blob: 2193030bf2a9f9c3a18de51bd1705758971d2c8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/header_checker.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
#include "tools/gn/build_settings.h"
#include "tools/gn/builder.h"
#include "tools/gn/c_include_iterator.h"
#include "tools/gn/config.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/filesystem_utils.h"
#include "tools/gn/scheduler.h"
#include "tools/gn/target.h"
#include "tools/gn/trace.h"
namespace {
// This class makes InputFiles on the stack as it reads files to check. When
// we throw an error, the Err indicates a locatin which has a pointer to
// an InputFile that must persist as long as the Err does.
// To make this work, this function creates a clone of the InputFile managed
// by the InputFileManager so the error can refer to something that
// persists. This means that the current file contents will live as long as
// the program, but this is OK since we're erroring out anyway.
LocationRange CreatePersistentRange(const InputFile& input_file,
const LocationRange& range) {
InputFile* clone_input_file;
std::vector<Token>* tokens; // Don't care about this.
scoped_ptr<ParseNode>* parse_root; // Don't care about this.
g_scheduler->input_file_manager()->AddDynamicInput(, &clone_input_file, &tokens, &parse_root);
return LocationRange(
Location(clone_input_file, range.begin().line_number(),
Location(clone_input_file, range.end().line_number(),
// Returns true if the given config could affect how the compiler runs (rather
// than being empty or just affecting linker flags).
bool ConfigHasCompilerSettings(const Config* config) {
const ConfigValues& values = config->config_values();
!values.cflags().empty() ||
!values.cflags_c().empty() ||
!values.cflags_cc().empty() ||
!values.cflags_objc().empty() ||
!values.cflags_objcc().empty() ||
!values.defines().empty() ||
// Returns true if the given target has any direct dependent configs with
// compiler settings in it.
bool HasDirectDependentCompilerSettings(const Target* target) {
const UniqueVector<LabelConfigPair>& direct =
for (size_t i = 0; i < direct.size(); i++) {
if (ConfigHasCompilerSettings(direct[i].ptr))
return true;
return false;
// Given a reverse dependency chain where the target chain[0]'s dependent
// configs don't apply to chain[end], returns the string describing the error.
// The problematic index is the target where the dependent configs were lost.
std::string GetDependentConfigChainError(
const std::vector<const Target*>& chain,
size_t problematic_index) {
// Erroneous dependent config chains are always at least three long, since
// dependent configs would apply if it was length two.
DCHECK(chain.size() >= 3);
std::string from_label =
chain[chain.size() - 1]->label().GetUserVisibleName(false);
std::string to_label =
std::string problematic_label =
std::string problematic_upstream_label =
chain[problematic_index - 1]->label().GetUserVisibleName(false);
"You have the dependency tree: SOURCE -> MID -> DEST\n"
"Where a file from:\n"
" SOURCE = " + from_label + "\n"
"is including a header from:\n"
" DEST = " + to_label + "\n"
"DEST has direct_dependent_configs, and they don't apply to SOURCE "
"because\nSOURCE is more than one hop away. This means that DEST's "
"headers might not\nreceive the expected compiler flags.\n"
"To fix this, make SOURCE depend directly on DEST.\n"
"Alternatively, if the target:\n"
" MID = " + problematic_label + "\n"
"exposes DEST as part of its public API, you can declare this by "
" forward_dependent_configs_from = [\n"
" \"" + problematic_upstream_label + "\"\n"
" ]\n"
"to MID. This will apply DEST's direct dependent configs to SOURCE.\n";
} // namespace
HeaderChecker::HeaderChecker(const BuildSettings* build_settings,
const std::vector<const Target*>& targets)
: main_loop_(base::MessageLoop::current()),
build_settings_(build_settings) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++)
HeaderChecker::~HeaderChecker() {
bool HeaderChecker::Run(std::vector<Err>* errors) {
ScopedTrace trace(TraceItem::TRACE_CHECK_HEADERS, "Check headers");
if (file_map_.empty())
return true;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool> pool(
new base::SequencedWorkerPool(16, "HeaderChecker"));
for (FileMap::const_iterator file_i = file_map_.begin();
file_i != file_map_.end(); ++file_i) {
const TargetVector& vect = file_i->second;
// Only check C-like source files (RC files also have includes).
