blob: 0b18f68e35192919a41aed949a4461a79a5b1821 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.fileSystemProvider</code> API to create file systems,
// that can be accessible from the file manager on Chrome OS.
namespace fileSystemProvider {
// Error codes used by providing extensions in response to requests. For
// success, <code>OK</code> should be used.
enum ProviderError {
// Mode of opening a file. Used by <code>onOpenFileRequested</code>.
enum OpenFileMode {
// Represents metadata of a file or a directory.
dictionary EntryMetadata {
// True if it is a directory.
boolean isDirectory;
// Name of this entry (not full path name).
DOMString name;
// File size in bytes.
double size;
// The last modified time of this entry.
[instanceOf=Date] object modificationTime;
// Options for the <code>mount()</code> method.
dictionary MountOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
DOMString displayName;
// Options for the <code>unmount()</code> method.
dictionary UnmountOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
// Options for the <code>onUnmountRequested()</code> event.
dictionary UnmountRequestedOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
long requestId;
// Options for the <code>onGetMetadataRequested()</code> event.
dictionary GetMetadataRequestedOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
long requestId;
DOMString entryPath;
// Options for the <code>onReadDirectoryRequested()</code> event.
dictionary ReadDirectoryRequestedOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
long requestId;
DOMString directoryPath;
// Options for the <code>onOpenFileRequested()</code> event.
dictionary OpenFileRequestedOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
long requestId;
DOMString filePath;
OpenFileMode mode;
boolean create;
// Options for the <code>onCloseFileRequested()</code> event.
dictionary CloseFileRequestedOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
long requestId;
long openRequestId;
// Options for the <code>onReadFileRequested()</code> event.
dictionary ReadFileRequestedOptions {
DOMString fileSystemId;
long requestId;
long openRequestId;
double offset;
double length;
// Callback to receive the result of mount() function.
callback MountCallback = void([nodoc, instanceOf=DOMError] object error);
// Callback to receive the result of unmount() function.
callback UnmountCallback = void([nodoc, instanceOf=DOMError] object error);
// Callback to be called by the providing extension in case of a success.
callback ProviderSuccessCallback = void();
// Callback to be called by the providing extension in case of an error.
callback ProviderErrorCallback = void(ProviderError error);
// Callback to handle an error raised from the browser.
[nocompile] callback ErrorCallback = void([instanceOf=DOMError] object error);
// Success callback for the <code>onGetMetadataRequested</code> event.
callback MetadataCallback = void(EntryMetadata metadata);
// Success callback for the <code>onReadDirectoryRequested</code> event. If
// more entries will be returned, then <code>hasMore</code> must be true, and
// it has to be called again with additional entries. If no more entries are
// available, then <code>hasMore</code> must be set to false.
callback EntriesCallback = void(ResourceEntry[] entries, bool hasMore);
// Success callback for the <code>onReadFileRequested</code> event. If more
// data will be returned, then <code>hasMore</code> must be true, and it
// has to be called again with additional entries. If no more data is
// available, then <code>hasMore</code> must be set to false.
callback FileDataCallback = void(ArrayBuffer data, bool hasMore);
interface Functions {
// Mounts a file system with the given <code>fileSystemId</code> and <code>
// displayName</code>. <code>displayName</code> will be shown in the left
// panel of <code>displayName</code> can contain any characters
// including '/', but cannot be an empty string. <code>displayName</code>
// should be descriptive but doesn't have to be unique. Duplicate display
// names are uniquified by adding suffix like "(1)" in the Files app UI.
// If a file system with the passed <code>fileSystemId</code> is already
// mounted by this extension, then <code>errorCallback</code> will be called
// with <code>ProviderError.EXISTS</code> value. The <code>fileSystemId
// </code> must not be an empty string.
static void mount(MountOptions options,
MountCallback successCallback,
[nocompile] ErrorCallback errorCallback);
// Unmounts a file system with the given <code>fileSystemId</code>. It
// should be called after <code>onUnmountRequested</code> is invoked. Also,
// the providing extension can decide to perform unmounting if not requested
// (eg. in case of lost connection, or a file error). If there is no file
// system with the requested id, or unmounting fails, then the
// <code>errorCallback</code> will be called.
static void unmount(UnmountOptions options,
UnmountCallback successCallback,
[nocompile] ErrorCallback errorCallback);
interface Events {
// Raised when unmounting for the file system with the <code>fileSystemId
// </code> identifier is requested. In the response, the <code>unmount
// </code> API method should be called together with <code>successCallback
// </code>. If unmounting is not possible (eg. due to a pending operation),
// then <code>errorCallback</code> must be called.
[maxListeners=1] static void onUnmountRequested(
UnmountRequestedOptions options,
ProviderSuccessCallback successCallback,
ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback);
// Raised when metadata of a file or a directory at <code>entryPath</code>
// is requested. The metadata should be returned with the <code>
// successCallback</code> call. In case of an error, <code>errorCallback
// </code> must be called.
[maxListeners=1] static void onGetMetadataRequested(
GetMetadataRequestedOptions options,
MetadataCallback successCallback,
ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback);
// Raised when contents of a directory at <code>directoryPath</code> are
// requested. The results should be returned in chunks by calling the <code>
// successCallback</code> several times. In case of an error, <code>
// errorCallback</code> must be called.
[maxListeners=1] static void onReadDirectoryRequested(
ReadDirectoryRequestedOptions options,
EntriesCallback successCallback,
ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback);
// Raised when opening a file at <code>filePath</code> is requested.
// If <code>create</code> is set to <code>true</code> and the file does not
// exist, then it should be created.
[maxListeners=1] static void onOpenFileRequested(
OpenFileRequestedOptions options,
ProviderSuccessCallback successCallback,
ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback);
// Raised when opening a file previously opened with <code>openRequestId
// </code> is requested to be closed.
[maxListeners=1] static void onCloseFileRequested(
CloseFileRequestedOptions options,
ProviderSuccessCallback successCallback,
ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback);
// Raised when contents of a file opened previously with <code>openRequestId
// </code>. The results should be returned in chunks by calling <code>
// successCallback</code> several times. In case of an error, <code>
// errorCallback</code> must be called.
[maxListeners=1] static void onReadFileRequested(
ReadFileRequestedOptions options,
FileDataCallback successCallback,
ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback);