blob: 950059c3f0f99bd2de8d734f6e26c5565231b43a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import unittest
from checker import Checker
from processor import FileCache, Processor
ASSERT_FILE = os.path.join("..", "..", "ui", "webui", "resources", "js",
CR_FILE = os.path.join("..", "..", "ui", "webui", "resources", "js", "cr.js")
UI_FILE = os.path.join("..", "..", "ui", "webui", "resources", "js", "cr",
def rel_to_abs(rel_path):
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
return os.path.join(script_path, rel_path)
class CompilerCustomizationTest(unittest.TestCase):
_ASSERT_DEFINITION = Processor(rel_to_abs(ASSERT_FILE)).contents
_CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION = Processor(rel_to_abs(CR_FILE)).contents
_CR_UI_DECORATE_DEFINITION = Processor(rel_to_abs(UI_FILE)).contents
def setUp(self):
self._checker = Checker()
def _runChecker(self, source_code):
file_path = "/script.js"
FileCache._cache[file_path] = source_code
return self._checker.check(file_path)
def _runCheckerTestExpectError(self, source_code, expected_error):
_, output = self._runChecker(source_code)
self.assertTrue(expected_error in output,
msg="Expected chunk: \n%s\n\nOutput:\n%s\n" % (
expected_error, output))
def _runCheckerTestExpectSuccess(self, source_code):
return_code, output = self._runChecker(source_code)
self.assertTrue(return_code == 0,
msg="Expected success, got return code %d\n\nOutput:\n%s\n" % (
return_code, output))
def testGetInstance(self):
var cr = {
/** @param {!Function} ctor */
addSingletonGetter: function(ctor) {
ctor.getInstance = function() {
return ctor.instance_ || (ctor.instance_ = new ctor());
/** @constructor */
function Class() {
/** @param {number} num */
this.needsNumber = function(num) {};
Class.getInstance().needsNumber("wrong type");
""", "ERROR - actual parameter 1 of Class.needsNumber does not match formal "
def testCrDefineFunctionDefinition(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectError(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
cr.define('a.b.c', function() {
/** @param {number} num */
function internalName(num) {}
return {
needsNumber: internalName
a.b.c.needsNumber("wrong type");
""", "ERROR - actual parameter 1 of a.b.c.needsNumber does not match formal "
def testCrDefineFunctionAssignment(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectError(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
cr.define('a.b.c', function() {
/** @param {number} num */
var internalName = function(num) {};
return {
needsNumber: internalName
a.b.c.needsNumber("wrong type");
""", "ERROR - actual parameter 1 of a.b.c.needsNumber does not match formal "
def testCrDefineConstructorDefinitionPrototypeMethod(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectError(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
cr.define('a.b.c', function() {
/** @constructor */
function ClassInternalName() {}
ClassInternalName.prototype = {
/** @param {number} num */
method: function(num) {}
return {
ClassExternalName: ClassInternalName
new a.b.c.ClassExternalName().method("wrong type");
""", "ERROR - actual parameter 1 of a.b.c.ClassExternalName.prototype.method "
"does not match formal parameter")
def testCrDefineConstructorAssignmentPrototypeMethod(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectError(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
cr.define('a.b.c', function() {
/** @constructor */
var ClassInternalName = function() {};
ClassInternalName.prototype = {
/** @param {number} num */
method: function(num) {}
return {
ClassExternalName: ClassInternalName
new a.b.c.ClassExternalName().method("wrong type");
""", "ERROR - actual parameter 1 of a.b.c.ClassExternalName.prototype.method "
"does not match formal parameter")
def testCrDefineEnum(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectError(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
cr.define('a.b.c', function() {
/** @enum {string} */
var internalNameForEnum = {key: 'wrong_type'};
return {
exportedEnum: internalNameForEnum
/** @param {number} num */
function needsNumber(num) {}
""", "ERROR - actual parameter 1 of needsNumber does not match formal "
def testObjectDefineProperty(self):
/** @constructor */
function Class() {}
Object.defineProperty(Class.prototype, 'myProperty', {});
alert(new Class().myProperty);
def testCrDefineProperty(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectSuccess(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
/** @constructor */
function Class() {}
cr.defineProperty(Class.prototype, 'myProperty', cr.PropertyKind.JS);
alert(new Class().myProperty);
def testCrDefinePropertyTypeChecking(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectError(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
/** @constructor */
function Class() {}
cr.defineProperty(Class.prototype, 'booleanProp', cr.PropertyKind.BOOL_ATTR);
/** @param {number} num */
function needsNumber(num) {}
needsNumber(new Class().booleanProp);
""", "ERROR - actual parameter 1 of needsNumber does not match formal "
def testCrDefineOnCrWorks(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectSuccess(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION + """
cr.define('cr', function() {
return {};
def testAssertWorks(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectSuccess(self._ASSERT_DEFINITION + """
/** @return {?string} */
function f() {
return "string";
/** @type {!string} */
var a = assert(f());
def testAssertInstanceofWorks(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectSuccess(self._ASSERT_DEFINITION + """
/** @constructor */
function Class() {}
/** @return {Class} */
function f() {
var a = document.createElement('div');
return assertInstanceof(a, Class);
def testCrUiDecorateWorks(self):
self._runCheckerTestExpectSuccess(self._CR_DEFINE_DEFINITION +
/** @constructor */
function Class() {}
/** @return {Class} */
function f() {
var a = document.createElement('div');
cr.ui.decorate(a, Class);
return a;
if __name__ == "__main__":