blob: ee49ba38bfe84a78eacd1ed780a175e7473db585 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/filters/frame_processor.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "media/base/buffers.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser_buffer.h"
namespace media {
// Helper class to capture per-track details needed by a frame processor. Some
// of this information may be duplicated in the short-term in the associated
// ChunkDemuxerStream and SourceBufferStream for a track.
// This parallels the MSE spec each of a SourceBuffer's Track Buffers at
class MseTrackBuffer {
explicit MseTrackBuffer(ChunkDemuxerStream* stream);
// Get/set |last_decode_timestamp_|.
DecodeTimestamp last_decode_timestamp() const {
return last_decode_timestamp_;
void set_last_decode_timestamp(DecodeTimestamp timestamp) {
last_decode_timestamp_ = timestamp;
// Get/set |last_frame_duration_|.
base::TimeDelta last_frame_duration() const {
return last_frame_duration_;
void set_last_frame_duration(base::TimeDelta duration) {
last_frame_duration_ = duration;
// Gets |highest_presentation_timestamp_|.
base::TimeDelta highest_presentation_timestamp() const {
return highest_presentation_timestamp_;
// Get/set |needs_random_access_point_|.
bool needs_random_access_point() const {
return needs_random_access_point_;
void set_needs_random_access_point(bool needs_random_access_point) {
needs_random_access_point_ = needs_random_access_point;
// Gets a pointer to this track's ChunkDemuxerStream.
ChunkDemuxerStream* stream() const { return stream_; }
// Unsets |last_decode_timestamp_|, unsets |last_frame_duration_|,
// unsets |highest_presentation_timestamp_|, and sets
// |needs_random_access_point_| to true.
void Reset();
// If |highest_presentation_timestamp_| is unset or |timestamp| is greater
// than |highest_presentation_timestamp_|, sets
// |highest_presentation_timestamp_| to |timestamp|. Note that bidirectional
// prediction between coded frames can cause |timestamp| to not be
// monotonically increasing even though the decode timestamps are
// monotonically increasing.
void SetHighestPresentationTimestampIfIncreased(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
// Adds |frame| to the end of |processed_frames_|.
void EnqueueProcessedFrame(const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& frame);
// Appends |processed_frames_|, if not empty, to |stream_| and clears
// |processed_frames_|. Returns false if append failed, true otherwise.
// |processed_frames_| is cleared in both cases.
bool FlushProcessedFrames();
// The decode timestamp of the last coded frame appended in the current coded
// frame group. Initially kNoTimestamp(), meaning "unset".
DecodeTimestamp last_decode_timestamp_;
// The coded frame duration of the last coded frame appended in the current
// coded frame group. Initially kNoTimestamp(), meaning "unset".
base::TimeDelta last_frame_duration_;
// The highest presentation timestamp encountered in a coded frame appended
// in the current coded frame group. Initially kNoTimestamp(), meaning
// "unset".
base::TimeDelta highest_presentation_timestamp_;
// Keeps track of whether the track buffer is waiting for a random access
// point coded frame. Initially set to true to indicate that a random access
// point coded frame is needed before anything can be added to the track
// buffer.
bool needs_random_access_point_;
// Pointer to the stream associated with this track. The stream is not owned
// by |this|.
ChunkDemuxerStream* const stream_;
// Queue of processed frames that have not yet been appended to |stream_|.
// EnqueueProcessedFrame() adds to this queue, and FlushProcessedFrames()
// clears it.
StreamParser::BufferQueue processed_frames_;
MseTrackBuffer::MseTrackBuffer(ChunkDemuxerStream* stream)
: last_decode_timestamp_(kNoDecodeTimestamp()),
stream_(stream) {
MseTrackBuffer::~MseTrackBuffer() {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
void MseTrackBuffer::Reset() {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
last_decode_timestamp_ = kNoDecodeTimestamp();
last_frame_duration_ = kNoTimestamp();
highest_presentation_timestamp_ = kNoTimestamp();
needs_random_access_point_ = true;
void MseTrackBuffer::SetHighestPresentationTimestampIfIncreased(
base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
if (highest_presentation_timestamp_ == kNoTimestamp() ||
timestamp > highest_presentation_timestamp_) {
highest_presentation_timestamp_ = timestamp;
void MseTrackBuffer::EnqueueProcessedFrame(
const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& frame) {
bool MseTrackBuffer::FlushProcessedFrames() {
if (processed_frames_.empty())
return true;
bool result = stream_->Append(processed_frames_);
DVLOG_IF(3, !result) << __FUNCTION__
<< "(): Failure appending processed frames to stream";
return result;
FrameProcessor::FrameProcessor(const UpdateDurationCB& update_duration_cb)
: sequence_mode_(false),
update_duration_cb_(update_duration_cb) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
FrameProcessor::~FrameProcessor() {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
void FrameProcessor::SetSequenceMode(bool sequence_mode) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << sequence_mode << ")";
// Per April 1, 2014 MSE spec editor's draft:
// Step 7: If the new mode equals "sequence", then set the group start
// timestamp to the group end timestamp.
if (sequence_mode) {
DCHECK(kNoTimestamp() != group_end_timestamp_);
group_start_timestamp_ = group_end_timestamp_;
// Step 8: Update the attribute to new mode.
sequence_mode_ = sequence_mode;
bool FrameProcessor::ProcessFrames(
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& audio_buffers,
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& video_buffers,
const StreamParser::TextBufferQueueMap& text_map,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
bool* new_media_segment,
base::TimeDelta* timestamp_offset) {
StreamParser::BufferQueue frames;
if (!MergeBufferQueues(audio_buffers, video_buffers, text_map, &frames)) {
DVLOG(2) << "Parse error discovered while merging parser's buffers";
return false;
// Implements the coded frame processing algorithm's outer loop for step 1.
// Note that ProcessFrame() implements an inner loop for a single frame that
// handles "jump to the Loop Top step to restart processing of the current
// coded frame" per April 1, 2014 MSE spec editor's draft:
// media-source.html#sourcebuffer-coded-frame-processing
// 1. For each coded frame in the media segment run the following steps:
for (StreamParser::BufferQueue::const_iterator frames_itr = frames.begin();
frames_itr != frames.end(); ++frames_itr) {
if (!ProcessFrame(*frames_itr, append_window_start, append_window_end,
timestamp_offset, new_media_segment)) {
return false;
if (!FlushProcessedFrames())
return false;
// 2. - 4. Are handled by the WebMediaPlayer / Pipeline / Media Element.
// Step 5:
return true;
void FrameProcessor::SetGroupStartTimestampIfInSequenceMode(
base::TimeDelta timestamp_offset) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << timestamp_offset.InSecondsF() << ")";
DCHECK(kNoTimestamp() != timestamp_offset);
if (sequence_mode_)
group_start_timestamp_ = timestamp_offset;
// Changes to timestampOffset should invalidate the preroll buffer.
audio_preroll_buffer_ = NULL;
bool FrameProcessor::AddTrack(StreamParser::TrackId id,
ChunkDemuxerStream* stream) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "(): id=" << id;
MseTrackBuffer* existing_track = FindTrack(id);
if (existing_track)
return false;
track_buffers_[id] = new MseTrackBuffer(stream);
return true;
bool FrameProcessor::UpdateTrack(StreamParser::TrackId old_id,
StreamParser::TrackId new_id) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "() : old_id=" << old_id << ", new_id=" << new_id;
if (old_id == new_id || !FindTrack(old_id) || FindTrack(new_id))
return false;
track_buffers_[new_id] = track_buffers_[old_id];
CHECK_EQ(1u, track_buffers_.erase(old_id));
return true;
void FrameProcessor::SetAllTrackBuffersNeedRandomAccessPoint() {
for (TrackBufferMap::iterator itr = track_buffers_.begin();
itr != track_buffers_.end();
++itr) {
void FrameProcessor::Reset() {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
for (TrackBufferMap::iterator itr = track_buffers_.begin();
itr != track_buffers_.end(); ++itr) {
void FrameProcessor::OnPossibleAudioConfigUpdate(
const AudioDecoderConfig& config) {
// Always clear the preroll buffer when a config update is received.
audio_preroll_buffer_ = NULL;
if (config.Matches(current_audio_config_))
current_audio_config_ = config;
sample_duration_ = base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(
1.0 / current_audio_config_.samples_per_second());
MseTrackBuffer* FrameProcessor::FindTrack(StreamParser::TrackId id) {
TrackBufferMap::iterator itr = track_buffers_.find(id);
if (itr == track_buffers_.end())
return NULL;
return itr->second;
void FrameProcessor::NotifyNewMediaSegmentStarting(
DecodeTimestamp segment_timestamp) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << segment_timestamp.InSecondsF() << ")";
for (TrackBufferMap::iterator itr = track_buffers_.begin();
itr != track_buffers_.end();
++itr) {
bool FrameProcessor::FlushProcessedFrames() {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
bool result = true;
for (TrackBufferMap::iterator itr = track_buffers_.begin();
itr != track_buffers_.end();
++itr) {
if (!itr->second->FlushProcessedFrames())
result = false;
return result;
bool FrameProcessor::HandlePartialAppendWindowTrimming(
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& buffer) {
DCHECK(buffer->duration() > base::TimeDelta());
DCHECK_EQ(DemuxerStream::AUDIO, buffer->type());
const base::TimeDelta frame_end_timestamp =
buffer->timestamp() + buffer->duration();
// If the buffer is entirely before |append_window_start|, save it as preroll
// for the first buffer which overlaps |append_window_start|.
if (buffer->timestamp() < append_window_start &&
frame_end_timestamp <= append_window_start) {
audio_preroll_buffer_ = buffer;
return false;
// If the buffer is entirely after |append_window_end| there's nothing to do.
if (buffer->timestamp() >= append_window_end)
return false;
DCHECK(buffer->timestamp() >= append_window_start ||
frame_end_timestamp > append_window_start);
bool processed_buffer = false;
// If we have a preroll buffer see if we can attach it to the first buffer
// overlapping or after |append_window_start|.
if (audio_preroll_buffer_.get()) {
// We only want to use the preroll buffer if it directly precedes (less
// than one sample apart) the current buffer.
const int64 delta = std::abs((audio_preroll_buffer_->timestamp() +
audio_preroll_buffer_->duration() -
if (delta < sample_duration_.InMicroseconds()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Attaching audio preroll buffer ["
<< audio_preroll_buffer_->timestamp().InSecondsF() << ", "
<< (audio_preroll_buffer_->timestamp() +
audio_preroll_buffer_->duration()).InSecondsF() << ") to "
<< buffer->timestamp().InSecondsF();
processed_buffer = true;
} else {
// TODO(dalecurtis): Add a MEDIA_LOG() for when this is dropped unused.
audio_preroll_buffer_ = NULL;
// See if a partial discard can be done around |append_window_start|.
if (buffer->timestamp() < append_window_start) {
DVLOG(1) << "Truncating buffer which overlaps append window start."
<< " presentation_timestamp " << buffer->timestamp().InSecondsF()
<< " frame_end_timestamp " << frame_end_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< " append_window_start " << append_window_start.InSecondsF();
// Mark the overlapping portion of the buffer for discard.
append_window_start - buffer->timestamp(), base::TimeDelta()));
// Adjust the timestamp of this buffer forward to |append_window_start| and
// decrease the duration to compensate.
buffer->set_duration(frame_end_timestamp - append_window_start);
processed_buffer = true;
// See if a partial discard can be done around |append_window_end|.
if (frame_end_timestamp > append_window_end) {
DVLOG(1) << "Truncating buffer which overlaps append window end."
<< " presentation_timestamp " << buffer->timestamp().InSecondsF()
<< " frame_end_timestamp " << frame_end_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< " append_window_end " << append_window_end.InSecondsF();
// Mark the overlapping portion of the buffer for discard.
frame_end_timestamp - append_window_end));
// Decrease the duration of the buffer to remove the discarded portion.
buffer->set_duration(append_window_end - buffer->timestamp());
processed_buffer = true;
return processed_buffer;
bool FrameProcessor::ProcessFrame(
const scoped_refptr<StreamParserBuffer>& frame,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
base::TimeDelta* timestamp_offset,
bool* new_media_segment) {
// Implements the loop within step 1 of the coded frame processing algorithm
// for a single input frame per April 1, 2014 MSE spec editor's draft:
// media-source.html#sourcebuffer-coded-frame-processing
while (true) {
// 1. Loop Top: Let presentation timestamp be a double precision floating
// point representation of the coded frame's presentation timestamp in
// seconds.
// 2. Let decode timestamp be a double precision floating point
// representation of the coded frame's decode timestamp in seconds.
// 3. Let frame duration be a double precision floating point representation
// of the coded frame's duration in seconds.
