blob: 185236279bbc20a08fd577b6aecd27b6ce8405cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This class is a helper class to the inter arrival congestion control. It
// provide a signal to the inter arrival congestion control of the estimated
// state of our transport channel. The estimate is based on the inter arrival
// time of the received packets relative to the time those packets were sent;
// we can estimate the build up of buffers on the network before packets are
// lost.
// Note: this class is not thread-safe.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_time.h"
namespace net {
enum NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE RateControlRegion {
kRateControlRegionUnknown = 0,
kRateControlRegionUnderMax = 1,
kRateControlRegionNearMax = 2
// Note: Order is important.
enum NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE BandwidthUsage {
kBandwidthSteady = 0,
kBandwidthUnderUsing = 1,
kBandwidthDraining = 2,
kBandwidthOverUsing = 3,
// Normal state transition diagram
// kBandwidthUnderUsing
// |
// |
// kBandwidthSteady
// | ^
// | |
// kBandwidthOverUsing |
// | |
// | |
// kBandwidthDraining
// The above transitions is in normal operation, with extreme values we don't
// enforce the state transitions, hence you could in extreme scenarios go
// between any states.
// kBandwidthSteady When the packets arrive in the same pace as we sent
// them. In this state we can increase our send pace.
// kBandwidthOverUsing When the packets arrive slower than the pace we sent
// them. In this state we should decrease our send pace.
// When we enter into this state we will also get an
// estimate on how much delay we have built up. The
// reduction in send pace should be chosen to drain the
// built up delay within reasonable time.
// kBandwidthUnderUsing When the packets arrive faster than the pace we sent
// them. In this state another stream disappeared from
// a shared link leaving us more available bandwidth.
// In this state we should hold our pace to make sure we
// fully drain the buffers before we start increasing
// our send rate. We do this to avoid operating with
// semi-full buffers.
// kBandwidthDraining We can only be in this state after we have been in a
// overuse state. In this state we should hold our pace
// to make sure we fully drain the buffers before we
// start increasing our send rate. We do this to avoid
// operating with semi-full buffers.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE InterArrivalOveruseDetector {
// Update the statistics with the received delta times, call for every
// received delta time. This function assumes that there is no re-orderings.
// If multiple packets are sent at the same time (identical send_time)
// last_of_send_time should be set to false for all but the last calls to
// this function. If there is only one packet sent at a given time
// last_of_send_time must be true.
// received_delta is the time difference between receiving this packet and the
// previously received packet.
void OnAcknowledgedPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
QuicTime send_time,
bool last_of_send_time,
QuicTime receive_time);
// Get the current estimated state and update the estimated congestion delay.
// |estimated_congestion_delay| will be updated with the estimated built up
// buffer delay; it must not be NULL as it will be updated with the estimate.
// Note 1: estimated_buffer_delay will only be valid when kBandwidthOverUsing
// is returned.
// Note 2: it's assumed that the pacer lower its send pace to drain the
// built up buffer within reasonable time. The pacer should use the
// estimated_buffer_delay as a guidance on how much to back off.
// Note 3: The absolute value of estimated_congestion_delay is less reliable
// than the state itself. It is also biased to low since we can't know
// how full the buffers are when the flow starts.
BandwidthUsage GetState(QuicTime::Delta* estimated_congestion_delay);
struct PacketGroup {
: send_time(QuicTime::Zero()),
last_receive_time(QuicTime::Zero()) {
QuicTime send_time;
QuicTime last_receive_time;
// Update the statistics with the absolute receive time relative to the
// absolute send time.
void UpdateSendReceiveTimeOffset(QuicTime::Delta offset);
// Update the filter with this new data point.
void UpdateFilter(QuicTime::Delta received_delta,
QuicTime::Delta sent_delta);
// Update the estimate with this residual.
void UpdateDeltaEstimate(QuicTime::Delta residual);
// Estimate the state based on the slope of the changes.
void DetectSlope(int64 sigma_delta);
// Estimate the state based on the accumulated drift of the changes.
void DetectDrift(int64 sigma_delta);
// Current grouping of packets that were sent at the same time.
PacketGroup current_packet_group_;
// Grouping of packets that were sent at the same time, just before the
// current_packet_group_ above.
PacketGroup previous_packet_group_;
// Sequence number of the last acknowledged packet.
QuicPacketSequenceNumber last_sequence_number_;
// Number of received delta times with unique send time.
int num_of_deltas_;
// Estimated accumulation of received delta times.
// Note: Can be negative and can drift over time which is why we bias it
// towards 0 and reset it given some triggers.
QuicTime::Delta accumulated_deltas_;
// Current running mean of our received delta times.
int delta_mean_;
// Current running variance of our received delta times.
int64 delta_variance_;
// Number of overuse signals currently triggered in this state.
// Note: negative represent underuse.
int delta_overuse_counter_;
// State estimated by the delta times.
BandwidthUsage delta_estimate_;
// Number of overuse signals currently triggered in this state.
// Note: negative represent underuse.
int slope_overuse_counter_;
// State estimated by the slope of the delta times.
BandwidthUsage slope_estimate_;
// Lowest offset between send and receive time ever received in this session.
QuicTime::Delta send_receive_offset_;
// Last received time difference between our normalized send and receive time.
QuicTime::Delta estimated_congestion_delay_;
} // namespace net