blob: 85d70d4bbf6779be6d7e9b427e1bb8772789809c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
from collections import Iterable, Mapping
class LookupResult(object):
'''Returned from APISchemaGraph.Lookup(), and relays whether or not
some element was found and what annotation object was associated with it,
if any.
def __init__(self, found=None, annotation=None):
assert found is not None, 'LookupResult was given None value for |found|.'
self.found = found
self.annotation = annotation
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __repr__(self):
return '%s%s' % (type(self).__name__, repr(self.__dict__))
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
class _GraphNode(dict):
'''Represents some element of an API schema, and allows extra information
about that element to be stored on the |_annotation| object.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Use **kwargs here since Python is picky with ordering of default args
# and variadic args in the method signature. The only keyword arg we care
# about here is 'annotation'. Intentionally don't pass |**kwargs| into the
# superclass' __init__().
dict.__init__(self, *args)
self._annotation = kwargs.get('annotation')
def __eq__(self, other):
# _GraphNode inherits __eq__() from dict, which will not take annotation
# objects into account when comparing.
return dict.__eq__(self, other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def _NameForNode(node):
'''Creates a unique id for an object in an API schema, depending on
what type of attribute the object is a member of.
if 'namespace' in node: return node['namespace']
if 'name' in node: return node['name']
if 'id' in node: return node['id']
if 'type' in node: return node['type']
if '$ref' in node: return node['$ref']
assert False, 'Problems with naming node: %s' % json.dumps(node, indent=3)
def _IsObjectList(value):
'''Determines whether or not |value| is a list made up entirely of
dict-like objects.
return (isinstance(value, Iterable) and
all(isinstance(node, Mapping) for node in value))
def _CreateGraph(root):
'''Recursively moves through an API schema, replacing lists of objects
and non-object values with objects.
schema_graph = _GraphNode()
if _IsObjectList(root):
for node in root:
name = _NameForNode(node)
assert name not in schema_graph, 'Duplicate name in API schema graph.'
schema_graph[name] = _GraphNode((key, _CreateGraph(value)) for
key, value in node.iteritems())
elif isinstance(root, Mapping):
for name, node in root.iteritems():
if not isinstance(node, Mapping):
schema_graph[name] = _GraphNode()
schema_graph[name] = _GraphNode((key, _CreateGraph(value)) for
key, value in node.iteritems())
return schema_graph
def _Subtract(minuend, subtrahend):
''' A Set Difference adaptation for graphs. Returns a |difference|,
which contains key-value pairs found in |minuend| but not in
difference = _GraphNode()
for key in minuend:
if key not in subtrahend:
# Record all of this key's children as being part of the difference.
difference[key] = _Subtract(minuend[key], {})
# Note that |minuend| and |subtrahend| are assumed to be graphs, and
# therefore should have no lists present, only keys and nodes.
rest = _Subtract(minuend[key], subtrahend[key])
if rest:
# Record a difference if children of this key differed at some point.
difference[key] = rest
return difference
def _Update(base, addend, annotation=None):
'''A Set Union adaptation for graphs. Returns a graph which contains
the key-value pairs from |base| combined with any key-value pairs
from |addend| that are not present in |base|.
for key in addend:
if key not in base:
# Add this key and the rest of its children.
base[key] = _Update(_GraphNode(annotation=annotation),
# The key is already in |base|, but check its children.
_Update(base[key], addend[key], annotation=annotation)
return base
class APISchemaGraph(object):
'''Provides an interface for interacting with an API schema graph, a
nested dict structure that allows for simpler lookups of schema data.
def __init__(self, api_schema=None, _graph=None):
self._graph = _graph if _graph is not None else _CreateGraph(api_schema)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._graph == other._graph
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def Subtract(self, other):
'''Returns an APISchemaGraph instance representing keys that are in
this graph but not in |other|.
return APISchemaGraph(_graph=_Subtract(self._graph, other._graph))
def Update(self, other, annotation=None):
'''Modifies this graph by adding keys from |other| that are not
already present in this graph.
_Update(self._graph, other._graph, annotation=annotation)
def Lookup(self, *path):
'''Given a list of path components, |path|, checks if the
APISchemaGraph instance contains |path|.
node = self._graph
for path_piece in path:
node = node.get(path_piece)
if node is None:
return LookupResult(found=False, annotation=None)
return LookupResult(found=True, annotation=node._annotation)
def IsEmpty(self):
'''Checks for an empty schema graph.
return not self._graph