blob: 0f9841089c69ad0b3adf74d3d8eb4de69f2c2ef2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor handles computing DOM-based features for the
// client-side phishing detection model. These include the presence of various
// types of elements, ratios of external and secure links, and tokens for
// external domains linked to.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h"
class GURL;
namespace WebKit {
class WebElement;
namespace content {
class RenderView;
namespace safe_browsing {
class FeatureExtractorClock;
class FeatureMap;
class PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor {
// Callback to be run when feature extraction finishes. The callback
// argument is true if extraction was successful, false otherwise.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> DoneCallback;
// Creates a PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor for the specified RenderView.
// The PhishingDOMFeatureExtrator should be destroyed prior to destroying
// the RenderView. |clock| is used for timing feature extractor operations,
// and may be mocked for testing. The caller maintains ownership of the
// clock.
PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor(content::RenderView* render_view,
FeatureExtractorClock* clock);
// Begins extracting features into the given FeatureMap for the page
// currently loaded in this object's RenderView. To avoid blocking the
// render thread for too long, the feature extractor may run in several
// chunks of work, posting a task to the current MessageLoop to continue
// processing. Once feature extraction is complete, |done_callback|
// is run on the current thread. PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor takes
// ownership of the callback.
void ExtractFeatures(FeatureMap* features, const DoneCallback& done_callback);
// Cancels any pending feature extraction. The DoneCallback will not be run.
// Must be called if there is a feature extraction in progress when the page
// is unloaded or the PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor is destroyed.
void CancelPendingExtraction();
struct FrameData;
struct PageFeatureState;
// The maximum amount of wall time that we will spend on a single extraction
// iteration before pausing to let other MessageLoop tasks run.
static const int kMaxTimePerChunkMs;
// The number of elements that we will process before checking to see whether
// kMaxTimePerChunkMs has elapsed. Since checking the current time can be
// slow, we don't do this on every element processed.
static const int kClockCheckGranularity;
// The maximum total amount of time that the feature extractor will run
// before giving up on the current page.
static const int kMaxTotalTimeMs;
// Does the actual work of ExtractFeatures. ExtractFeaturesWithTimeout runs
// until a predefined maximum amount of time has elapsed, then posts a task
// to the current MessageLoop to continue extraction. When extraction
// finishes, calls RunCallback().
void ExtractFeaturesWithTimeout();
// Handlers for the various HTML elements that we compute features for.
// Since some of the features (such as ratios) cannot be computed until
// feature extraction is finished, these handlers do not add to the feature
// map directly. Instead, they update the values in the PageFeatureState.
void HandleLink(const WebKit::WebElement& element);
void HandleForm(const WebKit::WebElement& element);
void HandleImage(const WebKit::WebElement& element);
void HandleInput(const WebKit::WebElement& element);
void HandleScript(const WebKit::WebElement& element);
// Helper to verify that there is no pending feature extraction. Dies in
// debug builds if the state is not as expected. This is a no-op in release
// builds.
void CheckNoPendingExtraction();
// Runs |done_callback_| and then clears all internal state.
void RunCallback(bool success);
// Clears all internal feature extraction state.
void Clear();
// Called after advancing |cur_document_| to update the state in
// |cur_frame_data_|.
void ResetFrameData();
// Returns the next document in frame-traversal order from cur_document_.
// If there are no more documents, returns a null WebDocument.
WebKit::WebDocument GetNextDocument();
// Given a URL, checks whether the domain is different from the domain of
// the current frame's URL. If so, stores the domain in |domain| and returns
// true, otherwise returns false.
bool IsExternalDomain(const GURL& url, std::string* domain) const;
// Called once all frames have been processed to compute features from the
// PageFeatureState and add them to |features_|. See features.h for a
// description of which features are computed.
void InsertFeatures();
// Non-owned pointer to the view that we will extract features from.
content::RenderView* render_view_;
// Non-owned pointer to our clock.
FeatureExtractorClock* clock_;
// The output parameters from the most recent call to ExtractFeatures().
FeatureMap* features_; // The caller keeps ownership of this.
DoneCallback done_callback_;
// The current (sub-)document that we are processing. May be a null document
// (isNull()) if we are not currently extracting features.
WebKit::WebDocument cur_document_;
// Stores extra state for |cur_document_| that will be persisted until we
// advance to the next frame.
scoped_ptr<FrameData> cur_frame_data_;
// Stores the intermediate data used to create features. This data is
// accumulated across all frames in the RenderView.
scoped_ptr<PageFeatureState> page_feature_state_;
// Used in scheduling ExtractFeaturesWithTimeout tasks.
// These pointers are invalidated if extraction is cancelled.
base::WeakPtrFactory<PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor> weak_factory_;
} // namespace safe_browsing