blob: 1f083fc76a339116c634c22e4d5d97cdc1e3467c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import cStringIO
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from lib.ordered_dict import OrderedDict
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('dmprof')
BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'malloc.browser-module.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'malloc.renderer-module.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'malloc.type.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'malloc.WebCore.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'vm.Android-specific.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'vm.base.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'vm.GPU.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'vm.sharing.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'vm.Skia.json'),
os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'sorters', 'vm.V8.json'),
DEFAULT_TEMPLATES = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'templates.json')
class Unit(object):
"""Represents a minimum unit of memory usage categorization.
It is supposed to be inherited for some different spaces like the entire
virtual memory and malloc arena. Such different spaces are called "worlds"
in dmprof. (For example, the "vm" world and the "malloc" world.)
def __init__(self, unit_id, size):
self._unit_id = unit_id
self._size = size
def unit_id(self):
return self._unit_id
def size(self):
return self._size
class VMUnit(Unit):
"""Represents a Unit for a memory region on virtual memory."""
def __init__(self, unit_id, committed, reserved, mmap, region,
pageframe=None, group_pfn_counts=None):
super(VMUnit, self).__init__(unit_id, committed)
self._reserved = reserved
self._mmap = mmap
self._region = region
self._pageframe = pageframe
self._group_pfn_counts = group_pfn_counts
def committed(self):
return self._size
def reserved(self):
return self._reserved
def mmap(self):
return self._mmap
def region(self):
return self._region
def pageframe(self):
return self._pageframe
def group_pfn_counts(self):
return self._group_pfn_counts
class MMapUnit(VMUnit):
"""Represents a Unit for a mmap'ed region."""
def __init__(self, unit_id, committed, reserved, region, bucket_set,
pageframe=None, group_pfn_counts=None):
super(MMapUnit, self).__init__(unit_id, committed, reserved, True,
region, pageframe, group_pfn_counts)
self._bucket_set = bucket_set
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.region)
def bucket_set(self):
return self._bucket_set
class UnhookedUnit(VMUnit):
"""Represents a Unit for a non-mmap'ed memory region on virtual memory."""
def __init__(self, unit_id, committed, reserved, region,
pageframe=None, group_pfn_counts=None):
super(UnhookedUnit, self).__init__(unit_id, committed, reserved, False,
region, pageframe, group_pfn_counts)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.region)
class MallocUnit(Unit):
"""Represents a Unit for a malloc'ed memory block."""
def __init__(self, unit_id, size, alloc_count, free_count, bucket):
super(MallocUnit, self).__init__(unit_id, size)
self._bucket = bucket
self._alloc_count = alloc_count
self._free_count = free_count
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.bucket)
def bucket(self):
return self._bucket
def alloc_count(self):
return self._alloc_count
def free_count(self):
return self._free_count
class UnitSet(object):
"""Represents an iterable set of Units."""
def __init__(self, world):
self._units = {}
self._world = world
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._units)
def __iter__(self):
for unit_id in sorted(self._units):
yield self._units[unit_id]
def append(self, unit, overwrite=False):
if not overwrite and unit.unit_id in self._units:
LOGGER.error('The unit id=%s already exists.' % str(unit.unit_id))
self._units[unit.unit_id] = unit
class AbstractRule(object):
"""An abstract class for rules to be matched with units."""
def __init__(self, dct):
self._name = dct['name']
self._hidden = dct.get('hidden', False)
self._subs = dct.get('subs', [])
def match(self, unit):
raise NotImplementedError()
def name(self):
return self._name
def hidden(self):
return self._hidden
def iter_subs(self):
for sub in self._subs:
yield sub
class VMRule(AbstractRule):
"""Represents a Rule to match with virtual memory regions."""
