blob: c818455070a7831be9ba0a8b6d02d38a9ed3c6da [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Code shared by the various language-specific code generators."""
from functools import partial
import os.path
import re
import module as mojom
import pack
def GetStructFromMethod(method):
"""Converts a method's parameters into the fields of a struct."""
params_class = "%s_%s_Params" % (,
struct = mojom.Struct(params_class, module=method.interface.module)
for param in method.parameters:
struct.AddField(, param.kind, param.ordinal)
struct.packed = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
return struct
def GetResponseStructFromMethod(method):
"""Converts a method's response_parameters into the fields of a struct."""
params_class = "%s_%s_ResponseParams" % (,
struct = mojom.Struct(params_class, module=method.interface.module)
for param in method.response_parameters:
struct.AddField(, param.kind, param.ordinal)
struct.packed = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
return struct
def GetDataHeader(exported, struct):
struct.packed = pack.PackedStruct(struct)
struct.bytes = pack.GetByteLayout(struct.packed)
struct.exported = exported
return struct
def ExpectedArraySize(kind):
if isinstance(kind, mojom.FixedArray):
return kind.length
return 0
def IsArrayKind(kind):
return isinstance(kind, (mojom.Array, mojom.FixedArray))
def IsStringKind(kind):
return kind.spec == 's'
def IsEnumKind(kind):
return isinstance(kind, mojom.Enum)
def IsObjectKind(kind):
return isinstance(kind, (mojom.Struct, mojom.Array, mojom.FixedArray)) or \
def IsHandleKind(kind):
return kind.spec.startswith('h') or \
isinstance(kind, mojom.Interface) or \
isinstance(kind, mojom.InterfaceRequest)
def IsInterfaceKind(kind):
return isinstance(kind, mojom.Interface)
def IsInterfaceRequestKind(kind):
return isinstance(kind, mojom.InterfaceRequest)
def IsMoveOnlyKind(kind):
return IsObjectKind(kind) or IsHandleKind(kind)
def StudlyCapsToCamel(studly):
return studly[0].lower() + studly[1:]
def CamelCaseToAllCaps(camel_case):
return '_'.join(
word for word in re.split(r'([A-Z][^A-Z]+)', camel_case) if word).upper()
class Generator(object):
# Pass |output_dir| to emit files to disk. Omit |output_dir| to echo all
# files to stdout.
def __init__(self, module, output_dir=None):
self.module = module
self.output_dir = output_dir
def GetStructsFromMethods(self):
result = []
for interface in self.module.interfaces:
for method in interface.methods:
if method.response_parameters != None:
return map(partial(GetDataHeader, False), result)
def GetStructs(self):
return map(partial(GetDataHeader, True), self.module.structs)
def Write(self, contents, filename):
if self.output_dir is None:
print contents
with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename), "w+") as f:
def GenerateFiles(self, args):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must override/implement this method")
def GetJinjaParameters(self):
"""Returns default constructor parameters for the jinja environment."""
return {}
def GetGlobals(self):
"""Returns global mappings for the template generation."""
return {}