blob: c79437136768fb621f49f1863e00f1242c20894c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "ui/gfx/gfx_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
class Size;
// A collection of images at different sizes. The images should be different
// representations of the same basic concept (for example, an icon) at various
// sizes and (optionally) aspect ratios. A method is provided for finding the
// most appropriate image to fit in a given rectangle.
// NOTE: This is not appropriate for storing an image at a single logical pixel
// size, with high-DPI bitmap versions; use an Image or ImageSkia for that. Each
// image in an ImageFamily should have a different logical size (and may also
// include high-DPI representations).
class UI_EXPORT ImageFamily {
// An <aspect ratio, DIP width> pair.
// A 0x0 image has aspect ratio 1.0. 0xN and Nx0 images are treated as 0x0.
struct MapKey : std::pair<float, int> {
MapKey(float aspect, int width)
: std::pair<float, int>(aspect, width) {}
float aspect() const { return first; }
int width() const { return second; }
// Type for iterating over all images in the family, in order.
// Dereferencing this iterator returns a gfx::Image.
class UI_EXPORT const_iterator :
std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const gfx::Image> {
const_iterator(const const_iterator& other);
const_iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
const_iterator operator++(int /*unused*/) {
const_iterator result(*this);
return result;
const_iterator& operator--() {
return *this;
const_iterator operator--(int /*unused*/) {
const_iterator result(*this);
return result;
bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const {
return map_iterator_ == other.map_iterator_;
bool operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const {
return map_iterator_ != other.map_iterator_;
const gfx::Image& operator*() const {
return map_iterator_->second;
const gfx::Image* operator->() const {
return &**this;
friend class ImageFamily;
explicit const_iterator(
const std::map<MapKey, gfx::Image>::const_iterator& other);
std::map<MapKey, gfx::Image>::const_iterator map_iterator_;
// Gets an iterator to the first image.
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(map_.begin()); }
// Gets an iterator to one after the last image.
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(map_.end()); }
// Determines whether the image family has no images in it.
bool empty() const { return map_.empty(); }
// Removes all images from the family.
void clear() { return map_.clear(); }
// Adds an image to the family. If another image is already present at the
// same size, it will be overwritten.
void Add(const gfx::Image& image);
// Adds an image to the family. If another image is already present at the
// same size, it will be overwritten.
void Add(const gfx::ImageSkia& image_skia);
// Gets the best image to use in a rectangle of |width|x|height|.
// Gets an image at the same aspect ratio as |width|:|height|, if possible, or
// if not, the closest aspect ratio. Among images of that aspect ratio,
// returns the smallest image with both its width and height bigger or equal
// to the requested size. If none exists, returns the largest image of that
// aspect ratio. If there are no images in the family, returns NULL.
const gfx::Image* GetBest(int width, int height) const;
// Gets the best image to use in a rectangle of |size|.
// Gets an image at the same aspect ratio as |size.width()|:|size.height()|,
// if possible, or if not, the closest aspect ratio. Among images of that
// aspect ratio, returns the smallest image with both its width and height
// bigger or equal to the requested size. If none exists, returns the largest
// image of that aspect ratio. If there are no images in the family, returns
// NULL.
const gfx::Image* GetBest(const gfx::Size& size) const;
// Find the closest aspect ratio in the map to |desired_aspect|.
// Ties are broken by the thinner aspect.
// |map_| must not be empty. |desired_aspect| must be > 0.0.
float GetClosestAspect(float desired_aspect) const;
// Gets an image with aspect ratio |aspect|, at the best size for |width|.
// Returns the smallest image of aspect ratio |aspect| with its width bigger
// or equal to |width|. If none exists, returns the largest image of aspect
// ratio |aspect|. Behavior is undefined if there is not at least one image in
// |map_| of aspect ratio |aspect|.
const gfx::Image* GetWithExactAspect(float aspect, int width) const;
// Map from (aspect ratio, width) to image.
std::map<MapKey, gfx::Image> map_;
} // namespace gfx