takeFocus(boolean reverse) {
return false;
public void handleKeyboardEvent(KeyEvent event) {
// TODO(bulach): we probably want to re-inject the KeyEvent back into
// the system. Investigate if this is at all possible.
* Report a JavaScript console message.
* @param level message level. One of WebContentsDelegateAndroid.LOG_LEVEL*.
* @param message the error message.
* @param lineNumber the line number int the source file at which the error is reported.
* @param sourceId the name of the source file that caused the error.
* @return true if the client will handle logging the message.
public boolean addMessageToConsole(int level, String message, int lineNumber,
String sourceId) {
return false;
* Report a form resubmission. The overwriter of this function should eventually call
* either of NavigationController.ContinuePendingReload or
* NavigationController.CancelPendingReload.
public void showRepostFormWarningDialog() {
public void toggleFullscreenModeForTab(boolean enterFullscreen) {
public boolean isFullscreenForTabOrPending() {
return false;