blob: 48b772c6e0eb873f53bd3e405e4410822db2e43e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("mesa_headers_config") {
include_dirs = [ "src/include" ]
if (use_x11) {
defines = [ "MESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS" ]
# This directory contains checked-in files generated from the Mesa build.
generated_src_dir = "src/chromium_gensrc"
source_set("mesa_headers") {
public_configs = [ ":mesa_headers_config" ]
# This config must generally be prepended to the configs list so that the Mesa
# dirs appear before the system ones on Windows. This is necessary so that
# #include "GL/gl.h" means to include Mesa's, not the system's.
config("mesa_internal_config") {
cflags = []
defines = [
"PACKAGE_STRING=\"Mesa\ 9.0.3\"",
include_dirs = [
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare" ]
if (is_android) {
defines += [
if (is_linux) {
defines += [
if (is_posix) {
defines += [
if (!is_android) {
defines += [ "HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN" ]
if (!is_android && !is_mac) {
cflags += [ "-fPIC" ]
if (is_win) {
# TODO(scottmg): These should be removed if
# Mesa is ever rolled and the warnings are fixed.
cflags += [
"/wd4005", # Macro defined twice.
"/wd4065", # Switch statement contains 'default' but no 'case' labels.
"/wd4090", # 'Operation' : different 'modifier' qualifiers
"/wd4099", # Type name struct-vs-class doesn't match.
"/wd4267", # size_t to type.
"/wd4273", # Inconsistent DLL linkage.
"/wd4291", # No matching operator delete found for placement new.
"/wd4305", # Truncation from int to float.
"/wd4334", # Result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits.
"/wd4345", # POD-type default initializers.
static_library("mesa_libglslcommon") {
sources = [
# Skipped in the GN build. This file duplicates symbols from errors.c and
# happens to link in GYP due to static library link ordering.
configs -= [
configs += [
previous_configs = configs
configs = []
configs = [ ":mesa_internal_config" ] + previous_configs
if (is_clang) {
# Mesa triggers some of these Clang warnings.
configs -= [ "//build/config/clang:extra_warnings" ]
deps = [
static_library("mesa") {
sources = [
configs -= [
configs += [
previous_configs = configs
configs = []
configs = [ ":mesa_internal_config" ] + previous_configs
cflags = []
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [ "-Wno-absolute-value" ]
if (is_android && !is_clang) {
# Disable sincos() optimization to avoid a linker error
# since Android's math library doesn't have sincos().
# Either -fno-builtin-sin or -fno-builtin-cos works.
cflags += [ "-fno-builtin-sin" ]
if (is_win) {
# Because we're building as a static library
defines = [ "_GLAPI_NO_EXPORTS" ]
deps = [
if (!is_android) { # TODO(GYP) enable for Android.
# Building this target will hide the native OpenGL shared library and
# replace it with a slow software renderer.
# TODO(GYP) need support for loadable_module.
#loadable_module("osmesa") {
shared_library("osmesa") {
sources = [
configs -= [
configs += [
previous_configs = configs
configs = []
configs = [ ":mesa_internal_config" ] + previous_configs
include_dirs = [ "src/src/mesa/drivers" ]
deps = [
if (is_win) {
defines = [
} # !is_android
# TODO(GYP) Android osmesa_in_lib_dir target.