blob: 663c176d919c729efdb691e3b300e5789b47e5aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
#include "components/browser_context_keyed_service/browser_context_keyed_service.h"
#include "extensions/common/one_shot_event.h"
class ExtensionInfoMap;
class ExtensionProcessManager;
class ExtensionService;
class Profile;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
namespace chromeos {
class DeviceLocalAccountManagementPolicyProvider;
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace extensions {
class Blacklist;
class ErrorConsole;
class EventRouter;
class Extension;
class ExtensionSystemSharedFactory;
class ExtensionWarningBadgeService;
class ExtensionWarningService;
class LazyBackgroundTaskQueue;
class ManagementPolicy;
class NavigationObserver;
class StandardManagementPolicyProvider;
class StateStore;
class UserScriptMaster;
// The ExtensionSystem manages the creation and destruction of services
// related to extensions. Most objects are shared between normal
// and incognito Profiles, except as called out in comments.
// This interface supports using TestExtensionSystem for TestingProfiles
// that don't want all of the extensions baggage in their tests.
class ExtensionSystem : public BrowserContextKeyedService {
virtual ~ExtensionSystem();
// Returns the instance for the given profile, or NULL if none. This is
// a convenience wrapper around ExtensionSystemFactory::GetForProfile.
static ExtensionSystem* Get(Profile* profile);
// Returns the same instance as Get() above.
static ExtensionSystem* GetForBrowserContext(
content::BrowserContext* profile);
// BrowserContextKeyedService implementation.
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE {}
// Initializes extensions machinery.
// Component extensions are always enabled, external and user extensions
// are controlled by |extensions_enabled|. If |defer_background_creation| is
// true, then creation of background extension RenderViews will be deferred
// until ExtensionProcessManager::DeferBackgroundHostCreation is called with
// |defer| set to false.
virtual void InitForRegularProfile(bool extensions_enabled,
bool defer_background_creation) = 0;
// The ExtensionService is created at startup.
virtual ExtensionService* extension_service() = 0;
// The class controlling whether users are permitted to perform certain
// actions on extensions (install, uninstall, disable, etc.).
// The ManagementPolicy is created at startup.
virtual ManagementPolicy* management_policy() = 0;
// The UserScriptMaster is created at startup.
virtual UserScriptMaster* user_script_master() = 0;
// The ExtensionProcessManager is created at startup.
virtual ExtensionProcessManager* process_manager() = 0;
// The StateStore is created at startup.
virtual StateStore* state_store() = 0;
// The rules store is created at startup.
virtual StateStore* rules_store() = 0;
// Returns the IO-thread-accessible extension data.
virtual ExtensionInfoMap* info_map() = 0;
// The LazyBackgroundTaskQueue is created at startup.
virtual LazyBackgroundTaskQueue* lazy_background_task_queue() = 0;
// The EventRouter is created at startup.
virtual EventRouter* event_router() = 0;
// The ExtensionWarningService is created at startup.
virtual ExtensionWarningService* warning_service() = 0;
// The blacklist is created at startup.
virtual Blacklist* blacklist() = 0;
// The ErrorConsole is created at startup.
virtual ErrorConsole* error_console() = 0;
// Called by the ExtensionService that lives in this system. Gives the
// info map a chance to react to the load event before the EXTENSION_LOADED
// notification has fired. The purpose for handling this event first is to
// avoid race conditions by making sure URLRequestContexts learn about new
// extensions before anything else needs them to know.
virtual void RegisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(
const Extension* extension) {}
// Called by the ExtensionService that lives in this system. Lets the
// info map clean up its RequestContexts once all the listeners to the
// EXTENSION_UNLOADED notification have finished running.
virtual void UnregisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(
const std::string& extension_id,
const UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason) {}
// Signaled when the extension system has completed its startup tasks.
virtual const OneShotEvent& ready() const = 0;
// The ExtensionSystem for ProfileImpl and OffTheRecordProfileImpl.