def __init__(self, dct):
super(VMRule, self).__init__(dct)
self._backtrace_function = dct.get('backtrace_function', None)
if self._backtrace_function:
self._backtrace_function = re.compile(self._backtrace_function)
self._backtrace_sourcefile = dct.get('backtrace_sourcefile', None)
if self._backtrace_sourcefile:
self._backtrace_sourcefile = re.compile(self._backtrace_sourcefile)
self._mmap = dct.get('mmap', None)
self._sharedwith = dct.get('sharedwith', [])
self._mapped_pathname = dct.get('mapped_pathname', None)
if self._mapped_pathname:
self._mapped_pathname = re.compile(self._mapped_pathname)
self._mapped_permission = dct.get('mapped_permission', None)
if self._mapped_permission:
self._mapped_permission = re.compile(self._mapped_permission)
def __repr__(self):
result = cStringIO.StringIO()
result.write('%s: ' % self._name)
attributes = []
attributes.append('mmap: %s' % self._mmap)
if self._backtrace_function:
attributes.append('backtrace_function: "%s"' %
if self._sharedwith:
attributes.append('sharedwith: "%s"' % self._sharedwith)
if self._mapped_pathname:
attributes.append('mapped_pathname: "%s"' % self._mapped_pathname.pattern)
if self._mapped_permission:
attributes.append('mapped_permission: "%s"' %
result.write('{ %s }' % ', '.join(attributes))
return result.getvalue()
def match(self, unit):
if unit.mmap:
assert unit.region[0] == 'hooked'
bucket = unit.bucket_set.get(unit.region[1]['bucket_id'])
assert bucket
assert bucket.allocator_type == 'mmap'
stackfunction = bucket.symbolized_joined_stackfunction
stacksourcefile = bucket.symbolized_joined_stacksourcefile
# TODO(dmikurube): Support shared memory.
sharedwith = None
if self._mmap == False: # (self._mmap == None) should go through.
return False
if (self._backtrace_function and
not self._backtrace_function.match(stackfunction)):
return False
if (self._backtrace_sourcefile and
not self._backtrace_sourcefile.match(stacksourcefile)):
return False
if (self._mapped_pathname and
not self._mapped_pathname.match(unit.region[1]['vma']['name'])):
return False
if (self._mapped_permission and
not self._mapped_permission.match(
unit.region[1]['vma']['readable'] +
unit.region[1]['vma']['writable'] +
unit.region[1]['vma']['executable'] +
return False
if (self._sharedwith and
unit.pageframe and sharedwith not in self._sharedwith):
return False
return True
assert unit.region[0] == 'unhooked'
# TODO(dmikurube): Support shared memory.
sharedwith = None
if self._mmap == True: # (self._mmap == None) should go through.
return False
if (self._mapped_pathname and
not self._mapped_pathname.match(unit.region[1]['vma']['name'])):
return False
if (self._mapped_permission and
not self._mapped_permission.match(
unit.region[1]['vma']['readable'] +
unit.region[1]['vma']['writable'] +
unit.region[1]['vma']['executable'] +
return False
if (self._sharedwith and
unit.pageframe and sharedwith not in self._sharedwith):
return False
return True
class MallocRule(AbstractRule):
"""Represents a Rule to match with malloc'ed blocks."""
def __init__(self, dct):
super(MallocRule, self).__init__(dct)
self._backtrace_function = dct.get('backtrace_function', None)
if self._backtrace_function:
self._backtrace_function = re.compile(self._backtrace_function)
self._backtrace_sourcefile = dct.get('backtrace_sourcefile', None)
if self._backtrace_sourcefile:
self._backtrace_sourcefile = re.compile(self._backtrace_sourcefile)
self._typeinfo = dct.get('typeinfo', None)
if self._typeinfo:
self._typeinfo = re.compile(self._typeinfo)
def __repr__(self):
result = cStringIO.StringIO()
result.write('%s: ' % self._name)
attributes = []
if self._backtrace_function:
attributes.append('backtrace_function: "%s"' %
if self._typeinfo:
attributes.append('typeinfo: "%s"' % self._typeinfo.pattern)
result.write('{ %s }' % ', '.join(attributes))
return result.getvalue()
def match(self, unit):
assert unit.bucket.allocator_type == 'malloc'
stackfunction = unit.bucket.symbolized_joined_stackfunction
stacksourcefile = unit.bucket.symbolized_joined_stacksourcefile
typeinfo = unit.bucket.symbolized_typeinfo
if typeinfo.startswith('0x'):
typeinfo = unit.bucket.typeinfo_name
return ((not self._backtrace_function or
self._backtrace_function.match(stackfunction)) and
(not self._backtrace_sourcefile or
self._backtrace_sourcefile.match(stacksourcefile)) and
(not self._typeinfo or self._typeinfo.match(typeinfo)))
class AbstractSorter(object):
"""An abstract class for classifying Units with a set of Rules."""
