blob: d46102aff0c14f56fa6336293a8474381145f04e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utility>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/bpf_dsl/cons.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf_policy.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/trap.h"
#include "sandbox/sandbox_export.h"
namespace sandbox {
class ErrorCode;
class SandboxBPF;
// The sandbox::bpf_dsl namespace provides a domain-specific language
// to make writing BPF policies more expressive. In general, the
// object types all have value semantics (i.e., they can be copied
// around, returned from or passed to function calls, etc. without any
// surprising side effects), though not all support assignment.
// An idiomatic and demonstrative (albeit silly) example of this API
// would be:
// #include "sandbox/linux/bpf_dsl/bpf_dsl.h"
// using namespace sandbox::bpf_dsl;
// class SillyPolicy : public SandboxBPFDSLPolicy {
// public:
// SillyPolicy() {}
// virtual ~SillyPolicy() {}
// virtual ResultExpr EvaluateSyscall(int sysno) const OVERRIDE {
// if (sysno == __NR_fcntl) {
// Arg<int> fd(0), cmd(1);
// Arg<unsigned long> flags(2);
// const unsigned long kBadFlags = ~(O_ACCMODE | O_NONBLOCK);
// return If(fd == 0 && cmd == F_SETFL && (flags & kBadFlags) == 0,
// Allow())
// .ElseIf(cmd == F_DUPFD || cmd == F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC,
// Error(EMFILE))
// .Else(Trap(SetFlagHandler, NULL));
// } else {
// return Allow();
// }
// }
// private:
// };
// More generally, the DSL currently supports the following grammar:
// result = Allow() | Error(errno) | Trap(trap_func, arg)
// | If(bool, result)[.ElseIf(bool, result)].Else(result)
// bool = arg == val | (arg & mask) == mask | (arg & mask) == 0
// | !bool | bool && bool | bool || bool
// The semantics of each function and operator are intended to be
// intuitive, but are described in more detail below.
// (Credit to Sean Parent's "Inheritance is the Base Class of Evil"
// talk at Going Native 2013 for promoting value semantics via shared
// pointers to immutable state.)
namespace sandbox {
namespace bpf_dsl {
// Forward declarations of classes; see below for proper documentation.
class Elser;
namespace internal {
class ResultExprImpl;
class BoolExprImpl;
// ResultExpr is an opaque reference to an immutable result expression tree.
typedef scoped_refptr<const internal::ResultExprImpl> ResultExpr;
// BoolExpr is an opaque reference to an immutable boolean expression tree.
typedef scoped_refptr<const internal::BoolExprImpl> BoolExpr;
// Helper class to make writing policies easier.
class SANDBOX_EXPORT SandboxBPFDSLPolicy : public SandboxBPFPolicy {
SandboxBPFDSLPolicy() : SandboxBPFPolicy() {}
virtual ~SandboxBPFDSLPolicy() {}
// User extension point for writing custom sandbox policies.
virtual ResultExpr EvaluateSyscall(int sysno) const = 0;
// Optional overload for specifying alternate behavior for invalid
// system calls. The default is to return ENOSYS.
virtual ResultExpr InvalidSyscall() const;
// Override implementations from SandboxBPFPolicy. Marked as FINAL
// to prevent mixups with child classes accidentally overloading
// these instead of the above methods.
virtual ErrorCode EvaluateSyscall(SandboxBPF* sb,
int sysno) const OVERRIDE FINAL;
virtual ErrorCode InvalidSyscall(SandboxBPF* sb) const OVERRIDE FINAL;
// Helper method so policies can just write Trap(func, aux).
static ResultExpr Trap(::sandbox::Trap::TrapFnc trap_func, void* aux);
// Allow specifies a result that the system call should be allowed to
// execute normally.
SANDBOX_EXPORT ResultExpr Allow();
// Error specifies a result that the system call should fail with
// error number |err|. As a special case, Error(0) will result in the
// system call appearing to have succeeded, but without having any
// side effects.
