blob: 640c41b48c66d39664969cb8e4bceaec1c567bff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/network/portal_detector/network_portal_detector_strategy.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_fetcher.h"
namespace chromeos {
class NetworkState;
// This class handles all notifications about network changes from
// NetworkStateHandler and delegates portal detection for the active
// network to CaptivePortalService.
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT NetworkPortalDetector {
enum CaptivePortalStatus {
struct CaptivePortalState {
response_code(net::URLFetcher::RESPONSE_CODE_INVALID) {
bool operator==(const CaptivePortalState& o) const {
return status == o.status && response_code == o.response_code;
CaptivePortalStatus status;
int response_code;
base::TimeTicks time;
class Observer {
// Called when portal detection is completed for |network|, or
// when observers add themselves via AddAndFireObserver(). In the
// second case, |network| is the active network and |state| is a
// current portal state for the active network, which can be
// currently in the unknown state, for instance, if portal
// detection is in process for the active network. Note, that
// |network| may be NULL.
virtual void OnPortalDetectionCompleted(
const NetworkState* network,
const CaptivePortalState& state) = 0;
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Adds |observer| to the observers list.
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Adds |observer| to the observers list and immediately calls
// OnPortalDetectionCompleted() with the active network (which may
// be NULL) and captive portal state for the active network (which
// may be unknown, if, for instance, portal detection is in process
// for the active network).
// WARNING: don't call this method from the Observer's ctors or
// dtors, as it implicitly calls OnPortalDetectionCompleted(), which
// is virtual.
// TODO (ygorshenin@): find a way to avoid this restriction.
virtual void AddAndFireObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Removes |observer| from the observers list.
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Returns Captive Portal state for the network specified by |service_path|.
virtual CaptivePortalState GetCaptivePortalState(
const std::string& service_path) = 0;
// Returns true if portal detection is enabled.
virtual bool IsEnabled() = 0;
// Enable portal detection. This method is needed because we can't
// check current network for portal state unless user accepts EULA.
// If |start_detection| is true and NetworkPortalDetector was
// disabled previously, portal detection for the active network is
// initiated by this method.
virtual void Enable(bool start_detection) = 0;
// Restarts portal detection for the default network if currently in
// the idle state. Returns true if new portal detection attempt was
// started.
virtual bool StartDetectionIfIdle() = 0;
// Sets current strategy according to |id|. If current detection id
// doesn't equal to |id|, detection is restarted.
virtual void SetStrategy(PortalDetectorStrategy::StrategyId id) = 0;
// Initializes network portal detector for testing. The
// |network_portal_detector| will be owned by the internal pointer
// and deleted by Shutdown().
static void InitializeForTesting(
NetworkPortalDetector* network_portal_detector);
// Returns |true| if NetworkPortalDetector was Initialized and it is safe to
// call Get.
static bool IsInitialized();
// Deletes the instance of the NetworkPortalDetector.
static void Shutdown();
// Gets the instance of the NetworkPortalDetector. Return value should
// be used carefully in tests, because it can be changed "on the fly"
// by calls to InitializeForTesting().
static NetworkPortalDetector* Get();
// Returns non-localized string representation of |status|.
static std::string CaptivePortalStatusString(CaptivePortalStatus status);
NetworkPortalDetector() {}
virtual ~NetworkPortalDetector() {}
static bool set_for_testing() { return set_for_testing_; }
static NetworkPortalDetector* network_portal_detector() {
return network_portal_detector_;
static void set_network_portal_detector(
NetworkPortalDetector* network_portal_detector) {
network_portal_detector_ = network_portal_detector;
static bool set_for_testing_;
static NetworkPortalDetector* network_portal_detector_;
class CHROMEOS_EXPORT NetworkPortalDetectorStubImpl
: public NetworkPortalDetector {
virtual ~NetworkPortalDetectorStubImpl();
// NetworkPortalDetector
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) override;
virtual void AddAndFireObserver(Observer* observer) override;
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) override;
virtual CaptivePortalState GetCaptivePortalState(
const std::string& service_path) override;
virtual bool IsEnabled() override;
virtual void Enable(bool start_detection) override;
virtual bool StartDetectionIfIdle() override;
virtual void SetStrategy(PortalDetectorStrategy::StrategyId id) override;
} // namespace chromeos