blob: b5a1f7523fe6b329981050bdc76f2e6d35eb517a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/c/system/types.h"
typedef uintptr_t MojoAsyncWaitID;
typedef void (*MojoAsyncWaitCallback)(void* closure, MojoResult result);
// Functions for asynchronously waiting (and cancelling asynchronous waits) on a
// handle.
// Thread-safety:
// - |CancelWait(wait_id)| may only be called on the same thread as the
// |AsyncWait()| that provided |wait_id| was called on.
// - A given |MojoAsyncWaiter|'s functions may only be called on the thread(s)
// that it is defined to be valid on (typically including the thread on
// which the |MojoAsyncWaiter| was provided). E.g., a library may require
// initialization with a single |MojoAsyncWaiter| and stipulate that it only
// be used on threads on which that |MojoAsyncWaiter| is valid.
// - If a |MojoAsyncWaiter| is valid on multiple threads, then its functions
// must be thread-safe (subject to the first restriction above).
struct MojoAsyncWaiter {
// Arranges for |callback| to be called on the current thread at some future
// when |handle| satisfies |signals| or it is known that it will never satisfy
// |signals| (with the same behavior as |MojoWait()|).
// |callback| will not be called in the nested context of |AsyncWait()|, but
// only, e.g., from some run loop. |callback| is provided with the |closure|
// argument as well as the result of the wait. For each call to |AsyncWait()|,
// |callback| will be called at most once.
// |handle| must not be closed or transferred (via |MojoWriteMessage()|; this
// is equivalent to closing the handle) until either the callback has been
// executed or the async wait has been cancelled using the returned (nonzero)
// |MojoAsyncWaitID| (see |CancelWait()|). Otherwise, an invalid (or, worse,
// re-used) handle may be waited on by the implementation of this
// |MojoAsyncWaiter|.
// Note that once the callback has been called, the returned |MojoAsyncWaitID|
// becomes invalid.
MojoAsyncWaitID (*AsyncWait)(MojoHandle handle,
MojoHandleSignals signals,
MojoDeadline deadline,
MojoAsyncWaitCallback callback,
void* closure);
// Cancels an outstanding async wait (specified by |wait_id|) initiated by
// |AsyncWait()|. This may only be called from the same thread on which the
// corresponding |AsyncWait()| was called, and may only be called if the
// callback to |AsyncWait()| has not been called.
// Once this has been called, the callback provided to |AsyncWait()| will not
// be called. Moreover, it is then immediately safe to close or transfer the
// handle provided to |AsyncWait()|. (I.e., the implementation of this
// |MojoAsyncWaiter| will no longer wait on, or do anything else with, the
// handle.)
void (*CancelWait)(MojoAsyncWaitID wait_id);