SourceFileType type = GetSourceFileType(file_i->first);
if (type != SOURCE_CC && type != SOURCE_H && type != SOURCE_C &&
type != SOURCE_M && type != SOURCE_MM && type != SOURCE_RC)
for (size_t vect_i = 0; vect_i < vect.size(); ++vect_i) {
base::Bind(&HeaderChecker::DoWork, this,
vect[vect_i].target, file_i->first),
// After this call we're single-threaded again.
if (errors_.empty())
return true;
*errors = errors_;
return false;
void HeaderChecker::DoWork(const Target* target, const SourceFile& file) {
Err err;
if (!CheckFile(target, file, &err)) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
void HeaderChecker::AddTargetToFileMap(const Target* target) {
// Files in the sources have this public bit by default.
bool default_public = target->all_headers_public();
// First collect the normal files, they get the default visibility.
std::map<SourceFile, bool> files_to_public;
const Target::FileList& sources = target->sources();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++)
files_to_public[sources[i]] = default_public;
// Add in the public files, forcing them to public. This may overwrite some
// entries, and it may add new ones.
const Target::FileList& public_list = target->public_headers();
if (default_public)
DCHECK(public_list.empty()); // List only used when default is not public.
for (size_t i = 0; i < public_list.size(); i++)
files_to_public[public_list[i]] = true;
// Add the merged list to the master list of all files.
for (std::map<SourceFile, bool>::const_iterator i = files_to_public.begin();
i != files_to_public.end(); ++i)
file_map_[i->first].push_back(TargetInfo(target, i->second));
bool HeaderChecker::IsFileInOuputDir(const SourceFile& file) const {
const std::string& build_dir = build_settings_->build_dir().value();
return file.value().compare(0, build_dir.size(), build_dir) == 0;
// This current assumes all include paths are relative to the source root
// which is generally the case for Chromium.
// A future enhancement would be to search the include path for the target
// containing the source file containing this include and find the file to
// handle the cases where people do weird things with the paths.
SourceFile HeaderChecker::SourceFileForInclude(
const base::StringPiece& input) const {
std::string str("//");
return SourceFile(str);
bool HeaderChecker::CheckFile(const Target* from_target,
const SourceFile& file,
Err* err) const {
ScopedTrace trace(TraceItem::TRACE_CHECK_HEADER, file.value());
// Sometimes you have generated source files included as sources in another
// target. These won't exist at checking time. Since we require all generated
// files to be somewhere in the output tree, we can just check the name to
// see if they should be skipped.
if (IsFileInOuputDir(file))
return true;
base::FilePath path = build_settings_->GetFullPath(file);
std::string contents;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &contents)) {
*err = Err(from_target->defined_from(), "Source file not found.",
"This target includes as a source:\n " + file.value() +
"\nwhich was not found.");
return false;
InputFile input_file(file);
CIncludeIterator iter(&input_file);
base::StringPiece current_include;
LocationRange range;
while (iter.GetNextIncludeString(&current_include, &range)) {
SourceFile include = SourceFileForInclude(current_include);
if (!CheckInclude(from_target, input_file, include, range, err))
return false;
return true;
// If the file exists:
// - It must be in one or more dependencies of the given target.
// - Those dependencies must have visibility from the source file.
// - The header must be in the public section of those dependeices.
// - Those dependencies must either have no direct dependent configs with
// flags that affect the compiler, or those direct dependent configs apply
// to the "from_target" (it's one "hop" away). This ensures that if the
// include file needs needs compiler settings to compile it, that those
// settings are applied to the file including it.
bool HeaderChecker::CheckInclude(const Target* from_target,
const InputFile& source_file,
const SourceFile& include_file,
const LocationRange& range,
Err* err) const {
// Assume if the file isn't declared in our sources that we don't need to
// check it. It would be nice if we could give an error if this happens, but
// our include finder is too primitive and returns all includes, even if
// they're in a #if not executed in the current build. In that case, it's
// not unusual for the buildfiles to not specify that header at all.
FileMap::const_iterator found = file_map_.find(include_file);
if (found == file_map_.end())
return true;
const TargetVector& targets = found->second;
std::vector<const Target*> chain; // Prevent reallocating in the loop.
bool direct_dependent_configs_apply = false;
// For all targets containing this file, we require that at least one be
// a dependency of the current target, and all targets that are dependencies
// must have the file listed in the public section.
bool found_dependency = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
// We always allow source files in a target to include headers also in that
// target.
const Target* to_target = targets[i].target;
if (to_target == from_target)
return true;
bool has_direct_dependent_compiler_settings =
if (IsDependencyOf(to_target,
&direct_dependent_configs_apply)) {
DCHECK(chain.size() >= 2);
DCHECK(chain[0] == to_target);
DCHECK(chain[chain.size() - 1] == from_target);
// The include is in a target that's a proper dependency. Verify that
// the including target has visibility.
if (!to_target->visibility().CanSeeMe(from_target->label())) {
std::string msg = "The included file is in " +
to_target->label().GetUserVisibleName(false) +
"\nwhich is not visible from " +
from_target->label().GetUserVisibleName(false) +
"\n(see \"gn help visibility\").";
// Danger: must call CreatePersistentRange to put in Err.
*err = Err(CreatePersistentRange(source_file, range),
"Including a header from non-visible target.", msg);
return false;
// The file must be public in the target.
if (!targets[i].is_public) {
// Danger: must call CreatePersistentRange to put in Err.
