blob: 49fbf93f267f2190134354974bcdb532686ad37a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
class GURL;
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class Version;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
namespace component_updater {
// Controls the component updater behavior.
class Configurator {
virtual ~Configurator() {}
// Delay in seconds from calling Start() to the first update check.
virtual int InitialDelay() const = 0;
// Delay in seconds to every subsequent update check. 0 means don't check.
// This function is a mutator for testing purposes.
virtual int NextCheckDelay() = 0;
// Delay in seconds from each task step. Used to smooth out CPU/IO usage.
virtual int StepDelay() const = 0;
// Delay in seconds between applying updates for different components, if
// several updates are available at a given time. This function is a mutator
// for testing purposes.
virtual int StepDelayMedium() = 0;
// Minimum delta time in seconds before checking again the same component.
virtual int MinimumReCheckWait() const = 0;
// Minimum delta time in seconds before an on-demand check is allowed
// for the same component.
virtual int OnDemandDelay() const = 0;
// The url that is going to be used update checks over Omaha protocol.
virtual GURL UpdateUrl() const = 0;
// The url where the completion pings are sent. Invalid if and only if
// pings are disabled.
virtual GURL PingUrl() const = 0;
// Version of the application. Used to compare the component manifests.
virtual base::Version GetBrowserVersion() const = 0;
// Returns the value we use for the "updaterchannel=" and "prodchannel="
// parameters. Possible return values include: "canary", "dev", "beta", and
// "stable".
virtual std::string GetChannel() const = 0;
// Returns the language for the present locale. Possible return values are
// standard tags for languages, such as "en", "en-US", "de", "fr", "af", etc.
virtual std::string GetLang() const = 0;
// Returns the OS's long name like "Windows", "Mac OS X", etc.
virtual std::string GetOSLongName() const = 0;
// Parameters added to each url request. It can be empty if none are needed.
// The return string must be safe for insertion as an attribute in an
// XML element.
virtual std::string ExtraRequestParams() const = 0;
// How big each update request can be. Don't go above 2000.
virtual size_t UrlSizeLimit() const = 0;
// The source of contexts for all the url requests.
virtual net::URLRequestContextGetter* RequestContext() const = 0;
// True means that all ops are performed in this process.
virtual bool InProcess() const = 0;
// True means that this client can handle delta updates.
virtual bool DeltasEnabled() const = 0;
// True means that the background downloader can be used for downloading
// non on-demand components.
virtual bool UseBackgroundDownloader() const = 0;
Configurator* MakeChromeComponentUpdaterConfigurator(
const base::CommandLine* cmdline,
net::URLRequestContextGetter* context_getter);
} // namespace component_updater