blob: 1044a112251025c3440a6066554dfd678c49b021 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gestures/gestures.h>
#include <libevdev/libevdev.h>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ui/events/ozone/evdev/cursor_delegate_evdev.h"
#include "ui/events/ozone/evdev/events_ozone_evdev_export.h"
#include "ui/events/ozone/evdev/libgestures_glue/event_reader_libevdev_cros.h"
namespace ui {
class Event;
class EventDeviceInfo;
class EventModifiersEvdev;
class CursorDelegateEvdev;
typedef base::Callback<void(Event*)> EventDispatchCallback;
// Convert libevdev-cros events to ui::Events using libgestures.
// This builds a GestureInterpreter for an input device (touchpad or
// mouse).
// Raw input events must be preprocessed into a form suitable for
// libgestures. The kernel protocol only emits changes to the device state,
// so changes must be accumulated until a sync event. The full device state
// at sync is then processed by libgestures.
// Once we have the state at sync, we convert it to a HardwareState object
// and forward it to libgestures. If any gestures are produced, they are
// converted to ui::Events and dispatched.
class EVENTS_OZONE_EVDEV_EXPORT GestureInterpreterLibevdevCros
: public EventReaderLibevdevCros::Delegate {
GestureInterpreterLibevdevCros(EventModifiersEvdev* modifiers,
CursorDelegateEvdev* cursor,
const EventDispatchCallback& callback);
virtual ~GestureInterpreterLibevdevCros();
// Overriden from ui::EventReaderLibevdevCros::Delegate
virtual void OnLibEvdevCrosOpen(Evdev* evdev,
EventStateRec* evstate) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnLibEvdevCrosEvent(Evdev* evdev,
EventStateRec* evstate,
const timeval& time) OVERRIDE;
// Handler for gesture events generated from libgestures.
void OnGestureReady(const Gesture* gesture);
void OnGestureMove(const Gesture* gesture, const GestureMove* move);
void OnGestureScroll(const Gesture* gesture, const GestureScroll* move);
void OnGestureButtonsChange(const Gesture* gesture,
const GestureButtonsChange* move);
void OnGestureContactInitiated(const Gesture* gesture);
void OnGestureFling(const Gesture* gesture, const GestureFling* fling);
void OnGestureSwipe(const Gesture* gesture, const GestureSwipe* swipe);
void OnGestureSwipeLift(const Gesture* gesture,
const GestureSwipeLift* swipelift);
void OnGesturePinch(const Gesture* gesture, const GesturePinch* pinch);
void OnGestureMetrics(const Gesture* gesture, const GestureMetrics* metrics);
void Dispatch(Event* event);
void DispatchMouseButton(unsigned int modifier, bool down);
// Shared modifier state.
EventModifiersEvdev* modifiers_;
// Shared cursor state.
CursorDelegateEvdev* cursor_;
// Callback for dispatching events.
EventDispatchCallback dispatch_callback_;
// Gestures interpretation state.
gestures::GestureInterpreter* interpreter_;
} // namspace ui