blob: 0eda0a33b533d489e67b41b178fa27d2ffb25eed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/enrollment/auto_enrollment_check_screen_actor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/enrollment/auto_enrollment_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/screens/error_screen.h"
#include "chromeos/network/portal_detector/network_portal_detector.h"
namespace chromeos {
class BaseScreenDelegate;
class ErrorScreensHistogramHelper;
class ScreenManager;
// Handles the control flow after OOBE auto-update completes to wait for the
// enterprise auto-enrollment check that happens as part of OOBE. This includes
// keeping track of current auto-enrollment state and displaying and updating
// the error screen upon failures. Similar to a screen controller, but it
// doesn't actually drive a dedicated screen.
class AutoEnrollmentCheckScreen
: public AutoEnrollmentCheckScreenActor::Delegate,
public BaseScreen,
public NetworkPortalDetector::Observer {
AutoEnrollmentCheckScreen(BaseScreenDelegate* base_screen_delegate,
AutoEnrollmentCheckScreenActor* actor);
virtual ~AutoEnrollmentCheckScreen();
static AutoEnrollmentCheckScreen* Get(ScreenManager* manager);
// Hands over OOBE control to this AutoEnrollmentCheckStep. It'll return the
// flow back to the caller via the |base_screen_delegate_|'s OnExit function.
void Start();
// Clears the cached state causing the forced enrollment check to be retried.
void ClearState();
void set_auto_enrollment_controller(
AutoEnrollmentController* auto_enrollment_controller) {
auto_enrollment_controller_ = auto_enrollment_controller;
// BaseScreen implementation:
virtual void PrepareToShow() override;
virtual void Show() override;
virtual void Hide() override;
virtual std::string GetName() const override;
// AutoEnrollmentCheckScreenActor::Delegate implementation:
virtual void OnExit() override;
virtual void OnActorDestroyed(AutoEnrollmentCheckScreenActor* actor) override;
// NetworkPortalDetector::Observer implementation:
virtual void OnPortalDetectionCompleted(
const NetworkState* network,
const NetworkPortalDetector::CaptivePortalState& state) override;
// Handles update notifications regarding the auto-enrollment check.
void OnAutoEnrollmentCheckProgressed(policy::AutoEnrollmentState state);
// Handles a state update, updating the UI and saving the state.
void UpdateState(
NetworkPortalDetector::CaptivePortalStatus new_captive_portal_status,
policy::AutoEnrollmentState new_auto_enrollment_state);
// Configures the UI to reflect |new_captive_portal_status|. Returns true if
// and only if a UI change has been made.
bool UpdateCaptivePortalStatus(
NetworkPortalDetector::CaptivePortalStatus new_captive_portal_status);
// Configures the UI to reflect |auto_enrollment_state|. Returns true if and
// only if a UI change has been made.
bool UpdateAutoEnrollmentState(
policy::AutoEnrollmentState auto_enrollment_state);
// Configures the error screen.
void ShowErrorScreen(ErrorScreen::ErrorState error_state);
// Signals completion. No further code should run after a call to this
// function as the owner might destroy |this| in response.
void SignalCompletion();
// Checks if the enrollment status check is needed. It can be disabled either
// by command line flags, build configuration or might have finished already.
bool IsStartNeeded();
AutoEnrollmentCheckScreenActor* actor_;
AutoEnrollmentController* auto_enrollment_controller_;
NetworkPortalDetector::CaptivePortalStatus captive_portal_status_;
policy::AutoEnrollmentState auto_enrollment_state_;
scoped_ptr<ErrorScreensHistogramHelper> histogram_helper_;
} // namespace chromeos