blob: 3a7f989eeec6ccbb75139ce305cf4312395707ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A combined list/hash set for read or write-blocked entities.
#include <list>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace net {
template <typename Object>
class BlockedList {
// Called to add an object to the blocked list. This indicates
// the object should be notified when it can use the socket again.
// If this object is already on the list, it will not be added again.
void AddBlockedObject(Object object) {
// Only add the object to the list if we successfully add it to the set.
if (object_set_.insert(object).second) {
// Called to remove an object from a blocked list. This should be
// called in the event the object is being deleted before the list is.
void RemoveBlockedObject(Object object) {
// Remove the object from the set. We'll check the set before calling
// OnCanWrite on a object from the list.
// There is potentially ordering unfairness should a session be removed and
// then readded (as it keeps its position in the list) but it's not worth
// the overhead to walk the list and remove it.
// Called when the socket is usable and some objects can access it. Returns
// the first object and removes it from the list.
Object GetNextBlockedObject() {
// Walk the list to find the first object which was not removed from the
// set.
while (!object_list_.empty()) {
Object object = *object_list_.begin();
int removed = object_set_.erase(object);
if (removed > 0) {
return object;
// This is a bit of a hack: It's illegal to call GetNextBlockedObject() if
// the list is empty (see DCHECK above) but we must return something. This
// compiles for ints (returns 0) and pointers in the case that someone has a
// bug in their call site.
return 0;
// Returns the number of objects in the blocked list.
int NumObjects() {
return object_set_.size();
// Returns true if there are no objects in the list, false otherwise.
bool IsEmpty() {
return object_set_.empty();
// A set tracking the objects. This is the authoritative container for
// determining if an object is blocked. Objects in the list will always
// be in the set.
base::hash_set<Object> object_set_;
// A list tracking the order in which objects were added to the list.
// Objects are added to the back and pulled off the front, but only get
// resumption calls if they're still in the set.
// It's possible to be in the list twice, but only the first entry will get an
// OnCanWrite call.
std::list<Object> object_list_;
} // namespace net