*err = Err(CreatePersistentRange(source_file, range),
"Including a private header.",
"This file is private to the target " +
return false;
// If the to_target has direct_dependent_configs, they must apply to the
// from_target.
if (has_direct_dependent_compiler_settings &&
!direct_dependent_configs_apply) {
size_t problematic_index = GetDependentConfigChainProblemIndex(chain);
*err = Err(CreatePersistentRange(source_file, range),
"Can't include this header from here.",
GetDependentConfigChainError(chain, problematic_index));
return false;
found_dependency = true;
if (!found_dependency) {
std::string msg = "It is not in any dependency of " +
msg += "\nThe include file is in the target(s):\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++)
msg += " " + targets[i].target->label().GetUserVisibleName(false) + "\n";
if (targets.size() > 1)
msg += "at least one of ";
msg += "which should somehow be reachable from " +
// Danger: must call CreatePersistentRange to put in Err.
*err = Err(CreatePersistentRange(source_file, range),
"Include not allowed.", msg);
return false;
// One thing we didn't check for is targets that expose their dependents
// headers in their own public headers.
// Say we have A -> B -> C. If C has direct_dependent_configs, everybody
// getting headers from C should get the configs also or things could be
// out-of-sync. Above, we check for A including C's headers directly, but A
// could also include a header from B that in turn includes a header from C.
// There are two ways to solve this:
// - If a public header in B includes C, force B to forward C's direct
// dependent configs. This is possible to check, but might be super
// annoying because most targets (especially large leaf-node targets)
// don't declare public/private headers and you'll get lots of false
// positives.
// - Save the includes found in each file and actually compute the graph of
// includes to detect when A implicitly includes C's header. This will not
// have the annoying false positive problem, but is complex to write.
return true;
bool HeaderChecker::IsDependencyOf(const Target* search_for,
const Target* search_from,
bool prefer_direct_dependent_configs,
std::vector<const Target*>* chain,
bool* direct_dependent_configs_apply) const {
if (search_for == search_from)
return false;
// Find the shortest chain that forwards dependent configs, if one exists.
if (prefer_direct_dependent_configs &&
IsDependencyOf(search_for, search_from, true, chain)) {
if (direct_dependent_configs_apply)
*direct_dependent_configs_apply = true;
return true;
// If not, try to find any dependency chain at all.
if (IsDependencyOf(search_for, search_from, false, chain)) {
if (direct_dependent_configs_apply)
*direct_dependent_configs_apply = false;
return true;
return false;
bool HeaderChecker::IsDependencyOf(const Target* search_for,
const Target* search_from,
bool requires_dependent_configs,
std::vector<const Target*>* chain) const {
// This method conducts a breadth-first search through the dependency graph
// to find a shortest chain from search_from to search_for.
// work_queue maintains a queue of targets which need to be considered as
// part of this chain, in the order they were first traversed.
// Each time a new transitive dependency of search_from is discovered for
// the first time, it is added to work_queue and a "breadcrumb" is added,
// indicating which target it was reached from when first discovered.
// Once this search finds search_for, the breadcrumbs are used to reconstruct
// a shortest dependency chain (in reverse order) from search_from to
// search_for.
std::map<const Target*, const Target*> breadcrumbs;
std::queue<const Target*> work_queue;
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
const Target* target = work_queue.front();
if (target == search_for) {
// Found it! Reconstruct the chain.
while (target != search_from) {
target = breadcrumbs[target];
return true;
// If the callee requires direct-dependent configs be forwarded, then
// only targets for which they will be forwarded should be explored.
// Groups implicitly forward direct-dependent configs of all of their deps.
bool uses_all_deps = !requires_dependent_configs || target == search_from ||
target->output_type() == Target::GROUP;
const LabelTargetVector& deps =
uses_all_deps ? target->deps()
: target->forward_dependent_configs().vector();
for (size_t i = 0; i < deps.size(); i++) {
bool seeing_for_first_time =
breadcrumbs.insert(std::make_pair(deps[i].ptr, target)).second;
if (seeing_for_first_time)
return false;
// static
size_t HeaderChecker::GetDependentConfigChainProblemIndex(
const std::vector<const Target*>& chain) {
// Direct dependent configs go up the chain one level with the following
// exceptions:
// - Skip over groups
// - Skip anything that explicitly forwards it
// Chains of length less than three have no problems.
// These should have been filtered out earlier.
DCHECK(chain.size() >= 3);
for (size_t i = 1; i < chain.size() - 1; i++) {
if (chain[i]->output_type() == Target::GROUP)
continue; // This one is OK, skip to next one.
// The forward list on this target should have contained in it the target
// at the next lower level.
const UniqueVector<LabelTargetPair>& forwarded =
if (std::find_if(forwarded.begin(), forwarded.end(),
LabelPtrPtrEquals<Target>(chain[i - 1])) ==
return i;
CHECK(false) << "Unable to diagnose dependent config chain problem.";
return 0;