blob: 7a9d915782a981f4f9f432369e1792f497dcdf75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_field.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_type.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/web_element_descriptor.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
enum UploadRequired {
namespace base {
class TimeTicks;
namespace buzz {
class XmlElement;
namespace autofill {
class AutofillMetrics;
struct FormData;
struct FormDataPredictions;
// FormStructure stores a single HTML form together with the values entered
// in the fields along with additional information needed by Autofill.
class FormStructure {
FormStructure(const FormData& form);
virtual ~FormStructure();
// Runs several heuristics against the form fields to determine their possible
// types.
void DetermineHeuristicTypes(const AutofillMetrics& metric_logger);
// Encodes the XML upload request from this FormStructure.
bool EncodeUploadRequest(const ServerFieldTypeSet& available_field_types,
bool form_was_autofilled,
std::string* encoded_xml) const;
// Encodes a XML block contains autofill field type from this FormStructure.
// This XML will be written VLOG only, never be sent to server. It will
// help make FieldAssignments and feed back to autofill server as
// experiment data.
bool EncodeFieldAssignments(const ServerFieldTypeSet& available_field_types,
std::string* encoded_xml) const;
// Encodes the XML query request for the set of forms.
// All fields are returned in one XML. For example, there are three forms,
// with 2, 4, and 3 fields. The returned XML would have type info for 9
// fields, first two of which would be for the first form, next 4 for the
// second, and the rest is for the third.
static bool EncodeQueryRequest(const std::vector<FormStructure*>& forms,
std::vector<std::string>* encoded_signatures,
std::string* encoded_xml);
// Parses the field types from the server query response. |forms| must be the
// same as the one passed to EncodeQueryRequest when constructing the query.
static void ParseQueryResponse(
const std::string& response_xml,
const std::vector<FormStructure*>& forms,
const AutofillMetrics& metric_logger);
// Fills |forms| with the details from the given |form_structures| and their
// fields' predicted types.
static void GetFieldTypePredictions(
const std::vector<FormStructure*>& form_structures,
std::vector<FormDataPredictions>* forms);
// The unique signature for this form, composed of the target url domain,
// the form name, and the form field names in a 64-bit hash.
std::string FormSignature() const;
// Runs a quick heuristic to rule out forms that are obviously not
// auto-fillable, like google/yahoo/msn search, etc.
bool IsAutofillable() const;
// Resets |autofill_count_| and counts the number of auto-fillable fields.
// This is used when we receive server data for form fields. At that time,
// we may have more known fields than just the number of fields we matched
// heuristically.
void UpdateAutofillCount();
// Returns true if this form matches the structural requirements for Autofill.
bool ShouldBeParsed() const;
// Returns true if we should query the crowdsourcing server to determine this
// form's field types. If the form includes author-specified types, this will
// return false.
bool ShouldBeCrowdsourced() const;
// Sets the field types to be those set for |cached_form|.
void UpdateFromCache(const FormStructure& cached_form);
// Logs quality metrics for |this|, which should be a user-submitted form.
// This method should only be called after the possible field types have been
// set for each field. |interaction_time| should be a timestamp corresponding
// to the user's first interaction with the form. |submission_time| should be
// a timestamp corresponding to the form's submission.
void LogQualityMetrics(const AutofillMetrics& metric_logger,
const base::TimeTicks& load_time,
const base::TimeTicks& interaction_time,
const base::TimeTicks& submission_time) const;
// Classifies each field in |fields_| based upon its |autocomplete| attribute,
// if the attribute is available. The association is stored into the field's
// |heuristic_type|.
// Fills |found_types| with |true| if the attribute is available and neither
// empty nor set to the special values "on" or "off" for at least one field.
// Fills |found_sections| with |true| if the attribute specifies a section for
// at least one field.
void ParseFieldTypesFromAutocompleteAttributes(bool* found_types,
bool* found_sections);
// Determines whether |type| and |field| match.
typedef base::Callback<bool(ServerFieldType type,
const AutofillField& field)>
// Fills in |fields_| that match |types| (via |matches|) with info from
// |get_info|.
bool FillFields(
const std::vector<ServerFieldType>& types,
const InputFieldComparator& matches,
const base::Callback<base::string16(const AutofillType&)>& get_info,
const std::string& app_locale);
// Returns the values that can be filled into the form structure for the
// given type. For example, there's no way to fill in a value of "The Moon"
// into ADDRESS_HOME_STATE if the form only has a
// <select autocomplete="region"> with no "The Moon" option. Returns an
// empty set if the form doesn't reference the given type or if all inputs
// are accepted (e.g., <input type="text" autocomplete="region">).
// All returned values are standardized to upper case.
std::set<base::string16> PossibleValues(ServerFieldType type);
// Gets the form's current value for |type|. For example, it may return
// the contents of a text input or the currently selected <option>.
base::string16 GetUniqueValue(HtmlFieldType type) const;
const AutofillField* field(size_t index) const;
AutofillField* field(size_t index);
size_t field_count() const;
// Returns the number of fields that are able to be autofilled.
size_t autofill_count() const { return autofill_count_; }
// Used for iterating over the fields.
std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator begin() const {
return fields_.begin();
std::vector<AutofillField*>::const_iterator end() const {
return fields_.end();
const GURL& source_url() const { return source_url_; }
void set_upload_required(UploadRequired required) {
upload_required_ = required;
UploadRequired upload_required() const { return upload_required_; }
// Returns a FormData containing the data this form structure knows about.
// |user_submitted| is currently always false.
FormData ToFormData() const;
bool operator==(const FormData& form) const;
bool operator!=(const FormData& form) const;
friend class FormStructureTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillDownloadTest, QueryAndUploadTest);
// 64-bit hash of the string - used in FormSignature and unit-tests.
static std::string Hash64Bit(const std::string& str);
enum EncodeRequestType {
// Adds form info to |encompassing_xml_element|. |request_type| indicates if
// it is a query or upload.
bool EncodeFormRequest(EncodeRequestType request_type,
buzz::XmlElement* encompassing_xml_element) const;
// Classifies each field in |fields_| into a logical section.
// Sections are identified by the heuristic that a logical section should not
// include multiple fields of the same autofill type (with some exceptions, as
// described in the implementation). Sections are furthermore distinguished
// as either credit card or non-credit card sections.
// If |has_author_specified_sections| is true, only the second pass --
// distinguishing credit card sections from non-credit card ones -- is made.
void IdentifySections(bool has_author_specified_sections);
// Returns true if field should be skipped when talking to Autofill server.
bool ShouldSkipField(const FormFieldData& field) const;
size_t active_field_count() const;
// The name of the form.
base::string16 form_name_;
// The source URL.
GURL source_url_;
// The target URL.
GURL target_url_;
// The number of fields able to be auto-filled.
size_t autofill_count_;
// A vector of all the input fields in the form.
ScopedVector<AutofillField> fields_;
// The number of fields counted towards form signature and request to Autofill
// server.
size_t active_field_count_;
// The names of the form input elements, that are part of the form signature.
// The string starts with "&" and the names are also separated by the "&"
// character. E.g.: "&form_input1_name&form_input2_name&...&form_inputN_name"
std::string form_signature_field_names_;
// Whether the server expects us to always upload, never upload, or default
// to the stored upload rates.
UploadRequired upload_required_;
// Whether the form includes any field types explicitly specified by the site
// author, via the |autocompletetype| attribute.
bool has_author_specified_types_;
} // namespace autofill