blob: e0bc0e661c5712a3d28e49ef8539510b1f91f27e [file] [log] [blame]
# Authors:
# Trevor Perrin
# Dave Baggett (Arcode Corporation) - cleanup handling of constants
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.
"""Class for setting handshake parameters."""
from .constants import CertificateType
from .utils import cryptomath
from .utils import cipherfactory
# RC4 is preferred as faster in Python, works in SSL3, and immune to CBC
# issues such as timing attacks
CIPHER_NAMES = ["rc4", "aes256", "aes128", "3des"]
MAC_NAMES = ["sha"] # Don't allow "md5" by default.
ALL_MAC_NAMES = ["sha", "md5"]
KEY_EXCHANGE_NAMES = ["rsa", "dhe_rsa", "srp_sha", "srp_sha_rsa", "dh_anon"]
CIPHER_IMPLEMENTATIONS = ["openssl", "pycrypto", "python"]
class HandshakeSettings(object):
"""This class encapsulates various parameters that can be used with
a TLS handshake.
@sort: minKeySize, maxKeySize, cipherNames, macNames, certificateTypes,
minVersion, maxVersion
@type minKeySize: int
@ivar minKeySize: The minimum bit length for asymmetric keys.
If the other party tries to use SRP, RSA, or Diffie-Hellman
parameters smaller than this length, an alert will be
signalled. The default is 1023.
@type maxKeySize: int
@ivar maxKeySize: The maximum bit length for asymmetric keys.
If the other party tries to use SRP, RSA, or Diffie-Hellman
parameters larger than this length, an alert will be signalled.
The default is 8193.
@type cipherNames: list
@ivar cipherNames: The allowed ciphers, in order of preference.
The allowed values in this list are 'aes256', 'aes128', '3des', and
'rc4'. If these settings are used with a client handshake, they
determine the order of the ciphersuites offered in the ClientHello
If these settings are used with a server handshake, the server will
choose whichever ciphersuite matches the earliest entry in this
NOTE: If '3des' is used in this list, but TLS Lite can't find an
add-on library that supports 3DES, then '3des' will be silently
The default value is ['rc4', 'aes256', 'aes128', '3des'].
@type macNames: list
@ivar macNames: The allowed MAC algorithms.
The allowed values in this list are 'sha' and 'md5'.
The default value is ['sha'].
@type certificateTypes: list
@ivar certificateTypes: The allowed certificate types, in order of
The only allowed certificate type is 'x509'. This list is only used with a
client handshake. The client will advertise to the server which certificate
types are supported, and will check that the server uses one of the
appropriate types.
@type minVersion: tuple
@ivar minVersion: The minimum allowed SSL/TLS version.
This variable can be set to (3,0) for SSL 3.0, (3,1) for
TLS 1.0, or (3,2) for TLS 1.1. If the other party wishes to
use a lower version, a protocol_version alert will be signalled.
The default is (3,0).
@type maxVersion: tuple
@ivar maxVersion: The maximum allowed SSL/TLS version.
This variable can be set to (3,0) for SSL 3.0, (3,1) for
TLS 1.0, or (3,2) for TLS 1.1. If the other party wishes to
use a higher version, a protocol_version alert will be signalled.
The default is (3,2). (WARNING: Some servers may (improperly)
reject clients which offer support for TLS 1.1. In this case,
try lowering maxVersion to (3,1)).
@type useExperimentalTackExtension: bool
@ivar useExperimentalTackExtension: Whether to enabled TACK support.
Note that TACK support is not standardized by IETF and uses a temporary
TLS Extension number, so should NOT be used in production software.
def __init__(self):
self.minKeySize = 1023
self.maxKeySize = 8193
self.cipherNames = CIPHER_NAMES
self.macNames = MAC_NAMES
self.keyExchangeNames = KEY_EXCHANGE_NAMES
self.cipherImplementations = CIPHER_IMPLEMENTATIONS
self.certificateTypes = CERTIFICATE_TYPES
self.minVersion = (3,0)
self.maxVersion = (3,2)
self.useExperimentalTackExtension = False
# Validates the min/max fields, and certificateTypes
# Filters out unsupported cipherNames and cipherImplementations
def _filter(self):
other = HandshakeSettings()
other.minKeySize = self.minKeySize
other.maxKeySize = self.maxKeySize
other.cipherNames = self.cipherNames
other.macNames = self.macNames
other.keyExchangeNames = self.keyExchangeNames
other.cipherImplementations = self.cipherImplementations
other.certificateTypes = self.certificateTypes
other.minVersion = self.minVersion
other.maxVersion = self.maxVersion
if not cipherfactory.tripleDESPresent:
other.cipherNames = [e for e in self.cipherNames if e != "3des"]
if len(other.cipherNames)==0:
raise ValueError("No supported ciphers")
if len(other.certificateTypes)==0:
raise ValueError("No supported certificate types")
if not cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded:
other.cipherImplementations = \
[e for e in other.cipherImplementations if e != "openssl"]
if not cryptomath.pycryptoLoaded:
other.cipherImplementations = \
[e for e in other.cipherImplementations if e != "pycrypto"]
if len(other.cipherImplementations)==0:
raise ValueError("No supported cipher implementations")
if other.minKeySize<512:
raise ValueError("minKeySize too small")
if other.minKeySize>16384:
raise ValueError("minKeySize too large")
if other.maxKeySize<512:
raise ValueError("maxKeySize too small")
if other.maxKeySize>16384:
raise ValueError("maxKeySize too large")
for s in other.cipherNames:
if s not in CIPHER_NAMES:
raise ValueError("Unknown cipher name: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.macNames:
if s not in ALL_MAC_NAMES:
raise ValueError("Unknown MAC name: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.keyExchangeNames:
raise ValueError("Unknown key exchange name: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.cipherImplementations:
raise ValueError("Unknown cipher implementation: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.certificateTypes:
raise ValueError("Unknown certificate type: '%s'" % s)
if other.minVersion > other.maxVersion:
raise ValueError("Versions set incorrectly")
if not other.minVersion in ((3,0), (3,1), (3,2)):
raise ValueError("minVersion set incorrectly")
if not other.maxVersion in ((3,0), (3,1), (3,2)):
raise ValueError("maxVersion set incorrectly")
return other
def _getCertificateTypes(self):
l = []
for ct in self.certificateTypes:
if ct == "x509":
raise AssertionError()
return l