blob: f84bb1ab4f45f1c4b739887f87c5ef907293c260 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/output/filter_operations.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace gfx {
class BoxF;
namespace cc {
class ColorAnimationCurve;
class FilterAnimationCurve;
class FloatAnimationCurve;
class TransformAnimationCurve;
class TransformOperations;
// An animation curve is a function that returns a value given a time.
class CC_EXPORT AnimationCurve {
enum CurveType { Color, Float, Transform, Filter };
virtual ~AnimationCurve() {}
virtual double Duration() const = 0;
virtual CurveType Type() const = 0;
virtual scoped_ptr<AnimationCurve> Clone() const = 0;
const ColorAnimationCurve* ToColorAnimationCurve() const;
const FloatAnimationCurve* ToFloatAnimationCurve() const;
const TransformAnimationCurve* ToTransformAnimationCurve() const;
const FilterAnimationCurve* ToFilterAnimationCurve() const;
class CC_EXPORT ColorAnimationCurve : public AnimationCurve {
virtual ~ColorAnimationCurve() {}
virtual SkColor GetValue(double t) const = 0;
// Partial Animation implementation.
virtual CurveType Type() const OVERRIDE;
class CC_EXPORT FloatAnimationCurve : public AnimationCurve {
virtual ~FloatAnimationCurve() {}
virtual float GetValue(double t) const = 0;
// Partial Animation implementation.
virtual CurveType Type() const OVERRIDE;
class CC_EXPORT TransformAnimationCurve : public AnimationCurve {
virtual ~TransformAnimationCurve() {}
virtual gfx::Transform GetValue(double t) const = 0;
// Sets |bounds| to be the bounding box for the region within which |box|
// will move during this animation. If this region cannot be computed,
// returns false.
virtual bool AnimatedBoundsForBox(const gfx::BoxF& box,
gfx::BoxF* bounds) const = 0;
// Partial Animation implementation.
virtual CurveType Type() const OVERRIDE;
class CC_EXPORT FilterAnimationCurve : public AnimationCurve {
virtual ~FilterAnimationCurve() {}
virtual FilterOperations GetValue(double t) const = 0;
// Partial Animation implementation.
virtual CurveType Type() const OVERRIDE;
} // namespace cc