def __init__(self, dct):
self._type = 'sorter'
self._version = dct['version']
self._world = dct['world']
self._name = dct['name']
self._root = dct.get('root', False)
self._order = dct['order']
self._rules = []
for rule in dct['rules']:
if dct['world'] == 'vm':
elif dct['world'] == 'malloc':
LOGGER.error('Unknown sorter world type')
def __repr__(self):
result = cStringIO.StringIO()
print >> result, '%s' % self._name
print >> result, 'world=%s' % self._world
print >> result, 'name=%s' % self._name
print >> result, 'order=%s' % self._order
print >> result, 'rules:'
for rule in self._rules:
print >> result, ' %s' % rule
return result.getvalue()
def load(filename):
with open(filename) as sorter_f:
sorter_dict = json.load(sorter_f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
if sorter_dict['world'] == 'vm':
return VMSorter(sorter_dict)
elif sorter_dict['world'] == 'malloc':
return MallocSorter(sorter_dict)
LOGGER.error('Unknown sorter world type')
return None
def world(self):
return self._world
def name(self):
return self._name
def root(self):
return self._root
def iter_rule(self):
for rule in self._rules:
yield rule
def find(self, unit):
raise NotImplementedError()
def find_rule(self, name):
"""Finds a rule whose name is |name|. """
for rule in self._rules:
if == name:
return rule
return None
class VMSorter(AbstractSorter):
"""Represents a Sorter for memory regions on virtual memory."""
def __init__(self, dct):
assert dct['world'] == 'vm'
super(VMSorter, self).__init__(dct)
def find(self, unit):
for rule in self._rules:
if rule.match(unit):
return rule
return None
class MallocSorter(AbstractSorter):
"""Represents a Sorter for malloc'ed blocks."""
def __init__(self, dct):
assert dct['world'] == 'malloc'
super(MallocSorter, self).__init__(dct)
def find(self, unit):
if not unit.bucket:
return None
assert unit.bucket.allocator_type == 'malloc'
# TODO(dmikurube): Utilize component_cache again, or remove it.
for rule in self._rules:
if rule.match(unit):
return rule
return None
class SorterTemplates(object):
"""Represents a template for sorters."""
def __init__(self, dct):
self._dict = dct
def as_dict(self):
return self._dict
def load(filename):
with open(filename) as templates_f:
templates_dict = json.load(templates_f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
return SorterTemplates(templates_dict)
class SorterSet(object):
"""Represents an iterable set of Sorters."""
def __init__(self, additional=None, default=None):
if not additional:
additional = []
if not default:
self._sorters = {}'Loading sorters.')
for filename in default + additional:' Loading a sorter "%s".' % filename)
sorter = AbstractSorter.load(filename)
if not in self._sorters:
self._sorters[] = []
self._templates = SorterTemplates.load(DEFAULT_TEMPLATES)
def __repr__(self):
result = cStringIO.StringIO()
for world, sorters in self._sorters.iteritems():
for sorter in sorters:
print >> result, '%s: %s' % (world, sorter)
return result.getvalue()
def __iter__(self):
for sorters in self._sorters.itervalues():
for sorter in sorters:
yield sorter
def iter_world(self, world):
for sorter in self._sorters.get(world, []):
yield sorter
def templates(self):
return self._templates