blob: a1f027dd41e6adc1108406f6443ebb83ad65ac05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "media/base/decryptor.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include "media/base/pipeline_status.h"
#include "media/base/video_decoder.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/base/video_renderer.h"
#include "media/filters/decoder_stream.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace media {
// VideoRendererImpl creates its own thread for the sole purpose of timing frame
// presentation. It handles reading from the VideoFrameStream and stores the
// results in a queue of decoded frames and executing a callback when a frame is
// ready for rendering.
class MEDIA_EXPORT VideoRendererImpl
: public VideoRenderer,
public base::PlatformThread::Delegate {
typedef base::Callback<void(const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>&)> PaintCB;
// |decoders| contains the VideoDecoders to use when initializing.
// |paint_cb| is executed on the video frame timing thread whenever a new
// frame is available for painting.
// Implementors should avoid doing any sort of heavy work in this method and
// instead post a task to a common/worker thread to handle rendering. Slowing
// down the video thread may result in losing synchronization with audio.
// Setting |drop_frames_| to true causes the renderer to drop expired frames.
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner,
ScopedVector<VideoDecoder> decoders,
const SetDecryptorReadyCB& set_decryptor_ready_cb,
const PaintCB& paint_cb,
bool drop_frames,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log);
virtual ~VideoRendererImpl();
// VideoRenderer implementation.
virtual void Initialize(DemuxerStream* stream,
bool low_delay,
const PipelineStatusCB& init_cb,
const StatisticsCB& statistics_cb,
const BufferingStateCB& buffering_state_cb,
const base::Closure& ended_cb,
const PipelineStatusCB& error_cb,
const TimeDeltaCB& get_time_cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Flush(const base::Closure& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StartPlayingFrom(base::TimeDelta timestamp) OVERRIDE;
// PlatformThread::Delegate implementation.
virtual void ThreadMain() OVERRIDE;
// Callback for |video_frame_stream_| initialization.
void OnVideoFrameStreamInitialized(bool success);
// Callback for |video_frame_stream_| to deliver decoded video frames and
// report video decoding status.
void FrameReady(VideoFrameStream::Status status,
const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>& frame);
// Helper method for adding a frame to |ready_frames_|.
void AddReadyFrame_Locked(const scoped_refptr<VideoFrame>& frame);
// Helper method that schedules an asynchronous read from the
// |video_frame_stream_| as long as there isn't a pending read and we have
// capacity.
void AttemptRead();
void AttemptRead_Locked();
// Called when VideoFrameStream::Reset() completes.
void OnVideoFrameStreamResetDone();
// Runs |paint_cb_| with the next frame from |ready_frames_|.
// A read is scheduled to replace the frame.
void PaintNextReadyFrame_Locked();
// Drops the next frame from |ready_frames_| and runs |statistics_cb_|.
// A read is scheduled to replace the frame.
void DropNextReadyFrame_Locked();
// Returns true if the renderer has enough data for playback purposes.
// Note that having enough data may be due to reaching end of stream.
bool HaveEnoughData_Locked();
void TransitionToHaveEnough_Locked();
// Runs |statistics_cb_| with |frames_decoded_| and |frames_dropped_|, resets
// them to 0, and then waits on |frame_available_| for up to the
// |wait_duration|.
void UpdateStatsAndWait_Locked(base::TimeDelta wait_duration);
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Used for accessing data members.
base::Lock lock_;
// Provides video frames to VideoRendererImpl.
scoped_ptr<VideoFrameStream> video_frame_stream_;
// Flag indicating low-delay mode.
bool low_delay_;
// Queue of incoming frames yet to be painted.
typedef std::deque<scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> > VideoFrameQueue;
VideoFrameQueue ready_frames_;
// Keeps track of whether we received the end of stream buffer and finished
// rendering.
bool received_end_of_stream_;
bool rendered_end_of_stream_;
// Used to signal |thread_| as frames are added to |frames_|. Rule of thumb:
// always check |state_| to see if it was set to STOPPED after waking up!
base::ConditionVariable frame_available_;
// Important detail: being in kPlaying doesn't imply that video is being
// rendered. Rather, it means that the renderer is ready to go. The actual
// rendering of video is controlled by time advancing via |get_time_cb_|.
// kUninitialized
// | Initialize()
// |
// V
// kInitializing
// | Decoders initialized
// |
// V Decoders reset
// kFlushed <------------------ kFlushing
// | StartPlayingFrom() ^
// | |
// | | Flush()
// `---------> kPlaying --------'
enum State {
State state_;
// Video thread handle.
base::PlatformThreadHandle thread_;
// Keep track of the outstanding read on the VideoFrameStream. Flushing can
// only complete once the read has completed.
bool pending_read_;
bool drop_frames_;
BufferingState buffering_state_;
// Playback operation callbacks.
base::Closure flush_cb_;
// Event callbacks.
PipelineStatusCB init_cb_;
StatisticsCB statistics_cb_;
BufferingStateCB buffering_state_cb_;
base::Closure ended_cb_;
PipelineStatusCB error_cb_;
TimeDeltaCB get_time_cb_;
base::TimeDelta start_timestamp_;
// Embedder callback for notifying a new frame is available for painting.
PaintCB paint_cb_;
// The timestamp of the last frame removed from the |ready_frames_| queue,
// either for calling |paint_cb_| or for dropping. Set to kNoTimestamp()
// during flushing.
base::TimeDelta last_timestamp_;
// The timestamp of the last successfully painted frame. Set to kNoTimestamp()
// during flushing.
base::TimeDelta last_painted_timestamp_;
// Keeps track of the number of frames decoded and dropped since the
// last call to |statistics_cb_|. These must be accessed under lock.
int frames_decoded_;
int frames_dropped_;
bool is_shutting_down_;
// NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
base::WeakPtrFactory<VideoRendererImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace media