blob: 1267137cd6ef55e3656feae3251a7a5c37d497d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/loader/cross_site_resource_handler.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "content/browser/cross_site_request_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/resource_dispatcher_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/resource_request_info_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/resource_controller.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_response.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
void OnCrossSiteResponseHelper(int render_view_id,
const GlobalRequestID& global_request_id,
bool is_transfer,
const std::vector<GURL>& transfer_url_chain,
const Referrer& referrer,
PageTransition page_transition,
int64 frame_id) {
RenderViewHostImpl* rvh =
RenderViewHostImpl::FromID(global_request_id.child_id, render_view_id);
if (!rvh)
RenderViewHostDelegate* delegate = rvh->GetDelegate();
if (!delegate || !delegate->GetRendererManagementDelegate())
rvh, global_request_id, is_transfer, transfer_url_chain, referrer,
page_transition, frame_id);
} // namespace
scoped_ptr<ResourceHandler> next_handler,
net::URLRequest* request)
: LayeredResourceHandler(request, next_handler.Pass()),
response_(NULL) {
CrossSiteResourceHandler::~CrossSiteResourceHandler() {
// Cleanup back-pointer stored on the request info.
bool CrossSiteResourceHandler::OnRequestRedirected(
int request_id,
const GURL& new_url,
ResourceResponse* response,
bool* defer) {
// We should not have started the transition before being redirected.
return next_handler_->OnRequestRedirected(
request_id, new_url, response, defer);
bool CrossSiteResourceHandler::OnResponseStarted(
int request_id,
ResourceResponse* response,
bool* defer) {
// At this point, we know that the response is safe to send back to the
// renderer: it is not a download, and it has passed the SSL and safe
// browsing checks.
// We should not have already started the transition before now.
has_started_response_ = true;
ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo();
// We will need to swap processes if either (1) a redirect that requires a
// transfer occurred before we got here, or (2) a pending cross-site request
// was already in progress. Note that a swap may no longer be needed if we
// transferred back into the original process due to a redirect.
bool should_transfer =
info->GetContext(), request()->original_url(), request()->url());
bool swap_needed = should_transfer ||
HasPendingCrossSiteRequest(info->GetChildID(), info->GetRouteID());
// If this is a download, just pass the response through without doing a
// cross-site check. The renderer will see it is a download and abort the
// request.
// Similarly, HTTP 204 (No Content) responses leave us showing the previous
// page. We should allow the navigation to finish without running the unload
// handler or swapping in the pending RenderViewHost.
// In both cases, any pending RenderViewHost (if one was created for this
// navigation) will stick around until the next cross-site navigation, since
// we are unable to tell when to destroy it.
// See RenderViewHostManager::RendererAbortedProvisionalLoad.
if (!swap_needed || info->is_download() ||
(response->head.headers.get() &&
response->head.headers->response_code() == 204)) {
return next_handler_->OnResponseStarted(request_id, response, defer);
// Now that we know a swap is needed and we have something to commit, we
// pause to let the UI thread run the unload handler of the previous page
// and set up a transfer if needed.
StartCrossSiteTransition(request_id, response, should_transfer);
// Defer loading until after the onunload event handler has run.
did_defer_ = *defer = true;
return true;
bool CrossSiteResourceHandler::OnReadCompleted(int request_id,
int bytes_read,
bool* defer) {
return next_handler_->OnReadCompleted(request_id, bytes_read, defer);
bool CrossSiteResourceHandler::OnResponseCompleted(
int request_id,
const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
const std::string& security_info) {
if (!in_cross_site_transition_) {
ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo();
// If we've already completed the transition, or we're canceling the
// request, or an error occurred with no cross-process navigation in
// progress, then we should just pass this through.
if (has_started_response_ ||
status.status() != net::URLRequestStatus::FAILED ||
info->GetChildID(), info->GetRouteID())) {
return next_handler_->OnResponseCompleted(request_id, status,
// An error occurred. We should wait now for the cross-process transition,
// so that the error message (e.g., 404) can be displayed to the user.
// Also continue with the logic below to remember that we completed
// during the cross-site transition.
StartCrossSiteTransition(request_id, NULL, false);
// We have to buffer the call until after the transition completes.
completed_during_transition_ = true;
completed_status_ = status;
completed_security_info_ = security_info;
// Return false to tell RDH not to notify the world or clean up the
// pending request. We will do so in ResumeResponse.
did_defer_ = true;
return false;
// We can now send the response to the new renderer, which will cause
// WebContentsImpl to swap in the new renderer and destroy the old one.
void CrossSiteResourceHandler::ResumeResponse() {
in_cross_site_transition_ = false;
ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo();
if (has_started_response_) {
// Send OnResponseStarted to the new renderer.
bool defer = false;
if (!next_handler_->OnResponseStarted(info->GetRequestID(), response_,
&defer)) {
} else if (!defer) {
// Unpause the request to resume reading. Any further reads will be
// directed toward the new renderer.
// Remove ourselves from the ExtraRequestInfo.
// If the response completed during the transition, notify the next
// event handler.
if (completed_during_transition_) {
if (next_handler_->OnResponseCompleted(info->GetRequestID(),
completed_security_info_)) {
// Prepare to render the cross-site response in a new RenderViewHost, by
// telling the old RenderViewHost to run its onunload handler.
void CrossSiteResourceHandler::StartCrossSiteTransition(
int request_id,
ResourceResponse* response,
bool should_transfer) {
in_cross_site_transition_ = true;
response_ = response;
// Store this handler on the ExtraRequestInfo, so that RDH can call our
// ResumeResponse method when we are ready to resume.
ResourceRequestInfoImpl* info = GetRequestInfo();
DCHECK_EQ(request_id, info->GetRequestID());
GlobalRequestID global_id(info->GetChildID(), info->GetRequestID());
// Tell the contents responsible for this request that a cross-site response
// is starting, so that it can tell its old renderer to run its onunload
// handler now. We will wait until the unload is finished and (if a transfer
// is needed) for the new renderer's request to arrive.
// The |transfer_url_chain| contains any redirect URLs that have already
// occurred, plus the destination URL at the end.
std::vector<GURL> transfer_url_chain;
Referrer referrer;
int frame_id = -1;
if (should_transfer) {
transfer_url_chain = request()->url_chain();
referrer = Referrer(GURL(request()->referrer()), info->GetReferrerPolicy());
frame_id = info->GetFrameID();
global_id, transfer_url_chain.front());
void CrossSiteResourceHandler::ResumeIfDeferred() {
if (did_defer_) {
did_defer_ = false;
} // namespace content