blob: 6a1a912d5f56a13f9f6cf1e1c26c2dd3f45bf76d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This proto represents a machine learning model which is used to compute
// the probability that a particular page visited by Chrome is phishing.
// Note: sine the machine learning model is trained on the server-side and then
// downloaded onto the client it is important that this proto file stays in
// sync with the server-side copy. Otherwise, the client may not be able to
// parse the server generated model anymore. If you want to change this
// protocol definition or you have questions regarding its format please contact
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package safe_browsing;
// This protocol buffer represents a machine learning model that is used in
// client-side phishing detection (in Chrome). The client extracts a set
// of features from every website the user visits. Extracted features map
// feature names to floating point values (e.g., PageSecureLinksFreq -> 0.9).
// To compute the phishing score (i.e., the probability that the website is
// phishing) a scorer will simply compute the sum of all rule scores for a
// given set of extracted features. The score of a particular rule corresponds
// to the product of all feature values that are part of the rule times the
// rule weight. If a feature has no value (i.e., is not part of the extracted
// features) its value will be set to zero. The overall score is computed
// by summing up all the rule scores. This overall score is a logodds and can
// be converted to a probability like this:
// p = exp(logodds) / (exp(logodds) + 1).
// To make it harder for phishers to reverse engineer our machine learning model
// all the features in the model are hashed with a sha256 hash function. The
// feature extractors also hash the extracted features before scoring happens.
message ClientSideModel {
// In order to save some space we store all the hashed strings in a
// single repeated field and then the rules as well as page terms
// and page words refer to an index in that repeated field. All
// hashes are sha256 hashes stored in binary format.
repeated bytes hashes = 1;
message Rule {
// List of indexes into hashes above which are basically hashed
// features that form the current rule.
repeated int32 feature = 1;
// The weight for this particular rule.
required float weight = 2;
// List of rules which make up the model
repeated Rule rule = 2;
// List of indexes that point to the hashed page terms that appear in
// the model. The hashes are computed over page terms that are encoded
// as lowercase UTF-8 strings.
repeated int32 page_term = 3;
// List of hashed page words. The page words correspond to all words that
// appear in page terms. If the term "one two" is in the list of page terms
// then "one" and "two" will be in the list of page words. For page words
// we don't use SHA256 because it is too expensive. We use MurmurHash3
// instead. See:
repeated fixed32 page_word = 4;
// Page terms in page_term contain at most this many page words.
required int32 max_words_per_term = 5;
// Model version number. Every model that we train should have a different
// version number and it should always be larger than the previous model
// version.
optional int32 version = 6;
// List of known bad IP subnets.
message IPSubnet {
// The subnet prefix is a valid 16-byte IPv6 address (in network order) that
// is hashed using sha256.
required bytes prefix = 1;
// Network prefix size in bits. Default is an exact-host match.
optional int32 size = 2 [default = 128];
repeated IPSubnet bad_subnet = 7;
// Murmur hash seed that was used to hash the page words.
optional fixed32 murmur_hash_seed = 8;