blob: 3dd13fa5c92d432b9b379231044634bbe2861fe3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "ui/events/event_constants.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_event_details.h"
#include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_point.h"
#include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_recognizer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
namespace ui {
class TouchEvent;
class GestureEvent;
// Gesture state.
enum GestureState {
// One finger is down: tap could occur, but scroll cannot until the number of
// active touch points changes.
// One finger is down: no gestures can occur until the number of active touch
// points changes.
enum ScrollType {
enum IsFirstScroll {
// Delegates dispatch of gesture events for which the GestureSequence does not
// have enough context to dispatch itself.
class EVENTS_EXPORT GestureSequenceDelegate {
virtual void DispatchPostponedGestureEvent(GestureEvent* event) = 0;
virtual ~GestureSequenceDelegate() {}
// A GestureSequence recognizes gestures from touch sequences.
class EVENTS_EXPORT GestureSequence {
// Maximum number of points in a single gesture.
static const int kMaxGesturePoints = 12;
explicit GestureSequence(GestureSequenceDelegate* delegate);
virtual ~GestureSequence();
typedef GestureRecognizer::Gestures Gestures;
// Invoked for each touch event that could contribute to the current gesture.
// Returns list of zero or more GestureEvents identified after processing
// TouchEvent.
// Caller would be responsible for freeing up Gestures.
virtual Gestures* ProcessTouchEventForGesture(const TouchEvent& event,
EventResult status);
const GesturePoint* points() const { return points_; }
int point_count() const { return point_count_; }
const gfx::PointF& last_touch_location() const {
return last_touch_location_;
virtual base::OneShotTimer<GestureSequence>* CreateTimer();
base::OneShotTimer<GestureSequence>* GetLongPressTimer();
base::OneShotTimer<GestureSequence>* GetShowPressTimer();
// Recreates the axis-aligned bounding box that contains all the touch-points
// at their most recent position.
void RecreateBoundingBox();
void ResetVelocities();
GesturePoint& GesturePointForEvent(const TouchEvent& event);
// Do a linear scan through points_ to find the GesturePoint
// with id |point_id|.
GesturePoint* GetPointByPointId(int point_id);
bool IsSecondTouchDownCloseEnoughForTwoFingerTap();
// Creates a gesture event with the specified parameters. The function
// includes some common information (e.g. number of touch-points in the
// gesture etc.) in the gesture event as well.
GestureEvent* CreateGestureEvent(const GestureEventDetails& details,
const gfx::PointF& location,
int flags,
base::Time timestamp,
int oldest_touch_id);
// Functions to be called to add GestureEvents, after successful recognition.
// Tap gestures.
void AppendTapDownGestureEvent(const GesturePoint& point, Gestures* gestures);
void PrependTapCancelGestureEvent(const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendBeginGestureEvent(const GesturePoint& point, Gestures* gestures);
void AppendEndGestureEvent(const GesturePoint& point, Gestures* gestures);
void AppendClickGestureEvent(const GesturePoint& point,
int tap_count,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendDoubleClickGestureEvent(const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendLongPressGestureEvent();
void AppendShowPressGestureEvent();
void AppendLongTapGestureEvent(const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
// Scroll gestures.
void AppendScrollGestureBegin(const GesturePoint& point,
const gfx::PointF& location,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendScrollGestureEnd(const GesturePoint& point,
const gfx::PointF& location,
Gestures* gestures,
float x_velocity,
float y_velocity);
void AppendScrollGestureUpdate(GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures,
IsFirstScroll is_first_scroll);
// Pinch gestures.
void AppendPinchGestureBegin(const GesturePoint& p1,
const GesturePoint& p2,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendPinchGestureEnd(const GesturePoint& p1,
const GesturePoint& p2,
float scale,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendPinchGestureUpdate(const GesturePoint& point,
float scale,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendSwipeGesture(const GesturePoint& point,
int swipe_x,
int swipe_y,
Gestures* gestures);
void AppendTwoFingerTapGestureEvent(Gestures* gestures);
void set_state(const GestureState state) { state_ = state; }
// Various GestureTransitionFunctions for a signature.
// There is, 1:many mapping from GestureTransitionFunction to Signature
// But a Signature have only one GestureTransitionFunction.
bool Click(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool ScrollStart(const TouchEvent& event,
GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
void BreakRailScroll(const TouchEvent& event,
GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool ScrollUpdate(const TouchEvent& event,
GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures,
IsFirstScroll is_first_scroll);
bool TouchDown(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool TwoFingerTouchDown(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool TwoFingerTouchMove(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool TwoFingerTouchReleased(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool ScrollEnd(const TouchEvent& event,
GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool PinchStart(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool PinchUpdate(const TouchEvent& event,
GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool PinchEnd(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
bool MaybeSwipe(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
void TwoFingerTapOrPinch(const TouchEvent& event,
const GesturePoint& point,
Gestures* gestures);
void StopTimersIfRequired(const TouchEvent& event);
void StartRailFreeScroll(const GesturePoint& point, Gestures* gestures);
// Current state of gesture recognizer.
GestureState state_;
// ui::EventFlags.
int flags_;
// We maintain the smallest axis-aligned rectangle that contains all the
// current touch-points. This box is updated after every touch-event.
gfx::RectF bounding_box_;
// The center of the bounding box used in the latest multi-finger scroll
// update gesture.
gfx::PointF latest_multi_scroll_update_location_;
// The last scroll update prediction offset. This is removed from the scroll
// distance on the next update since the page has already been scrolled this
// distance.
gfx::Vector2dF last_scroll_prediction_offset_;
// For pinch, the 'distance' represents the diagonal distance of
// |bounding_box_|.
// The distance between the two points at PINCH_START.
float pinch_distance_start_;
// This distance is updated after each PINCH_UPDATE.
float pinch_distance_current_;
// This is the time when second touch down was received. Used for determining
// if a two finger double tap has happened.
base::TimeDelta second_touch_time_;
ScrollType scroll_type_;
scoped_ptr<base::OneShotTimer<GestureSequence> > long_press_timer_;
scoped_ptr<base::OneShotTimer<GestureSequence> > show_press_timer_;
GesturePoint points_[kMaxGesturePoints];
int point_count_;
// Location of the last touch event.
gfx::PointF last_touch_location_;
GestureSequenceDelegate* delegate_;
} // namespace ui