blob: afbee7556b56e2ed929566b01fdde0eb55e5677f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
from document_renderer import DocumentRenderer
from server_instance import ServerInstance
from test_file_system import TestFileSystem
from test_data.canned_data import CANNED_TEST_FILE_SYSTEM_DATA
class DocumentRendererUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._renderer = ServerInstance.ForTest(
def testNothingToSubstitute(self):
document = 'hello world'
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual(document, text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual(document, text)
self.assertEqual(['Expected a title'], warnings)
def testTitles(self):
document = '<h1>title</h1> then $(title) then another $(title)'
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual(document, text)
self.assertEqual(['Found unexpected title "title"'], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual('<h1>title</h1> then title then another $(title)', text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
def testTocs(self):
document = ('here is a toc $(table_of_contents) '
'and another $(table_of_contents)')
expected_document = ('here is a toc <table-of-contents> and another '
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual(['Expected a title'], warnings)
def testRefs(self):
# The references in this and subsequent tests won't actually be resolved
document = 'A ref $(ref:baz.baz_e1) here, $(ref:foo.foo_t3 ref title) there'
expected_document = ('A ref <a href=#type-baz_e1>baz.baz_e1</a> '
'here, <a href=#type-foo_t3>ref title</a> '
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual(['Expected a title'], warnings)
def testTitleAndToc(self):
document = '<h1>title</h1> $(title) and $(table_of_contents)'
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual('<h1>title</h1> $(title) and <table-of-contents>', text)
self.assertEqual(['Found unexpected title "title"'], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual('<h1>title</h1> title and <table-of-contents>', text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
def testRefInTitle(self):
document = '<h1>$(ref:baz.baz_e1 title)</h1> A $(title) was here'
expected_document_no_title = ('<h1><a href=#type-baz_e1>'
'title</a></h1> A $(title) was here')
expected_document = ('<h1><a href=#type-baz_e1>title</a></h1>'
' A title was here')
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual(expected_document_no_title, text)
self.assertEqual([('Found unexpected title "title"')], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
def testRefSplitAcrossLines(self):
document = 'Hello, $(ref:baz.baz_e1 world). A $(ref:foo.foo_t3\n link)'
expected_document = ('Hello, <a href=#type-baz_e1>world</a>. A <a href='
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual(['Expected a title'], warnings)
def testInvalidRef(self):
# DocumentRenderer attempts to detect unclosed $(ref:...) tags by limiting
# how far it looks ahead. Lorem Ipsum should be long enough to trigger that.
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do '
'eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim '
'ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut '
'aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in '
'reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla '
'pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in '
'culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.')
document = ('An invalid $(ref:foo.foo_t3 a title ' + _LOREM_IPSUM +
'$(ref:baz.baz_e1) here')
expected_document = ('An invalid $(ref:foo.foo_t3 a title ' + _LOREM_IPSUM +
'<a href=#type-baz_e1>baz.baz_e1</a> here')
path = 'apps/some/path/to/document_api.html'
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual([], warnings)
text, warnings = self._renderer.Render(document, path, render_title=True)
self.assertEqual(expected_document, text)
self.assertEqual(['Expected a title'], warnings)
if __name__ == '__main__':