blob: d60d1b1520596d8a7204fafefc2050cb9c746d4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "content/public/common/top_controls_state.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPermissionClient.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class ChromeRenderProcessObserver;
class ContentSettingsObserver;
class ExternalHostBindings;
class SkBitmap;
class TranslateHelper;
class WebViewColorOverlay;
class WebViewAnimatingOverlay;
namespace extensions {
class Dispatcher;
class Extension;
namespace WebKit {
class WebView;
struct WebWindowFeatures;
namespace safe_browsing {
class PhishingClassifierDelegate;
// This class holds the Chrome specific parts of RenderView, and has the same
// lifetime.
class ChromeRenderViewObserver : public content::RenderViewObserver,
public WebKit::WebPermissionClient {
// translate_helper can be NULL.
content::RenderView* render_view,
ContentSettingsObserver* content_settings,
ChromeRenderProcessObserver* chrome_render_process_observer,
extensions::Dispatcher* extension_dispatcher);
virtual ~ChromeRenderViewObserver();
// Holds the information received in OnWebUIJavaScript for later use
// to call EvaluateScript() to preload javascript for WebUI tests.
struct WebUIJavaScript {
string16 frame_xpath;
string16 jscript;
int id;
bool notify_result;
// RenderViewObserver implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidStartLoading() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidStopLoading() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool is_new_navigation) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidClearWindowObject(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DidHandleGestureEvent(
const WebKit::WebGestureEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DetailedConsoleMessageAdded(const base::string16& message,
const base::string16& source,
const base::string16& stack_trace,
int32 line_number,
int32 severity_level) OVERRIDE;
// WebKit::WebPermissionClient implementation.
virtual bool allowDatabase(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebString& name,
const WebKit::WebString& display_name,
unsigned long estimated_size);
virtual bool allowFileSystem(WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
virtual bool allowImage(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool enabled_per_settings,
const WebKit::WebURL& image_url);
virtual bool allowIndexedDB(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebString& name,
const WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin& origin);
virtual bool allowPlugins(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool enabled_per_settings);
virtual bool allowScript(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool enabled_per_settings);
virtual bool allowScriptFromSource(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool enabled_per_settings,
const WebKit::WebURL& script_url);
virtual bool allowStorage(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, bool local);
virtual bool allowReadFromClipboard(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool default_value);
virtual bool allowWriteToClipboard(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool default_value);
virtual bool allowWebComponents(const WebKit::WebDocument&, bool);
virtual bool allowHTMLNotifications(
const WebKit::WebDocument& document);
virtual bool allowMutationEvents(const WebKit::WebDocument&,
bool default_value);
virtual bool allowPushState(const WebKit::WebDocument&);
virtual bool allowWebGLDebugRendererInfo(WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
virtual void didNotAllowPlugins(WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
virtual void didNotAllowScript(WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
virtual bool allowDisplayingInsecureContent(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool allowed_per_settings,
const WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin& context,
const WebKit::WebURL& url);
virtual bool allowRunningInsecureContent(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
bool allowed_per_settings,
const WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin& context,
const WebKit::WebURL& url);
virtual void Navigate(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
void OnWebUIJavaScript(const string16& frame_xpath,
const string16& jscript,
int id,
bool notify_result);
void OnHandleMessageFromExternalHost(const std::string& message,
const std::string& origin,
const std::string& target);
void OnJavaScriptStressTestControl(int cmd, int param);
void OnSetIsPrerendering(bool is_prerendering);
void OnSetAllowDisplayingInsecureContent(bool allow);
void OnSetAllowRunningInsecureContent(bool allow);
void OnSetClientSidePhishingDetection(bool enable_phishing_detection);
void OnSetVisuallyDeemphasized(bool deemphasized);
void OnRequestThumbnailForContextNode(int thumbnail_min_area_pixels,
gfx::Size thumbnail_max_size_pixels);
void OnGetFPS();
void OnAddStrictSecurityHost(const std::string& host);
void OnNPAPINotSupported();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void OnUpdateTopControlsState(content::TopControlsState constraints,
content::TopControlsState current,
bool animate);
void OnRetrieveWebappInformation(const GURL& expected_url);
void OnSetWindowFeatures(const WebKit::WebWindowFeatures& window_features);
void CapturePageInfoLater(int page_id,
bool preliminary_capture,
base::TimeDelta delay);
// Captures the thumbnail and text contents for indexing for the given load
// ID. Kicks off analysis of the captured text.
void CapturePageInfo(int page_id, bool preliminary_capture);
// Retrieves the text from the given frame contents, the page text up to the
// maximum amount kMaxIndexChars will be placed into the given buffer.
void CaptureText(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, string16* contents);
ExternalHostBindings* GetExternalHostBindings();
// Determines if a host is in the strict security host set.
bool IsStrictSecurityHost(const std::string& host);
// If |origin| corresponds to an installed extension, returns that extension.
// Otherwise returns NULL.
const extensions::Extension* GetExtension(
const WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin& origin) const;
// Checks if a page contains <meta http-equiv="refresh" ...> tag.
bool HasRefreshMetaTag(WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
// Save the JavaScript to preload if a ViewMsg_WebUIJavaScript is received.
scoped_ptr<WebUIJavaScript> webui_javascript_;
// Owned by ChromeContentRendererClient and outlive us.
ChromeRenderProcessObserver* chrome_render_process_observer_;
extensions::Dispatcher* extension_dispatcher_;
// Have the same lifetime as us.
ContentSettingsObserver* content_settings_;
TranslateHelper* translate_helper_;
safe_browsing::PhishingClassifierDelegate* phishing_classifier_;
// Page_id from the last page we indexed. This prevents us from indexing the
// same page twice in a row.
int32 last_indexed_page_id_;
// The toplevel URL that was last indexed. This is used together with the
// page id to decide whether to reindex in certain cases like history
// replacement.
GURL last_indexed_url_;
// Insecure content may be permitted for the duration of this render view.
bool allow_displaying_insecure_content_;
bool allow_running_insecure_content_;
std::set<std::string> strict_security_hosts_;
// External host exposed through automation controller.
scoped_ptr<ExternalHostBindings> external_host_bindings_;
// A color page overlay when visually de-emaphasized.
scoped_ptr<WebViewColorOverlay> dimmed_color_overlay_;
// Used to delay calling CapturePageInfo.
base::Timer capture_timer_;