blob: f1745e0002b53a7b644dff9c834886376c32bbb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/launcher/launcher_navigator.h"
#include "ash/launcher/launcher_model.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Returns true if accelerator processing should skip the launcher item with
// the specified type.
bool ShouldSkip(ash::LauncherItemType type) {
return type == ash::TYPE_APP_LIST ||
type == ash::TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT ||
type == ash::TYPE_WINDOWED_APP;
} // namespace
int GetNextActivatedItemIndex(const LauncherModel& model,
CycleDirection direction) {
const ash::LauncherItems& items = model.items();
int item_count = model.item_count();
int current_index = -1;
int first_running = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < item_count; ++i) {
const ash::LauncherItem& item = items[i];
if (ShouldSkip(item.type))
if (item.status == ash::STATUS_RUNNING && first_running < 0)
first_running = i;
if (item.status == ash::STATUS_ACTIVE) {
current_index = i;
// If nothing is active, try to active the first running item.
if (current_index < 0) {
if (first_running >= 0)
return first_running;
return -1;
int step = (direction == CYCLE_FORWARD) ? 1 : -1;
// Find the next item and activate it.
for (int i = (current_index + step + item_count) % item_count;
i != current_index; i = (i + step + item_count) % item_count) {
const ash::LauncherItem& item = items[i];
if (ShouldSkip(item.type))
// Skip already active item.
if (item.status == ash::STATUS_ACTIVE)
return i;
return -1;
} // namespace ash