// Implementation details: non-shared services are owned by
// ExtensionSystemImpl, a BrowserContextKeyedService with separate incognito
// instances. A private Shared class (also a BrowserContextKeyedService,
// but with a shared instance for incognito) keeps the common services.
class ExtensionSystemImpl : public ExtensionSystem {
explicit ExtensionSystemImpl(Profile* profile);
virtual ~ExtensionSystemImpl();
// BrowserContextKeyedService implementation.
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitForRegularProfile(bool extensions_enabled,
bool defer_background_creation) OVERRIDE;
virtual ExtensionService* extension_service() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual ManagementPolicy* management_policy() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual UserScriptMaster* user_script_master() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual ExtensionProcessManager* process_manager() OVERRIDE;
virtual StateStore* state_store() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual StateStore* rules_store() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual LazyBackgroundTaskQueue* lazy_background_task_queue()
OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual ExtensionInfoMap* info_map() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual EventRouter* event_router() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual ExtensionWarningService* warning_service() OVERRIDE;
virtual Blacklist* blacklist() OVERRIDE; // shared
virtual ErrorConsole* error_console() OVERRIDE;
virtual void RegisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(
const Extension* extension) OVERRIDE;
virtual void UnregisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(
const std::string& extension_id,
const UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason) OVERRIDE;
virtual const OneShotEvent& ready() const OVERRIDE;
friend class ExtensionSystemSharedFactory;
// Owns the Extension-related systems that have a single instance
// shared between normal and incognito profiles.
class Shared : public BrowserContextKeyedService {
explicit Shared(Profile* profile);
virtual ~Shared();
// Initialization takes place in phases.
virtual void InitPrefs();
// This must not be called until all the providers have been created.
void RegisterManagementPolicyProviders();
void Init(bool extensions_enabled);
// BrowserContextKeyedService implementation.
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
StateStore* state_store();
StateStore* rules_store();
ExtensionService* extension_service();
ManagementPolicy* management_policy();
UserScriptMaster* user_script_master();
Blacklist* blacklist();
ExtensionInfoMap* info_map();
LazyBackgroundTaskQueue* lazy_background_task_queue();
EventRouter* event_router();
ExtensionWarningService* warning_service();
ErrorConsole* error_console();
const OneShotEvent& ready() const { return ready_; }
Profile* profile_;
// The services that are shared between normal and incognito profiles.
scoped_ptr<StateStore> state_store_;
scoped_ptr<StateStore> rules_store_;
// LazyBackgroundTaskQueue is a dependency of
// MessageService and EventRouter.
scoped_ptr<LazyBackgroundTaskQueue> lazy_background_task_queue_;
scoped_ptr<EventRouter> event_router_;
scoped_ptr<NavigationObserver> navigation_observer_;
scoped_refptr<UserScriptMaster> user_script_master_;
scoped_ptr<Blacklist> blacklist_;
// StandardManagementPolicyProvider depends on Blacklist.
// ExtensionService depends on StateStore and Blacklist.
scoped_ptr<ExtensionService> extension_service_;
scoped_ptr<ManagementPolicy> management_policy_;
// extension_info_map_ needs to outlive extension_process_manager_.
scoped_refptr<ExtensionInfoMap> extension_info_map_;
scoped_ptr<ExtensionWarningService> extension_warning_service_;
scoped_ptr<ExtensionWarningBadgeService> extension_warning_badge_service_;
scoped_ptr<ErrorConsole> error_console_;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
OneShotEvent ready_;
Profile* profile_;
Shared* shared_;
// |extension_process_manager_| must be destroyed before the Profile's
// |io_data_|. While |extension_process_manager_| still lives, we handle
// incoming resource requests from extension processes and those require
// access to the ResourceContext owned by |io_data_|.
scoped_ptr<ExtensionProcessManager> extension_process_manager_;
} // namespace extensions