blob: f699e26dee4db1fbf6bb9396e826e608bf4595a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_win.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_gdi_object.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_hdc.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_select_object.h"
#include "base/win/win_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_render_params.h"
#include "ui/gfx/win/scoped_set_map_mode.h"
namespace {
// If the tmWeight field of a TEXTMETRIC structure has a value >= this, the
// font is bold.
const int kTextMetricWeightBold = 700;
// Returns the minimum font size, using the minimum size callback, if set.
int GetMinimumFontSize() {
int min_font_size = 0;
if (gfx::PlatformFontWin::get_minimum_font_size_callback)
min_font_size = gfx::PlatformFontWin::get_minimum_font_size_callback();
return min_font_size;
// Returns either minimum font allowed for a current locale or
// lf_height + size_delta value.
int AdjustFontSize(int lf_height, int size_delta) {
if (lf_height < 0) {
lf_height -= size_delta;
} else {
lf_height += size_delta;
const int min_font_size = GetMinimumFontSize();
// Make sure lf_height is not smaller than allowed min font size for current
// locale.
if (abs(lf_height) < min_font_size) {
return lf_height < 0 ? -min_font_size : min_font_size;
} else {
return lf_height;
// Sets style properties on |font_info| based on |font_style|.
void SetLogFontStyle(int font_style, LOGFONT* font_info) {
font_info->lfUnderline = (font_style & gfx::Font::UNDERLINE) != 0;
font_info->lfItalic = (font_style & gfx::Font::ITALIC) != 0;
font_info->lfWeight = (font_style & gfx::Font::BOLD) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
void GetTextMetricsForFont(HDC hdc, HFONT font, TEXTMETRIC* text_metrics) {
base::win::ScopedSelectObject scoped_font(hdc, font);
GetTextMetrics(hdc, text_metrics);
} // namespace
namespace gfx {
// static
PlatformFontWin::HFontRef* PlatformFontWin::base_font_ref_;
// static
PlatformFontWin::adjust_font_callback = NULL;
PlatformFontWin::get_minimum_font_size_callback = NULL;
// PlatformFontWin, public
PlatformFontWin::PlatformFontWin() : font_ref_(GetBaseFontRef()) {
PlatformFontWin::PlatformFontWin(NativeFont native_font) {
PlatformFontWin::PlatformFontWin(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
InitWithFontNameAndSize(font_name, font_size);
Font PlatformFontWin::DeriveFontWithHeight(int height, int style) {
DCHECK_GE(height, 0);
if (GetHeight() == height && GetStyle() == style)
return Font(this);
// CreateFontIndirect() doesn't return the largest size for the given height
// when decreasing the height. Iterate to find it.
if (GetHeight() > height) {
const int min_font_size = GetMinimumFontSize();
Font font = DeriveFont(-1, style);
int font_height = font.GetHeight();
int font_size = font.GetFontSize();
while (font_height > height && font_size != min_font_size) {
font = font.Derive(-1, style);
if (font_height == font.GetHeight() && font_size == font.GetFontSize())
font_height = font.GetHeight();
font_size = font.GetFontSize();
return font;
LOGFONT font_info;
GetObject(GetNativeFont(), sizeof(LOGFONT), &font_info);
font_info.lfHeight = height;
SetLogFontStyle(style, &font_info);
HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&font_info);
return DeriveWithCorrectedSize(hfont);
// PlatformFontWin, PlatformFont implementation:
Font PlatformFontWin::DeriveFont(int size_delta, int style) const {
LOGFONT font_info;
GetObject(GetNativeFont(), sizeof(LOGFONT), &font_info);
const int requested_font_size = font_ref_->requested_font_size();
font_info.lfHeight = AdjustFontSize(-requested_font_size, size_delta);
SetLogFontStyle(style, &font_info);
HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&font_info);
return Font(new PlatformFontWin(CreateHFontRef(hfont)));
int PlatformFontWin::GetHeight() const {
return font_ref_->height();
int PlatformFontWin::GetBaseline() const {
return font_ref_->baseline();
int PlatformFontWin::GetCapHeight() const {
return font_ref_->cap_height();
int PlatformFontWin::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) const {
return length * std::min(font_ref_->GetDluBaseX(),
int PlatformFontWin::GetStyle() const {
return font_ref_->style();
std::string PlatformFontWin::GetFontName() const {
return font_ref_->font_name();
std::string PlatformFontWin::GetActualFontNameForTesting() const {
// With the current implementation on Windows, HFontRef::font_name() returns
// the font name taken from the HFONT handle, but it's not the name that comes
// from the font's metadata. See
return font_ref_->font_name();
std::string PlatformFontWin::GetLocalizedFontName() const {
base::win::ScopedCreateDC memory_dc(CreateCompatibleDC(NULL));
if (!memory_dc.Get())
return GetFontName();
// When a font has a localized name for a language matching the system
// locale, GetTextFace() returns the localized name.
