blob: 62efd7824d7c587fca7bcca9003b7c8975a32de4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Compile a protocol buffer.
# Protobuf parameters:
# proto_in_dir (optional)
# The path to the directory containing the .proto files. If left out, it
# defaults to '.'.
# proto_out_dir (optional)
# Specifies the path suffix that output files are generated under.
# Targets that gyp-depend on my_proto_lib will be able to include the
# resulting proto headers with an include like:
# #include "dir/for/my_proto_lib/foo.pb.h"
# If undefined, this defaults to matching the input directory.
# cc_generator_options (optional)
# List of extra flags passed to the protocol compiler. If you need to
# add an EXPORT macro to a protobuf's C++ header, set the
# 'cc_generator_options' variable with the value:
# 'dllexport_decl=FOO_EXPORT:' (note trailing colon).
# It is likely you also need to #include a file for the above EXPORT
# macro to work. See cc_include.
# cc_include (optional)
# String listing an extra include that should be passed.
# Example: cc_include = "foo/bar.h"
# Parameters for compiling the generated code:
# defines (optional)
# Defines to supply to the source set that compiles the generated source
# code.
# extra_configs (optional)
# A list of config labels that will be appended to the configs applying
# to the source set.
# Example:
# proto_library("mylib") {
# sources = [
# "foo.proto",
# ]
# }
template("proto_library") {
assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Need sources for proto_library")
action_name = "${target_name}_gen"
source_set_name = target_name
action_foreach(action_name) {
visibility = ":$source_set_name"
script = "//tools/protoc_wrapper/"
sources = invoker.sources
# TODO(brettw) it would be better if this used the target gen dir.
if (defined(invoker.proto_out_dir)) {
proto_out_dir = invoker.proto_out_dir
} else {
# This computes the relative path inside the target_gen_dir that
# we'd put the files in, which maps to the current directory path.
# We'll insert "protoc_out" at the beginning for compatibility with GYP.
proto_out_dir = rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_gen_dir)
cc_dir = "$root_gen_dir/protoc_out/$proto_out_dir"
py_dir = "$root_gen_dir/pyproto/$proto_out_dir"
outputs = [
args = []
if (defined(invoker.cc_include)) {
args += [ "--include", invoker.cc_include ]
args += [
rebase_path("$cc_dir/{{source_name_part}}.pb.h", root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.proto_in_dir)) {
proto_in_dir = invoker.proto_in_dir
} else {
# Extract the current source dir.
proto_in_dir = get_label_info(":$target_name", "dir")
args += [
rebase_path(proto_in_dir, root_build_dir),
"--proto-in-file", "{{source_file_part}}",
# TODO(brettw) support system protobuf compiler.
protoc_label = "//third_party/protobuf:protoc($host_toolchain)"
args += [
# Prepend with "./" so this will never pick up the system one (normally
# when not cross-compiling, protoc's output directory will be the same
# as the build dir, so the relative location will be empty.
"./" + rebase_path(get_label_info(protoc_label, "root_out_dir") +
"/protoc", root_build_dir),
# If passed cc_generator_options should end in a colon, which will separate
# it from the directory when we concatenate them. The proto compiler
# understands this syntax.
if (defined(invoker.cc_generator_options)) {
cc_generator_options = invoker.cc_generator_options
} else {
cc_generator_options = ""
args += [
"--cpp_out", cc_generator_options + rebase_path(cc_dir, root_build_dir),
"--python_out", rebase_path(py_dir, root_build_dir),
deps = [ protoc_label ]
source_set(target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.visibility)) {
visibility = invoker.visibility
sources = get_target_outputs(":$action_name")
if (defined(invoker.defines)) {
defines = invoker.defines
if (defined(invoker.extra_configs)) {
configs += invoker.extra_configs
direct_dependent_configs = [ "//third_party/protobuf:using_proto" ]
deps = [
# The generated headers reference headers within protobuf_lite, so
# dependencies must be able to find those headers too.
forward_dependent_configs_from = [ "//third_party/protobuf:protobuf_lite" ]