// We use base::TimeDelta and DecodeTimestamp instead of double.
base::TimeDelta presentation_timestamp = frame->timestamp();
DecodeTimestamp decode_timestamp = frame->GetDecodeTimestamp();
base::TimeDelta frame_duration = frame->duration();
DVLOG(3) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Processing frame "
<< "Type=" << frame->type()
<< ", TrackID=" << frame->track_id()
<< ", PTS=" << presentation_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< ", DTS=" << decode_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< ", DUR=" << frame_duration.InSecondsF()
<< ", RAP=" << frame->IsKeyframe();
// Sanity check the timestamps.
if (presentation_timestamp == kNoTimestamp()) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Unknown frame PTS";
return false;
if (decode_timestamp == kNoDecodeTimestamp()) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Unknown frame DTS";
return false;
if (decode_timestamp.ToPresentationTime() > presentation_timestamp) {
// TODO(wolenetz): Determine whether DTS>PTS should really be allowed. See
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": WARNING: Frame DTS("
<< decode_timestamp.InSecondsF() << ") > PTS("
<< presentation_timestamp.InSecondsF() << ")";
// TODO(acolwell/wolenetz): All stream parsers must emit valid (positive)
// frame durations. For now, we allow non-negative frame duration.
// See
if (frame_duration == kNoTimestamp()) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Frame missing duration (kNoTimestamp())";
return false;
if (frame_duration < base::TimeDelta()) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Frame duration negative: "
<< frame_duration.InSecondsF();
return false;
// 4. If mode equals "sequence" and group start timestamp is set, then run
// the following steps:
if (sequence_mode_ && group_start_timestamp_ != kNoTimestamp()) {
// 4.1. Set timestampOffset equal to group start timestamp -
// presentation timestamp.
*timestamp_offset = group_start_timestamp_ - presentation_timestamp;
DVLOG(3) << __FUNCTION__ << ": updated timestampOffset is now "
<< timestamp_offset->InSecondsF();
// 4.2. Set group end timestamp equal to group start timestamp.
group_end_timestamp_ = group_start_timestamp_;
// 4.3. Set the need random access point flag on all track buffers to
// true.
// 4.4. Unset group start timestamp.
group_start_timestamp_ = kNoTimestamp();
// 5. If timestampOffset is not 0, then run the following steps:
if (*timestamp_offset != base::TimeDelta()) {
// 5.1. Add timestampOffset to the presentation timestamp.
// Note: |frame| PTS is only updated if it survives discontinuity
// processing.
presentation_timestamp += *timestamp_offset;
// 5.2. Add timestampOffset to the decode timestamp.
// Frame DTS is only updated if it survives discontinuity processing.
decode_timestamp += *timestamp_offset;
// 6. Let track buffer equal the track buffer that the coded frame will be
// added to.
// Remap audio and video track types to their special singleton identifiers.
StreamParser::TrackId track_id = kAudioTrackId;
switch (frame->type()) {
case DemuxerStream::AUDIO:
case DemuxerStream::VIDEO:
track_id = kVideoTrackId;
case DemuxerStream::TEXT:
track_id = frame->track_id();
case DemuxerStream::UNKNOWN:
case DemuxerStream::NUM_TYPES:
DCHECK(false) << ": Invalid frame type " << frame->type();
return false;
MseTrackBuffer* track_buffer = FindTrack(track_id);
if (!track_buffer) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Unknown track: type=" << frame->type()
<< ", frame processor track id=" << track_id
<< ", parser track id=" << frame->track_id();
return false;
// 7. If last decode timestamp for track buffer is set and decode timestamp
// is less than last decode timestamp
// OR
// If last decode timestamp for track buffer is set and the difference
// between decode timestamp and last decode timestamp is greater than 2
// times last frame duration:
DecodeTimestamp last_decode_timestamp =
if (last_decode_timestamp != kNoDecodeTimestamp()) {
base::TimeDelta dts_delta = decode_timestamp - last_decode_timestamp;
if (dts_delta < base::TimeDelta() ||
dts_delta > 2 * track_buffer->last_frame_duration()) {
// 7.1. If mode equals "segments": Set group end timestamp to
// presentation timestamp.
// If mode equals "sequence": Set group start timestamp equal to
// the group end timestamp.
if (!sequence_mode_) {
group_end_timestamp_ = presentation_timestamp;
// This triggers a discontinuity so we need to treat the next frames
// appended within the append window as if they were the beginning of
// a new segment.
