blob: ce1004c0b4bb860bcec3cc72eed1eb1c63c08820 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/link_listener.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace views {
class Link;
class StyledLabelListener;
// A class which can apply mixed styles to a block of text. Currently, text is
// always multiline. Trailing whitespace in the styled label text is not
// supported and will be trimmed on StyledLabel construction. Leading
// whitespace is respected, provided not only whitespace fits in the first line.
// In this case, leading whitespace is ignored.
class VIEWS_EXPORT StyledLabel : public View, public LinkListener {
// Parameters that define label style for a styled label's text range.
struct VIEWS_EXPORT RangeStyleInfo {
// Creates a range style info with default values for link.
static RangeStyleInfo CreateForLink();
// The font style that will be applied to the range. Should be a bitmask of
// values defined in gfx::Font::FontStyle (BOLD, ITALIC, UNDERLINE).
int font_style;
// The text color for the range.
SkColor color;
// Tooltip for the range.
base::string16 tooltip;
// If set, the whole range will be put on a single line.
bool disable_line_wrapping;
// If set, the range will be created as a link.
bool is_link;
// Note that any trailing whitespace in |text| will be trimmed.
StyledLabel(const base::string16& text, StyledLabelListener* listener);
virtual ~StyledLabel();
// Sets the text to be displayed, and clears any previous styling.
void SetText(const base::string16& text);
// Sets the fonts used by all labels. Can be augemented by styling set by
// AddStyleRange and SetDefaultStyle.
void SetBaseFontList(const gfx::FontList& font_list);
// Marks the given range within |text_| with style defined by |style_info|.
// |range| must be contained in |text_|.
void AddStyleRange(const gfx::Range& range, const RangeStyleInfo& style_info);
// Sets the default style to use for any part of the text that isn't within
// a range set by AddStyleRange.
void SetDefaultStyle(const RangeStyleInfo& style_info);
// Get or set the distance in pixels between baselines of multi-line text.
// Default is 0, indicating the distance between lines should be the standard
// one for the label's text, font list, and platform.
void SetLineHeight(int height);
// Sets the color of the background on which the label is drawn. This won't
// be explicitly drawn, but the label will force the text color to be
// readable over it.
void SetDisplayedOnBackgroundColor(SkColor color);
SkColor displayed_on_background_color() const {
return displayed_on_background_color_;
void set_auto_color_readability_enabled(bool auto_color_readability) {
auto_color_readability_enabled_ = auto_color_readability;
// View implementation:
virtual gfx::Insets GetInsets() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetHeightForWidth(int w) const OVERRIDE;
virtual void Layout() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PreferredSizeChanged() OVERRIDE;
// LinkListener implementation:
virtual void LinkClicked(Link* source, int event_flags) OVERRIDE;
struct StyleRange {
StyleRange(const gfx::Range& range,
const RangeStyleInfo& style_info)
: range(range),
style_info(style_info) {
~StyleRange() {}
bool operator<(const StyleRange& other) const;
gfx::Range range;
RangeStyleInfo style_info;
typedef std::list<StyleRange> StyleRanges;
// Calculates how to layout child views, creates them and sets their size
// and position. |width| is the horizontal space, in pixels, that the view
// has to work with. If |dry_run| is true, the view hierarchy is not touched.
// The return value is the necessary size.
gfx::Size CalculateAndDoLayout(int width, bool dry_run);
// The text to display.
base::string16 text_;
// Fonts used to display text. Can be augmented by RangeStyleInfo.
gfx::FontList font_list_;
// Line height.
int specified_line_height_;
// The default style to use for any part of the text that isn't within
// a range in |style_ranges_|.
RangeStyleInfo default_style_info_;
// The listener that will be informed of link clicks.
StyledLabelListener* listener_;
// The ranges that should be linkified, sorted by start position.
StyleRanges style_ranges_;
// A mapping from a view to the range it corresponds to in |text_|. Only views
// that correspond to ranges with is_link style set will be added to the map.
std::map<View*, gfx::Range> link_targets_;
// This variable saves the result of the last GetHeightForWidth call in order
// to avoid repeated calculation.
mutable gfx::Size calculated_size_;
// Background color on which the label is drawn, for auto color readability.
SkColor displayed_on_background_color_;
bool displayed_on_background_color_set_;
// Controls whether the text is automatically re-colored to be readable on the
// background.
bool auto_color_readability_enabled_;
} // namespace views