blob: a84bc27257bad2237d2dad39fa0853901ed9b1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_controller.h"
#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_manager.h"
namespace sync_driver {
// Fake DataTypeController implementation that simulates the state
// machine of a typical asynchronous data type.
// TODO(akalin): Consider using subclasses of
// {Frontend,NonFrontend,NewNonFrontend}DataTypeController instead, so
// that we don't have to update this class if we change the expected
// behavior of controllers. (It would be easier of the above classes
// used delegation instead of subclassing for per-data-type
// functionality.)
class FakeDataTypeController : public DataTypeController {
explicit FakeDataTypeController(syncer::ModelType type);
virtual void LoadModels(
const ModelLoadCallback& model_load_callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnModelLoaded() OVERRIDE;
virtual void StartAssociating(const StartCallback& start_callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Stop() OVERRIDE;
virtual syncer::ModelType type() const OVERRIDE;
virtual std::string name() const OVERRIDE;
virtual syncer::ModelSafeGroup model_safe_group() const OVERRIDE;
virtual ChangeProcessor* GetChangeProcessor() const OVERRIDE;
virtual State state() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnSingleDataTypeUnrecoverableError(
const syncer::SyncError& error) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ReadyForStart() const OVERRIDE;
void FinishStart(ConfigureResult result);
void SetDelayModelLoad();
void SetModelLoadError(syncer::SyncError error);
void SimulateModelLoadFinishing();
void SetReadyForStart(bool ready);
virtual ~FakeDataTypeController();
DataTypeController::State state_;
bool model_load_delayed_;
syncer::ModelType type_;
StartCallback last_start_callback_;
ModelLoadCallback model_load_callback_;
syncer::SyncError load_error_;
bool ready_for_start_;
} // namespace sync_driver