blob: 622977f18c6b8cac79b3149a5487245a1951fb5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/compositor/browser_compositor_view_mac.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "content/browser/compositor/browser_compositor_view_private_mac.h"
// NSView (BrowserCompositorView)
@implementation NSView (BrowserCompositorView)
- (void)gotAcceleratedIOSurfaceFrame:(IOSurfaceID)surface_handle
withLatencyInfo:(std::vector<ui::LatencyInfo>) latency_info
withScaleFactor:(float)scale_factor {
// The default implementation of additions to the NSView interface for browser
// compositing should never be called. Log an error if they are.
DLOG(ERROR) << "-[NSView gotAcceleratedIOSurfaceFrame] called on "
<< "non-overriden class.";
- (void)gotSoftwareFrame:(cc::SoftwareFrameData*)frame_data
withCanvas:(SkCanvas*)canvas {
DLOG(ERROR) << "-[NSView gotSoftwareFrame] called on non-overridden class.";
@end // NSView (BrowserCompositorView)
// BrowserCompositorViewMac
namespace content {
namespace {
// The number of placeholder objects allocated. If this reaches zero, then
// the BrowserCompositorViewCocoa being held on to for recycling,
// |g_recyclable_internal_view|, will be freed.
uint32 g_placeholder_count = 0;
// A spare BrowserCompositorViewCocoa kept around for recycling.
} // namespace
BrowserCompositorViewMacClient* client) : client_(client) {
// Try to use the recyclable BrowserCompositorViewCocoa if there is one,
// otherwise allocate a new one.
// TODO(ccameron): If there exists a frame in flight (swap has been called
// by the compositor, but the frame has not arrived from the GPU process
// yet), then that frame may inappropriately flash in the new view.
internal_view_ = g_recyclable_internal_view.Get().Pass();
if (!internal_view_)
internal_view_.reset(new BrowserCompositorViewMacInternal);
BrowserCompositorViewMac::~BrowserCompositorViewMac() {
// Make this BrowserCompositorViewCocoa recyclable for future instances.
g_recyclable_internal_view.Get() = internal_view_.Pass();
// If there are no placeholders allocated, destroy the recyclable
// BrowserCompositorViewCocoa that we just populated.
if (!g_placeholder_count)
ui::Compositor* BrowserCompositorViewMac::GetCompositor() const {
return internal_view_->compositor();
// BrowserCompositorViewPlaceholderMac
BrowserCompositorViewPlaceholderMac::BrowserCompositorViewPlaceholderMac() {
g_placeholder_count += 1;
BrowserCompositorViewPlaceholderMac::~BrowserCompositorViewPlaceholderMac() {
DCHECK_GT(g_placeholder_count, 0u);
g_placeholder_count -= 1;
// If there are no placeholders allocated, destroy the recyclable
// BrowserCompositorViewCocoa.
if (!g_placeholder_count)
} // namespace content