blob: ae9283c190f73594e2622102a2336d99b318f4c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ssl/ssl_error_classification.h"
#include "base/build_time.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "components/network_time/network_time_tracker.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
using base::Time;
using base::TimeTicks;
using base::TimeDelta;
namespace {
// Events for UMA. Do not reorder or change!
enum SSLInterstitialCause {
void RecordSSLInterstitialCause(bool overridable, SSLInterstitialCause event) {
if (overridable) {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("interstitial.ssl.cause.overridable", event,
} else {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("interstitial.ssl.cause.nonoverridable", event,
} // namespace
base::Time current_time,
const net::X509Certificate& cert)
: current_time_(current_time),
cert_(cert) { }
SSLErrorClassification::~SSLErrorClassification() { }
float SSLErrorClassification::InvalidDateSeverityScore() const {
// Client-side characterisitics. Check whether the system's clock is wrong or
// not and whether the user has encountered this error before or not.
float severity_date_score = 0.0f;
static const float kClientWeight = 0.5f;
static const float kSystemClockWeight = 0.75f;
static const float kSystemClockWrongWeight = 0.1f;
static const float kSystemClockRightWeight = 1.0f;
static const float kServerWeight = 0.5f;
static const float kCertificateExpiredWeight = 0.3f;
static const float kNotYetValidWeight = 0.2f;
if (IsUserClockInThePast(current_time_) ||
IsUserClockInTheFuture(current_time_)) {
severity_date_score = kClientWeight * kSystemClockWeight *
} else {
severity_date_score = kClientWeight * kSystemClockWeight *
// TODO(radhikabhar): ( Check website settings.
// Server-side characteristics. Check whether the certificate has expired or
// is not yet valid. If the certificate has expired then factor the time which
// has passed since expiry.
if (cert_.HasExpired()) {
severity_date_score += kServerWeight * kCertificateExpiredWeight *
if (current_time_ < cert_.valid_start())
severity_date_score += kServerWeight * kNotYetValidWeight;
return severity_date_score;
base::TimeDelta SSLErrorClassification::TimePassedSinceExpiry() const {
base::TimeDelta delta = current_time_ - cert_.valid_expiry();
return delta;
float SSLErrorClassification::CalculateScoreTimePassedSinceExpiry() const {
base::TimeDelta delta = TimePassedSinceExpiry();
int64 time_passed = delta.InDays();
const int64 kHighThreshold = 7;
const int64 kLowThreshold = 4;
static const float kHighThresholdWeight = 0.4f;
static const float kMediumThresholdWeight = 0.3f;
static const float kLowThresholdWeight = 0.2f;
if (time_passed >= kHighThreshold)
return kHighThresholdWeight;
else if (time_passed >= kLowThreshold)
return kMediumThresholdWeight;
return kLowThresholdWeight;
bool SSLErrorClassification::IsUserClockInThePast(base::Time time_now) {
base::Time build_time = base::GetBuildTime();
if (time_now < build_time - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(2))
return true;
return false;
bool SSLErrorClassification::IsUserClockInTheFuture(base::Time time_now) {
base::Time build_time = base::GetBuildTime();
if (time_now > build_time + base::TimeDelta::FromDays(365))
return true;
return false;
void SSLErrorClassification::RecordUMAStatistics(bool overridable) {
if (IsUserClockInThePast(base::Time::NowFromSystemTime()))
RecordSSLInterstitialCause(overridable, CLOCK_PAST);
if (IsUserClockInTheFuture(base::Time::NowFromSystemTime()))
RecordSSLInterstitialCause(overridable, CLOCK_FUTURE);