blob: 7ea8615c2edd1324029e086a609617c97e8870b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/sample_format.h"
struct AVCodecContext;
struct AVFrame;
namespace base {
class MessageLoopProxy;
namespace media {
class AudioTimestampHelper;
class DecoderBuffer;
struct QueuedAudioBuffer;
class MEDIA_EXPORT FFmpegAudioDecoder : public AudioDecoder {
explicit FFmpegAudioDecoder(
const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>& message_loop);
virtual ~FFmpegAudioDecoder();
// AudioDecoder implementation.
virtual void Initialize(DemuxerStream* stream,
const PipelineStatusCB& status_cb,
const StatisticsCB& statistics_cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Read(const ReadCB& read_cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual int bits_per_channel() OVERRIDE;
virtual ChannelLayout channel_layout() OVERRIDE;
virtual int samples_per_second() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Reset(const base::Closure& closure) OVERRIDE;
// Callback called from within FFmpeg to allocate a buffer based on
// the dimensions of |codec_context|. See AVCodecContext.get_buffer2
// documentation inside FFmpeg.
int GetAudioBuffer(AVCodecContext* codec, AVFrame* frame, int flags);
// Reads from the demuxer stream with corresponding callback method.
void ReadFromDemuxerStream();
void BufferReady(DemuxerStream::Status status,
const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& input);
bool ConfigureDecoder();
void ReleaseFFmpegResources();
void ResetTimestampState();
void RunDecodeLoop(const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& input,
bool skip_eos_append);
scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> message_loop_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FFmpegAudioDecoder> weak_factory_;
base::WeakPtr<FFmpegAudioDecoder> weak_this_;
DemuxerStream* demuxer_stream_;
StatisticsCB statistics_cb_;
AVCodecContext* codec_context_;
// Decoded audio format.
int bytes_per_channel_;
ChannelLayout channel_layout_;
int channels_;
int samples_per_second_;
// AVSampleFormat initially requested; not Chrome's SampleFormat.
int av_sample_format_;
SampleFormat sample_format_;
// Used for computing output timestamps.
scoped_ptr<AudioTimestampHelper> output_timestamp_helper_;
base::TimeDelta last_input_timestamp_;
// Number of frames to drop before generating output buffers.
int output_frames_to_drop_;
// Holds decoded audio.
AVFrame* av_frame_;
ReadCB read_cb_;
// Since multiple frames may be decoded from the same packet we need to queue
// them up and hand them out as we receive Read() calls.
std::list<QueuedAudioBuffer> queued_audio_;
} // namespace media