SANDBOX_EXPORT ResultExpr Error(int err);
// Trap specifies a result that the system call should be handled by
// trapping back into userspace and invoking |trap_func|, passing
// |aux| as the second parameter.
SANDBOX_EXPORT ResultExpr Trap(::sandbox::Trap::TrapFnc trap_func, void* aux);
template <typename T>
// Initializes the Arg to represent the |num|th system call
// argument (indexed from 0), which is of type |T|.
explicit Arg(int num) : num_(num), mask_(-1) {}
Arg(const Arg& arg) : num_(arg.num_), mask_(arg.mask_) {}
// Returns an Arg representing the current argument, but after
// bitwise-and'ing it with |rhs|.
Arg operator&(uint64_t rhs) const { return Arg(num_, mask_ & rhs); }
// Returns a boolean expression comparing whether the system call
// argument (after applying any bitmasks, if appropriate) equals |rhs|.
BoolExpr operator==(T rhs) const;
Arg(int num, uint64_t mask) : num_(num), mask_(mask) {}
int num_;
uint64_t mask_;
// Various ways to combine boolean expressions into more complex expressions.
// They follow standard boolean algebra laws.
SANDBOX_EXPORT BoolExpr operator!(BoolExpr cond);
SANDBOX_EXPORT BoolExpr operator&&(BoolExpr lhs, BoolExpr rhs);
SANDBOX_EXPORT BoolExpr operator||(BoolExpr lhs, BoolExpr rhs);
// If begins a conditional result expression predicated on the
// specified boolean expression.
SANDBOX_EXPORT Elser If(BoolExpr cond, ResultExpr then_result);
class SANDBOX_EXPORT Elser {
Elser(const Elser& elser);
// ElseIf extends the conditional result expression with another
// "if then" clause, predicated on the specified boolean expression.
Elser ElseIf(BoolExpr cond, ResultExpr then_result) const;
// Else terminates a conditional result expression using |else_result| as
// the default fallback result expression.
ResultExpr Else(ResultExpr else_result) const;
typedef std::pair<BoolExpr, ResultExpr> Clause;
explicit Elser(Cons<Clause>::List clause_list);
Cons<Clause>::List clause_list_;
friend Elser If(BoolExpr, ResultExpr);
// =====================================================================
// Official API ends here.
// =====================================================================
// Definitions below are necessary here only for C++03 compatibility.
// Once C++11 is available, they should be moved into via extern
// templates.
namespace internal {
// Returns a boolean expression that represents whether system call
// argument |num| of size |size| is equal to |val|, when masked
// according to |mask|. Users should use the Arg template class below
// instead of using this API directly.
ArgEq(int num, size_t size, uint64_t mask, uint64_t val);
// Internal interface implemented by BoolExpr implementations.
class SANDBOX_EXPORT BoolExprImpl : public base::RefCounted<BoolExprImpl> {
BoolExprImpl() {}
virtual ErrorCode Compile(SandboxBPF* sb,
ErrorCode true_ec,
ErrorCode false_ec) const = 0;
virtual ~BoolExprImpl() {}
friend class base::RefCounted<BoolExprImpl>;
// Internal interface implemented by ResultExpr implementations.
class SANDBOX_EXPORT ResultExprImpl : public base::RefCounted<ResultExprImpl> {
ResultExprImpl() {}
virtual ErrorCode Compile(SandboxBPF* sb) const = 0;
virtual ~ResultExprImpl() {}
friend class base::RefCounted<ResultExprImpl>;
} // namespace internal
// Definition requires ArgEq to have been declared. Moved out-of-line
// to minimize how much internal clutter users have to ignore while
// reading the header documentation.
template <typename T>
BoolExpr Arg<T>::operator==(T rhs) const {
return internal::ArgEq(num_, sizeof(T), mask_, static_cast<uint64_t>(rhs));
} // namespace bpf_dsl
} // namespace sandbox