blob: c2f3b8aefe09ddccf5537e690eee23a954f5339e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/copresence/handlers/directive_handler.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/copresence/handlers/audio/audio_directive_handler_impl.h"
#include "components/copresence/proto/data.pb.h"
namespace copresence {
// Public functions
scoped_ptr<AudioDirectiveHandler> audio_handler)
: audio_handler_(audio_handler.Pass()), is_started_(false) {
DirectiveHandler::~DirectiveHandler() {}
void DirectiveHandler::Start(WhispernetClient* whispernet_client,
const TokensCallback& tokens_cb) {
audio_handler_->Initialize(whispernet_client, tokens_cb);
is_started_ = true;
// Run all the queued directives.
for (const auto& op_id : pending_directives_) {
for (const Directive& directive : op_id.second)
StartDirective(op_id.first, directive);
void DirectiveHandler::AddDirective(const Directive& directive) {
// We only handle transmit and receive directives.
// WiFi and BLE scans aren't implemented.
DCHECK_EQ(directive.instruction_type(), TOKEN);
std::string op_id = directive.published_message_id();
if (op_id.empty())
op_id = directive.subscription_id();
if (op_id.empty()) {
NOTREACHED() << "No operation associated with directive!";
if (!is_started_) {
} else {
StartDirective(op_id, directive);
void DirectiveHandler::RemoveDirectives(const std::string& op_id) {
// If whispernet_client_ is null, audio_handler_ hasn't been Initialized.
if (is_started_) {
} else {
const std::string DirectiveHandler::GetCurrentAudioToken(AudioType type) const {
// If whispernet_client_ is null, audio_handler_ hasn't been Initialized.
return is_started_ ? audio_handler_->PlayingToken(type) : "";
bool DirectiveHandler::IsAudioTokenHeard(AudioType type) const {
return is_started_ ? audio_handler_->IsPlayingTokenHeard(type) : false;
// Private functions
void DirectiveHandler::StartDirective(const std::string& op_id,
const Directive& directive) {
const TokenInstruction& ti = directive.token_instruction();
if (ti.medium() == AUDIO_ULTRASOUND_PASSBAND ||
ti.medium() == AUDIO_AUDIBLE_DTMF) {
ti, op_id, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(directive.ttl_millis()));
} else {
// We should only get audio directives.
NOTREACHED() << "Received directive for unimplemented medium "
<< ti.medium();
} // namespace copresence