base::win::ScopedSelectObject font(memory_dc.Get(), font_ref_->hfont());
wchar_t localized_font_name[LF_FACESIZE];
int length = GetTextFace(memory_dc.Get(), arraysize(localized_font_name),
if (length <= 0)
return GetFontName();
return base::SysWideToUTF8(localized_font_name);
int PlatformFontWin::GetFontSize() const {
return font_ref_->font_size();
const FontRenderParams& PlatformFontWin::GetFontRenderParams() const {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const gfx::FontRenderParams, params,
(gfx::GetFontRenderParams(gfx::FontRenderParamsQuery(false), NULL)));
return params;
NativeFont PlatformFontWin::GetNativeFont() const {
return font_ref_->hfont();
// Font, private:
void PlatformFontWin::InitWithCopyOfHFONT(HFONT hfont) {
LOGFONT font_info;
GetObject(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &font_info);
font_ref_ = CreateHFontRef(CreateFontIndirect(&font_info));
void PlatformFontWin::InitWithFontNameAndSize(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
HFONT hf = ::CreateFont(-font_size, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
font_ref_ = CreateHFontRef(hf);
// static
PlatformFontWin::HFontRef* PlatformFontWin::GetBaseFontRef() {
if (base_font_ref_ == NULL) {
if (adjust_font_callback)
metrics.lfMessageFont.lfHeight =
AdjustFontSize(metrics.lfMessageFont.lfHeight, 0);
HFONT font = CreateFontIndirect(&metrics.lfMessageFont);
base_font_ref_ = PlatformFontWin::CreateHFontRef(font);
// base_font_ref_ is global, up the ref count so it's never deleted.
return base_font_ref_;
PlatformFontWin::HFontRef* PlatformFontWin::CreateHFontRef(HFONT font) {
TEXTMETRIC font_metrics;
base::win::ScopedGetDC screen_dc(NULL);
gfx::ScopedSetMapMode mode(screen_dc, MM_TEXT);
GetTextMetricsForFont(screen_dc, font, &font_metrics);
return CreateHFontRef(font, font_metrics);
PlatformFontWin::HFontRef* PlatformFontWin::CreateHFontRef(
HFONT font,
const TEXTMETRIC& font_metrics) {
const int height = std::max<int>(1, font_metrics.tmHeight);
const int baseline = std::max<int>(1, font_metrics.tmAscent);
const int cap_height =
std::max<int>(1, font_metrics.tmAscent - font_metrics.tmInternalLeading);
const int ave_char_width = std::max<int>(1, font_metrics.tmAveCharWidth);
const int font_size =
std::max<int>(1, font_metrics.tmHeight - font_metrics.tmInternalLeading);
int style = 0;
if (font_metrics.tmItalic)
style |= Font::ITALIC;
if (font_metrics.tmUnderlined)
style |= Font::UNDERLINE;
if (font_metrics.tmWeight >= kTextMetricWeightBold)
style |= Font::BOLD;
return new HFontRef(font, font_size, height, baseline, cap_height,
ave_char_width, style);
Font PlatformFontWin::DeriveWithCorrectedSize(HFONT base_font) {
base::win::ScopedGetDC screen_dc(NULL);
gfx::ScopedSetMapMode mode(screen_dc, MM_TEXT);
base::win::ScopedGDIObject<HFONT> best_font(base_font);
TEXTMETRIC best_font_metrics;
GetTextMetricsForFont(screen_dc, best_font, &best_font_metrics);
LOGFONT font_info;
GetObject(base_font, sizeof(LOGFONT), &font_info);
// Set |lfHeight| to negative value to indicate it's the size, not the height.
font_info.lfHeight =
-(best_font_metrics.tmHeight - best_font_metrics.tmInternalLeading);
do {
// Increment font size. Prefer font with greater size if its height isn't
// greater than height of base font.
font_info.lfHeight = AdjustFontSize(font_info.lfHeight, 1);
base::win::ScopedGDIObject<HFONT> font(CreateFontIndirect(&font_info));
TEXTMETRIC font_metrics;
GetTextMetricsForFont(screen_dc, font, &font_metrics);
if (font_metrics.tmHeight > best_font_metrics.tmHeight)
best_font_metrics = font_metrics;
} while (true);
return Font(new PlatformFontWin(CreateHFontRef(best_font.release())));
PlatformFontWin::PlatformFontWin(HFontRef* hfont_ref) : font_ref_(hfont_ref) {
// PlatformFontWin::HFontRef:
PlatformFontWin::HFontRef::HFontRef(HFONT hfont,
int font_size,
int height,
int baseline,
int cap_height,
int ave_char_width,
int style)
: hfont_(hfont),
requested_font_size_(font_size) {
LOGFONT font_info;
GetObject(hfont_, sizeof(LOGFONT), &font_info);
font_name_ = base::UTF16ToUTF8(base::string16(font_info.lfFaceName));
if (font_info.lfHeight < 0)
requested_font_size_ = -font_info.lfHeight;
int PlatformFontWin::HFontRef::GetDluBaseX() {
if (dlu_base_x_ != -1)
return dlu_base_x_;
base::win::ScopedGetDC screen_dc(NULL);
base::win::ScopedSelectObject font(screen_dc, hfont_);
gfx::ScopedSetMapMode mode(screen_dc, MM_TEXT);
// Yes, this is how Microsoft recommends calculating the dialog unit
// conversions. See:
SIZE ave_text_size;
52, &ave_text_size);
dlu_base_x_ = ( / 26 + 1) / 2;
DCHECK_NE(dlu_base_x_, -1);
return dlu_base_x_;
PlatformFontWin::HFontRef::~HFontRef() {
// PlatformFont, public:
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateDefault() {
return new PlatformFontWin;
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNativeFont(NativeFont native_font) {
return new PlatformFontWin(native_font);
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNameAndSize(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
return new PlatformFontWin(font_name, font_size);
} // namespace gfx