*new_media_segment = true;
} else {
DVLOG(3) << __FUNCTION__ << " : Sequence mode discontinuity, GETS: "
<< group_end_timestamp_.InSecondsF();
DCHECK(kNoTimestamp() != group_end_timestamp_);
group_start_timestamp_ = group_end_timestamp_;
// 7.2. - 7.5.:
// 7.6. Jump to the Loop Top step above to restart processing of the
// current coded frame.
DVLOG(3) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Discontinuity: reprocessing frame";
// 9. Let frame end timestamp equal the sum of presentation timestamp and
// frame duration.
base::TimeDelta frame_end_timestamp =
presentation_timestamp + frame_duration;
// 10. If presentation timestamp is less than appendWindowStart, then set
// the need random access point flag to true, drop the coded frame, and
// jump to the top of the loop to start processing the next coded
// frame.
// Note: We keep the result of partial discard of a buffer that overlaps
// |append_window_start| and does not end after |append_window_end|.
// 11. If frame end timestamp is greater than appendWindowEnd, then set the
// need random access point flag to true, drop the coded frame, and jump
// to the top of the loop to start processing the next coded frame.
if (track_buffer->stream()->supports_partial_append_window_trimming() &&
frame)) {
// |frame| has been partially trimmed or had preroll added. Though
// |frame|'s duration may have changed, do not update |frame_duration|
// here, so |track_buffer|'s last frame duration update uses original
// frame duration and reduces spurious discontinuity detection.
decode_timestamp = frame->GetDecodeTimestamp();
presentation_timestamp = frame->timestamp();
frame_end_timestamp = frame->timestamp() + frame->duration();
if (presentation_timestamp < append_window_start ||
frame_end_timestamp > append_window_end) {
DVLOG(3) << "Dropping frame that is outside append window.";
return true;
// Note: This step is relocated, versus April 1 spec, to allow append window
// processing to first filter coded frames shifted by |timestamp_offset_| in
// such a way that their PTS is negative.
// 8. If the presentation timestamp or decode timestamp is less than the
// presentation start time, then run the end of stream algorithm with the
// error parameter set to "decode", and abort these steps.
DCHECK(presentation_timestamp >= base::TimeDelta());
if (decode_timestamp < DecodeTimestamp()) {
// B-frames may still result in negative DTS here after being shifted by
// |timestamp_offset_|.
<< ": frame PTS=" << presentation_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< " has negative DTS=" << decode_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< " after applying timestampOffset, handling any discontinuity,"
<< " and filtering against append window";
return false;
// 12. If the need random access point flag on track buffer equals true,
// then run the following steps:
if (track_buffer->needs_random_access_point()) {
// 12.1. If the coded frame is not a random access point, then drop the
// coded frame and jump to the top of the loop to start processing
// the next coded frame.
if (!frame->IsKeyframe()) {
<< ": Dropping frame that is not a random access point";
return true;
// 12.2. Set the need random access point flag on track buffer to false.
// We now have a processed buffer to append to the track buffer's stream.
// If it is the first in a new media segment or following a discontinuity,
// notify all the track buffers' streams that a new segment is beginning.
if (*new_media_segment) {
// First, complete the append to track buffer streams of previous media
// segment's frames, if any.
if (!FlushProcessedFrames())
return false;
*new_media_segment = false;
// TODO(acolwell/wolenetz): This should be changed to a presentation
// timestamp. See
DVLOG(3) << __FUNCTION__ << ": Sending processed frame to stream, "
<< "PTS=" << presentation_timestamp.InSecondsF()
<< ", DTS=" << decode_timestamp.InSecondsF();
// Steps 13-18: Note, we optimize by appending groups of contiguous
// processed frames for each track buffer at end of ProcessFrames() or prior
// to NotifyNewMediaSegmentStarting().
// TODO(wolenetz): Refactor SourceBufferStream to conform to spec GC timing.
// See
// 19. Set last decode timestamp for track buffer to decode timestamp.
// 20. Set last frame duration for track buffer to frame duration.
// 21. If highest presentation timestamp for track buffer is unset or frame
// end timestamp is greater than highest presentation timestamp, then
// set highest presentation timestamp for track buffer to frame end
// timestamp.
// 22. If frame end timestamp is greater than group end timestamp, then set
// group end timestamp equal to frame end timestamp.
if (frame_end_timestamp > group_end_timestamp_)
group_end_timestamp_ = frame_end_timestamp;
DCHECK(group_end_timestamp_ >= base::TimeDelta());
return true;
return false;
} // namespace media